1. About CYA

CAMBODIAN YOUTH ACTION (CYA) is a non-governmental organization which was founded in 2010 by a group of volunteers from different backgrounds and experiences. CYA aims to promote international voluntary services in Cambodia by engaging Cambodian youths and international volunteers in environmental preservation, community development, and youth and child education.


Youth/Youngpeoplewillbeabletomanageandleadthemselvestoreachtheirgoalin life andimprove theirliving standard. Theywill become world citizen andusetheirfullPotential to participate in development planandactionin ordertocreateasustainabledevelopment world.


Tobringtogetheryouth/youngpeoplefromeverywhereintheworldwith peacetolearn, share,and discuss on their knowledge, experience, and theglobal issues in the purpose of personal developmentandsocialengagement.


CYA believe that through organizing international voluntary service activities, youth and young people around the world will have chance to meet, share, discuss, and learn from each in order to create their better future and sustainable development in rural/remote community where the children and young people will have more chance to see the world outside their place.

  1. About CYA’s projects

CYA is now working with five different communities of four cities and provinces such as Kampot, Battambang, Siem Reap, and Phnom Penh.

KAMPOT: CYA is now working with two difference communities in Kampot province, 1) Trapaing Sangke fishing community and 2) Ruseydom community. Trapaing Sangke community is situated along the sea of Kampot province and we are working with Sangke fishery community to preserve and to plant mangroves at the beach and Rusey Dom community, we are working on promoting education and vocational training for children, teenagers and drop off scholl students.

BATTAMBANG: Battambang is also called the CITY OF ART. Here, we are working with local school where local children and young people can access to English class. Here, we are working with FEDA and Ksach Poy public school.

SIEM REAP: We are also working with two difference communities in Siem Reap which is known as an Ancient City where you will find many poor and needy communities in this touristic site. Our project will working on education, vocational training, arts, computer and culture exchange.

SHORT TERMGeneral Information:

  • All Short Term Workcamps (STC) last for two weeks with fixed dates
  • There can be Co - Camp Leader(s)
  • Besides the main project, there will be time for sharing education with Cambodian volunteers and language learning/ culture exchange and other activities
  • No special skills are required, only positive motivation and being open minded
  • Living conditions will be in Cambodian style (willingness to adapt and enjoy simple living conditions)
  • For every STC we provide an info-sheet with more detailed information to sending organization
  • Age limitation: for our short-term workcamp, we will only accept the volunteer from 18 until 40 years old.

List of the project in 2014

No / Code / Type of project / Place/Province / Date / Vols
01 / CYA 048 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 18/01 – 31/01 / 8
02 / CYA 049 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 25/01 – 07/02 / 10
03 / CYA 050 / Construction and education / Kampot YLC / 08/02 – 21/02 / 10
04 / CYA 051 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 15/02 – 28/02 / 8
05 / CYA 052 / Khmer New Year Special Camp / Kampot YLC / 04/04 – 17/04 / 20
06 / CYA 053 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 01/05 – 14/05 / 8
07 / CYA 054 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 10/05 – 23/05 / 8
08 / CYA 055 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 17/05 – 30/05 / 10
09 / CYA 056 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 24/05 – 06/06 / 8
10 / CYA 057 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 31/05 – 13/06 / 8
11 / CYA 058 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 07/06 – 20/06 / 10
12 / CYA 059 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 21/06 – 04/07 / 8
13 / CYA 060 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 29/06 – 12/07 / 8
14 / CYA 061 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 13/07 – 26/07 / 8
15 / CYA 062 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 19/07 – 01/08 / 8
16 / CYA 063 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 02/08 – 15/08 / 8
17 / CYA 064 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 09/08 – 22/08 / 10
18 / CYA 065 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 23/08 – 05/09 / 8
19 / CYA 066 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 06/09 – 19/09 / 10
20 / CYA 067 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 14/09 – 27/09 / 8

Project description

Siem Reap int’l workcamp

No / Code / Type of project / Place/Province / Date / Vols
01 / CYA 048 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 18/01 – 31/01 / 8
04 / CYA 051 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 15/02 – 28/02 / 8
07 / CYA 054 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 10/05 – 23/05 / 8
10 / CYA 057 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 31/05 – 13/06 / 8
12 / CYA 059 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 21/06 – 04/07 / 8
14 / CYA 061 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 13/07 – 26/07 / 8
16 / CYA 063 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 02/08 – 15/08 / 8
18 / CYA 065 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 23/08 – 05/09 / 8
20 / CYA 067 / Culture and Education / Siem Reap / 14/09 – 27/09 / 8

Siem Reap province is known as a tourist city in Cambodia for its most famous world heritage Angkor Wat and hundreds of temples in the this province. Most people believe or think that Siem Reap people must earn and develop more than other province. In reality, Siem Reap province is one of the poorest provinces in Cambodia.

