Calling the Name of Lord Jesus
Calling the Name of Lord Jesus, what mean? Some Christians think “calling on” the Lord same as pray to Him. Yes, calling that is like prayer, but it means more than prayer. In Bible word for “call” in Hebrew language means to “call out”, “cry out”. Also in New Testament Greek word for “call” mean “person’s name call”. It means to ask for person to come to you, how? by use that person’s name. Prayer can be silent, but calling must clear notice can.
In Old Testament have two people, they prophets, they show us what mean calling the Lord’s name. Jeremiah tell us calling on Name of Lord means to cry out to Him and experience spiritual breathing. “I called upon Your name, O Jehovah, from the lowest hole. You heard my voice; do not hide Your ear from my breathing, at my cry.” (Lamentations 3:55-56). Other prophet, Isaiah he same tell us call name the Lord same as cry out to the Lord. “God is now my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; because Jah Jehovah is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. Therefore you will bring-up water with rejoicing from the springs of salvation, and you will say in that day, Praise Jehovah; call upon His Name!” (Isaiah 12:2-4).
How can God our salvation, our strength and our happiness become, how? How can we water from salvation springs bring-up? How? call His name, that way! to praise the Lord, to sing a song, and to cry out. All these means call name of the Lord. Maybe you say “I am deaf, I can’t use my voice to shout or sing or praise God? How can I call on Lord Jesus’ name?” Simple, you can use your hands, sign, theLord Jesus’ name call can! You can sign “O Lord Jesus!”
In Old Testament Time, People Call on Name of Lord
Know when first time people start call on the name of the Lord? It start happen third generation after Adam. Who? Enosh, He Adam’s grandson. His father was name Seth born after Abel died. (Genesis 4:26) He, Enosh he first human person to call on Lord’s name. Later in bible we learn many other people same also call Lord’s name.
Some other people in Old Testament time who also call Lord’s name are:
Abraham (Genesis 12:8),
Isaac (Genesis 26:25),
Moses (Deuteronomy 4:7),
Job (Job 12:4),
Samson (Judges 16:28),
Samuel (1 Samuel 12:18),
David (2 Samuel 22:4),
Jonah (Jonah 1:6),
Elijah (1 Kings 18:24), and
Jeremiah (Lamentations 3:55).
Also some people in Old Testament, they prophets, they tell us in future many people will call name of Lord. (Joel 2:32; Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 13:9). Many Christians know about prophet name, Joel, his prophecy about how one day future God will His Holy Spirit give pour-out on His people. But they people not realise Joel he say way people receive Holy Spirit pour out from God how? Call on the Name of Lord. You want to receive Holy Spirit pour upon you? You must call on the Lord Jesus’ name. Joel he tell us, yes, God the Holy Spirit pour-out, but he also tells us what?Future people call on Lord’s name will. This prophesy Joel tell us long time ago, finish happen when? Pentecost day, happen after Jesus ascend (go up) to heaven (Acts 2:17, 21). God needs us to cooperate with Him, how? By call on His name then He can Holy Spirit give pour-out to us.
New Testament Believers, They Call on Name of Lord
On Pentecost day New Testament believers, Christians, they start call Lord Jesus’ name (Acts 2:21). For example Stephen, while he stoned to death, before he die, he call on Lord Jesus’ name (Acts 7:59). New Testament believers they call name of Lord Jesus, they every day call, call continue (Acts 9:14; 22:16; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Timothy 2:22). Saul of Tarsus he get permission from chief priests to persecute Christians. He search look for people call Lord Jesus’ name, he find arrest them and put them into prison (Acts 9:14). This show us that early Christians they love to call name of Jesus. They call name of Jesus cause people know they Christians. People see hear them come together in homes they call name of Jesus, other people know they Christians. If we same call on name of Lord Jesus, then other people will know we Christians real.
Paul apostle, when he write Romans book, he say important what? call name of Lord, he say that important. He say in Romans 10:12-13: ‘For there no difference between Jews and non-Jew people, why? because same Lord, He Lord over all people, and He rich give to all people who call on Him; because if anyone call on name of Lord saved become will.” Paul, he also write about call name of Lord in 1 Corinthians 1:2 “With all people who call upon name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, He Jesus is theirs and ours.” He again write to Timothy to do what? Pursue (seek follow) spiritualthings, such as righteousness, faith, love and peace with other people who call name of the Lord (2 Timothy 2:22). All these verses from New Testament show us Christians in first century long ago, they call on the name of Lord every day, all the time.
Now we see from Bible that people both in Old Testament time and in New Testament early Christians they all call on Lord’s name. It sad today many Christians stop call on name of the Lord. For very long time, not call on Lord Jesus’ name. We strong believe Lord Jesus He wants all Christians call His name again and call His name every day, all the time. What for? For us to enjoy spiritual riches of His life. He wants to give to us.
Why Call on Name of Lord?
