- Confer the degree only at National, Region or Area encampment. It is not intended to be a Chapter "Auxiliary".
- Like the Heroes Degree, there is a time for seriousness and a time for fun.
- Have a Hero or two briefed to keep the Heroes quiet, particularly if the bar had been open. (Loud mouths are generally know in advance.)
- Make a loud and clear announcement that there will be a Camp Followers Degree and ask for their attention.
- Get the names of the candidates in advance and prepare the membership cards.
- Brief the ladies who have spoken parts to speak loudly. (Ladies tend to whisper.)
- When the candidates are facing the Den Mother, remind her to talk to the audience as well as the candidates.
- There is an optional introduction part that can be read by the den mother or someone who can use a 1782 persona for better effect.
- A senior Hero should read the part about the Unorganization of Campfollowers.
- Typed "Cue Cards" for the various parts are helpful and serve to eliminate "What page are we on?"
- Pictures are provided for the Who’s Who. The dialogue can be placed behind the picture. Hold the picture up so the candidates can see them, but be careful not to block the voice of the presenter. A PowerPoint is also provided if a projector and computer are available.
- Have a Hero memorize the poem and deliver it with feeling. This can be the same hero as the one reading the Unorganization part.
- Put the emphasis on working tools, loud voices, sequence of events and the like. Memorization is of lesser importance. Have fun with the working tools. Can be delivered by Assistant Den Mother or other Campfollower.
- Working tools: Have a "pre-broken" spoon to demonstrate with. It can be reused by repairing with a toothpick and is best demonstrated by breaking over knee. Use any scissors; the larger the better. The zipper should be tacked near the top so that it will be truly "stuck".
- Encourage the ladies to get a colonial costume to make it fun. Name badges can be ordered from National.