CYA is a youth development organization which is working to promote education through organizing international voluntary service and we have been organizing international workcamp in cooperating with Khmer Smile local English school since early 2013. Throughout the year 2013, we have been organized five international workcamps with this school and built three new classrooms for the local children and teenagers where they were studying under the house of local people before our project started. Khmer SmileSchool aims to provide free access to informal education for the local youth, teenagers, and children in Spean Chreav community, Siem Reap province where their parents generate income to support families by being a tuk tuk driver, moto taxi, farmers, and fishermen as many of them are uneducated.

2014, we are planning to organize more workcamps to provide more opportunities to our local children and teenagers through international volunteers. We are going to build a new library, paint our school wall to make it more attractive for its students, and set up a new computer center. We are very welcome all volunteers from partners around the world and it will be much appreciated for difference kind of donation such as books, computers, school materials and so on.

Project aims

-To provide chance to local children and teenagers to practice their English language and interaction with international and national volunteers

-To establish a learning center where computers and library are accessible for children and teenagers

-To promote higher education among local people, teenagers, and children

-To exchange and learn about Cambodian culture between international, national volunteers and local people.

Project Activities

-Community visit and participate in traditional activities with local people

-Teaching English and computer to local children and teenagers

-Set up library and organize reading activities for promote students’ reading

-Build and set up a computer center

-Paint classroom, computer, and library

Free time

The weekend will be free so that volunteers can organize their own free time.

Food and Accommodation

Volunteers will stay with local host family and food will be provided at the local host family but all volunteers will join daily team to help in cooking, cleaning, and washing.

Participation fees

Cambodian Youth Action (CYA) is a non-governmental organization which has no support from any funding agencies, so all participants are required to pay the participation fee. The participation fee is payable upon arrival and the participation fees will be€165 Euro or $220 which is covering the food, accommodation, local transportation during the project and any other project expenses. Volunteers are requested to bear their own health and travel insurance. Please be aware that all personal expenses and free-day expenses are excluded.

Information sheet

The information sheet will be sent to sending organization at least one month before the camp start and it will contain all the detail information about project activities, free time, what will you need to bring, what we expect from volunteers, how to get to the campsite, and so on. We would like to ask all volunteers carefully read the information sheet for your better understanding and be informed about the living condition and the place where you will be in the entire 2 weeks.

Kampot international workcamp

  1. Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community

No / Code / Type of project / Place/Province / Date / Vols
06 / CYA 053 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 01/05 – 14/05 / 8
09 / CYA 056 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 24/05 – 06/06 / 8
13 / CYA 060 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 29/06 – 12/07 / 8
15 / CYA 062 / Environmental project / Kampot TFC / 19/07 – 01/08 / 8

The community is located along the sea-string area about 30km from Kampot town so that children are facing difficulty to enroll the language, computer class or any other skills in town. We were suggested by community people to focus on English teaching and to provide some other education materials for children in these communities. In addition, there are also in need of volunteers to work on mangrove field. Trapaing Sangke and Kampong Samky fishing communities plan to plant at least ten thousands mangrove trees by 2013. Hence, CYA see this as an opportunity for hosting international volunteers to work on this field. We believe that through organizing voluntary service in these communities, we can help the local communities to develop, plus it will be a good experience for volunteers to work on environmental issues and to explore the living lifestyles of these two communities.

Project aims

-To provide chance to local children and teenagers to practice their English language and interaction with international and national volunteers

-To participate with local community in setting up their eco-tourism and protect their mangroves forest and fishing area

-To maintain mangrove forest along the sea string to prevent future flood by the sea level rising

-To exchange and learn about Cambodian culture between international, national volunteers and local people.

