Cambria-FrieslandSchool DistrictChapter Code:JEB

Board of Education PolicyOriginal Board Policy

School Admissions

Any student seeking entrance into the school district must reside within the established boundaries of the district, except as otherwise provided, i.e. open enrollment.

The school district shall accept elementary and secondary transfer students from other schools. Families who move into the district after registration are encouraged to contact the district office as soon as possible.

The administration shall verify the age and residence of children enrolled in the district schools. Parents and guardians of students admitted to the district’s elementary and secondary schools shall present immunization records as required by law.

The building principal shall have authority to determine the grade level at which a student shall be placed. The district administrator, or designee, shall assign a student to a school.

Children who meet the age requirement of this state will be enrolled in kindergarten and/or first grade at the beginning of the school year. Kindergarten children will be screened and registered prior to the beginning of the school year they plan to attend. Families moving into the district after the registration are to contact the elementary office to make arrangements for screening and registering the children as soon as possible

All children wishing admission to kindergarten or first grade must have their fifth and sixth birthdays, respectively, on or before September 1 or the year he/she proposes to enter school.

First Grade Admissions

In order to be admitted to first grade in the District, a child must be at least six years of age by September 1st of the year he/she proposes to enter first grade and have successfully completed 5-year old kindergarten.

Admission to first grade under the age of six may be permitted if: (1) the child has successfully completed a 5-year old program or its equivalent, or (2) the child demonstrates the academic and developmental readiness skills expected or successful participation in first grade. Evidence must exist that the child’s educational welfare would best be served by placement in first grade.

A child who is six years of age on or before September 1st of the year he/she proposes to enter first grade but has not completed 5-year old kindergarten may be admitted to first grade if the child meets any of the following requirements.

A.The child has successfully completed an educational program for 5-year old

children in a private school or licensed day care center that the school district

deems equivalent to public school 5-year old kindergarten. Documentation of

program completion shall be required.

B.The child demonstrates academic and developmental readiness skills expected

for successful participation in first grade. Evidence must exist that the child’s

educational welfare would best be served by placement in first grade.

C.Before either commencing or completing first grade, the child moved into

Wisconsin from a state, country or territory in which completion of 5-year old

kindergarten is not a prerequisite to entering first grade.

D.Before either commencing or completing first grade, the child moved into

Wisconsin from a state, country, or territory in which completion of 5-year old

kindergarten is a prerequisite to entering first grade and the child was exempted

from the requirement to complete 5-year old kindergarten in the state, country, or

territory form which the child moved.

The decision to grant admission to first grade before the legal entrance age and/or without completion of 5-year old kindergarten shall be made by the building principal. The building principal may consult with other school staff as appropriate when making this decision.

If first grade admission is denied under this policy, the child’s parent or guardian may appeal the principal’s decision to the District Administrator. The District Administrator shall meet with the child’s parent or guardian to discuss the first grade admission request, reviewing relevant student data related to the request, and then make a decision regarding the child’s first grade admission. The District Administrator’s decision regarding the request shall be final.

A child who is of compulsory attendance age (six years old), who has not completed 5-year old kindergarten, and who has not been granted an exemption to the mandatory kindergarten completion requirement shall be placed in 5-year old kindergarten in the District or be expected to meet compulsory attendance requirements through other means authorized by state law.

Entrance Age

All children who reside in the Cambria-Friesland School District and who are at least six (6) years of age must be enrolled in an educational program consistent with the provisions of S.118.15, Wisconsin Statutes. Children may be enrolled in programs as follows:

  1. 4-year old kindergarten: no child may be admitted to a 4-year old kindergarten program unless he or she is 4 years old on or before September 1 in the year that he or she proposes to enter school. There shall be no early admission to 4-year old kindergarten in the District.

B.5-year old kindergarten: no child may be admitted to a 5-year old kindergarten program unless he or she is 5 years old on or before September 1 in the year that he or she proposes to enter school. There shall be no early admission to 5-year old kindergarten in the District.

  1. 1st grade: no child may be admitted to the 1st grade unless he or she is 6 years old on or before September 1 in the year that he or she proposes to enter school or unless he or she has satisfactorily completed, upon the attest of the professional staff, the 5-year old kindergarten or its equivalent.

The administration shall verify the age and residence of children enrolled in the district schools. Parents and guardians of students admitted to the district’s elementary and secondary school shall present immunization records as required by law.

Special Education Programs: Enrollment Age

Given written parental permission, screening, testing, and/or review of records will be provided to children who will be turning 3 years old to determine if a child has exceptional educational needs. If so, and if the parents consent in writing, resident children with EEN will be placed in an appropriate special education program.

No persons may be denied admission to the school district or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extra-curricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person(s) sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

Approved: February 11, 1991

Revised: December 28, 2005

March 31, 2011

Reviewed by Board: January 28, 2002