Why we need call name of Lord Jesus, why? All people need call name of Lord what for to be saved! (Romans 10:13). Yes, if pray quiet way yes help people be saved, but it weak way not rich strong way. Way call name of Lord Jesus boldly it help people be saved more rich strong way. We need to encourage people to open themselves and bold, not be shy, call on name of Lord Jesus bold. Psalm 116 tells us we can drink Lord’s salvation, how? By call name of Lord. “I will take cup of salvation, and call name of Lord” (Psalms 116:13). In Psalms 116 it talk about call name of Lord four times (Psalms 116: 2, 4, 13, 17). Same we learn before in this lesson, we can drink from springs of salvation how? Call name of the Lord (Isaiah 12:2-4). Many Christians never all their life call name of Lord Jesus. If you never before call name of Lord Jesus in bold way, maybe you not yet enjoy Lord Jesus in rich strong way, not yet. Try bold not be shy go ahead yourself call name of Lord Jesus! “O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus!”. Maybe you not yet before bold say about Lord Jesus do for you, go ahead try bold say like “O Lord Jesus! You are very good to me!” More you bold this way more you become free, spirit release and Lord fill you inside strong. Many, many Christians same have become free, spirit release and become rich strong how? Call on name of the Lord Jesus.
Other reason call name Lord what for? from problems and trouble rescue can (Psalm 18:6; 118:5), and from sorrow and pain free can (Psalm 116:3-4). Some people argue not accept call name of Lord Jesus, when they have trouble danger or become sick in hospital they call name of Lord Jesus. When we OK, no problems have maybe we not accept not want to call name of Lord Jesus, argue about that. But when we problems have, not need people tell us to call name of Lord Jesus, we ourselves simple call name of Lord Jesus, we cry pray “Lord Jesus, help me!”
Another reason for call name of Lord, what? Lord’s mercy much receive can. More we call Lord, more we enjoy His mercy give to us (Psalm 86:5). We also can receive the Spirit when we call name of Lord Jesus (Acts 2:17, 21). Best easy way fill with Holy Spirit, what? Call name of Lord Jesus! Holy Spirit, it finish long time ago pour-out given to us. How receive now? We simple call name Lord Jesus receive the Spirit !
Bible tells us we need to eat and drink Lord. Example Isaiah 55:1 says “Look1 everyone thirsty, come waters have, and you no money have; come, buy and eat; Yes! Come, buy wine and milk, money not need and price not have it free.” What is way to eat and drink Lord? Isaiah 55: 6 says “Seek (look for) Jehovah (God) while you can find Him, call on Him while He is near.” Way to eat spiritual food satisfy, what? Seek the Lord Jesus and call His name!
Romans 10:12 tells us Lord Jesus He rich spiritual to all people who call His name. Way to enjoy Lord’s spiritual riches, what? Call on His name. Lord He yes rich, He also near and easy meet Him, why? because He Jesus now life-giving Spirit! (1 Corinthians 15:45). He Spirit, he everywhere. We call on Him any time and any place can! When we call on His name, He comes to us, how? He Spirit come to us and we enjoy His spiritual riches can!
In Bible, 1 Corinthians it talk about Christ enjoyment! Corinthians 12, Paul he write tell us how we enjoy Him can. Way we enjoy Jesus Christ how? Call on His name! (1 Corinthians 12:3; 1:2). When we anytime call “Lord Jesus!”, He Spirit come to us, and we Him drink, He life-giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). Suppose I call person his name, and if he real, living and present, that person come to me will. Lord Jesus he real, living and He is here with us! He always ready come to us! When any time we call Him, He comes! You want enjoy Lord’s presence all His riches spiritual have? Best way experience His presence, face to face, enjoy His spiritual riches, what? Call on His name! While you drive to work or while at work you can call His name. Anywhere, anytime you call His name can! Lord he near to you and He His spiritual riches give to you.
Sometimes we down, depressed, we can ourselves stir up, how? Call His name! Isaiah 64:7 it says “And there is no one who calls upon Your name, who stirs himself up to take hold of You.” When we feel depress, low, we can ourselves lift up and stir up how? Call name of the Lord Jesus.
How Best Way Call Lord’s Name?
How best way call Lord’s name, how? Must call on Him with pure heart (2 Timothy 2:22). We call Lord’s name from our heart express, that means our heart pure must. Our heart seek Lord Jesus only, not look for want other things. Also we must our talk, chat sign must pure. We must careful not talk dirty or loose way talk. Why? if talk dirty or loose way it our heart dirty become. Make it hard for us to call Lord’s name. With heart pure, and talk pure, must also will open bold call on the Lord. We need open bold call on Lord’s name.
We can call alone by ourselves, we also can call together with other Christians together group. 2 Timothy 2:22 tells us “But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with other people together call on the Lord from pure heart.” We Christians must come together group, goal what? Call on name of Lord Jesus together. Also we need to call name of Lord every day, Psalm 88:9 says “Lord, I finish call every day on You.” That means we must call on Lord name every day. Also Psalm 116:2 says “Therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live.” That means while we still alive we call Lord’s name continue, not stop.
Everyday Practice Call Name Lord Must
Call name of the Lord, it not doctrine, no. It very practice can. We need every day practice continue every day and every hour call, call. We must not stop our spiritual breathing. We hope many deaf Christians will decide start call Lord’s name everyday. Today many Christians discover they can know Jesus, they can experience power His resurrection, they can experience rescue from problems, and they discover can walk oneness with Lord Jesus how? call on His name. Call: “Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus!” If you call on His name continue everyday, you will discover wonderful way enjoy Lord’s spiritual riches. Praise the Lord!