Project Activities

-Community visit and participate in traditional activities with local people

-Teaching English to local children and teenagers

-Planting mangroves with local community

-Participating in planning and organizing eco-tourism site with community

-Building bridge and path inside the mangrove forest for tourist.

Free time

The weekend will be free so that volunteers can organize their own free time.

Food and Accommodation

Volunteers will stay in community center out of the village and food will be provided by local cooking team but all volunteers will join daily team to help in cooking, cleaning, and washing.

Participation fees

Cambodian Youth Action (CYA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which has no support from any funding agencies, so all participants are required to pay the participation fee. The participation fee is payable upon arrival and the fee will be €165 Euro or $220 which is covering the food, accommodation, local transportation during the project and any other project expenses. Volunteers are requested to bear their own health and travel insurance. Please be aware that all personal expenses and free-day expenses are excluded.

Information sheet

The information sheet will be sent to sending organization at least one month before the camp start and it will contain all the detail information about project activities, free time, what will you need to bring, what we expect from volunteers, how to get to the campsite, and so on. We would like to ask all volunteers carefully read the information sheet for your better understanding and be informed about the living condition and the place where you will be in the entire 2 weeks.

  1. Youth Learning Center

No / Code / Type of project / Place/Province / Date / Vols
02 / CYA 049 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 25/01 – 07/02 / 10
03 / CYA 050 / Construction and education / Kampot YLC / 08/02 – 21/02 / 10
05 / CYA 052 / Khmer New Year Special Camp / Kampot YLC / 04/04 – 17/04 / 20
08 / CYA 055 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 17/05 – 30/05 / 10
11 / CYA 058 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 07/06 – 20/06 / 10
17 / CYA 064 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 09/08 – 22/08 / 10
19 / CYA 066 / Construction and Education / Kampot YLC / 06/09 – 19/09 / 10

Youth Learning Center is a new project of CYA that will start from January 2014. This project aims at providing opportunity for children, local youth and local people chances to learn languages, computer, and to have access to global education/information through internet and our library and to have their first chance to meet and interact with difference people from difference cultures and background from around the world. Youth Learning Center will be located in Ruseydom village, Praphnom commune, Angkor Chey district, Kampot province where there around 600 families living in and education is still not the priority for many of them. As it is a new project and will be fresh start by the early January 2014 so most of the activities in this first year will be construction but there are varieties of activities will be included in each workcamp. All motivated volunteers around the world who are interesting to do some small work that make a huge chance in community are very welcome to apply in this project.

In a long run, CYA would like to see this center become a place where children, young people/youth and local people can freely access to languages courses, computer classes, library, art and music classes, and vocational training skills.

Project aims

-To provide chance to local children and teenagers to practice their English language and interaction with international and national volunteers

-To establish a youth learning center where computers and library are accessible for children and teenagers

-To promote higher education among local people, teenagers, and children

-To train local young people/youth a specific skill for their future career

-To exchange and learn about Cambodian culture between international, national volunteers and local people.

Project Activities

-Community visit and participate in traditional activities with local people for understanding the culture

-Design and building the campus of youth learning center and classroom

-Teaching English and computer to local children and teenagers

-Set up library and organize reading activities for promote students’ reading

-Paint classroom, computer, and library

Free time

The weekend will be free so that volunteers can organize their own free time thus, our camp leader will introduce some famous place where you can really enjoy your free time.

Food and Accommodation

Volunteers will stay with local host family and food will be provided by local host family but all volunteers will join daily team to help in cooking, cleaning, and washing.

Participation fees

Cambodian Youth Action (CYA) is a non for profit, non-governmental organization which has no support from any funding agencies, so all participants are required to pay the participation fee. The participation fee is payable upon arrival and the participation fees will be €165 Euro or $220 which is covering the food, accommodation, local transportation during the project and any other project expenses. Volunteers are requested to bear their own health and travel insurance. Please be aware that all personal expenses and free-day expenses are excluded.

Information sheet

The information sheet will be sent to sending organization at least one month before the camp start and it will contain all the detail information about project activities, free time, what will you need to bring, what we expect from volunteers, how to get to the campsite, and so on. We would like to ask all volunteers carefully read the information sheet for your better understanding and be informed about the living condition and the place where you will be in the entire 2 weeks.

Contact information

Mr. Sophat Sorn

President of CYA

Tel: 855-12 247277
