Camp Knutson Volunteers
Membership Coordinator
Job Description – 2017
Purpose/Brief Description:
The primary focus of the Membership Coordinator is the development of the Camp Knutson Volunteers (CKV) membership. The Membership Coordinator is also responsible for collecting annual dues, along with the CKV Treasurer at the All Volunteer Spring Meeting. Dues following the meeting will be sent to the Treasurer during the reainder of the year and communicated to the Membership Coordinator for the database. The Membership Coordinator is responsible for updating the CKV database to ensure information is current and accurate for all paid memberships per the CKV Bylaws. The Membership Coordinator is asked to attend general and board meetings as a non-voting board member.
Term: One year - Appointed
· Communication skills
· Organization skills
· Computer skills/comfortable using a computer
· Coordinating with Camp Knutson Director, place ad in local newspapers for volunteers in early May (prior to spring meeting).
· Provide information to the Vice-President for the CKV Spring Newsletter in a timely manner.
· Participate in the New Volunteer Orientation meeting. Assemble “welcome” packets for new volunteers.
· At the All Volunteer Spring Meeting, collect dues along with the CKV Treasurer, and Membership Forms from all members. Dues can be paid via cash, check or online at Members should verify their contact information for accuracy and provide any updates and/or changes as needed.
· Work closely with the Camp Knutson Administrative Assistant to record dues payments. This staff member will provide a list of members who paid their dues online to the CKV Membership Coordinator. All checks and cash collected are deposited by the Camp Knutson Administrative Assistant.
· After the Spring Meeting, send a “friendly reminder” to those who were paid members during the previous year but have not yet paid their dues for current year. Follow up with non-renewing members to learn why they’re not continuing membership.
· Work with the President to plan and organize new member activities (ie. Coffees, service projects) to encourage them to get involved in CKV activities. Work with the President to send an introductory e-blast to all new members.
· Once the CKV roster is finalized (or updated with new information/changes), send copies to CKV Board, Camp Knutson Director and Administrative Assistant. The Marketing/Communication Chair will update the website to list only the members that have paid current year’s dues.