Economic Development Committee
September 17, 2013 Meeting
Township of Schreiber – Municipal Complex

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm with roll call as follows:

Jon Hall
Stacy Moffat
Danielle Bond
Kevin Mullins
Doug Stefurak
Coe Commisso
Colleen Gauthier
Ray Gionet
Danny Goedhard
Don McArthur
Joe Musolino

The agenda was approved and presented.
Danny Goedhard asked to add the minutes to the agenda.
Moved by Ray Gionet
Seconded by Colleen Gauthier

1. Changes to the Economic Dev. Department and introduction of new team
Brian introduced Stacy Moffat and Danielle Bond to the 4 month Economic Development team.

2. Council areas of focus for the next 4 months
The Council requested 5 items to be completed after the 4 months.
- Redesign of Township of Schreiber website
- Social media
- Mallory Blue Park signage
- NOHFC project/Fed Nor grant completed
- Community monthly meetings

3. Leave of Absence ad Appointment/Election of new chairperson
Due to Joe’s busy schedule at the mill, Joe stepped down to vice chair.
Danny Goedhard was nominated at Chair and accepted.

4. NOHFC Application – Phase 2
At this moment the committee is doing the revisions on the application.
5. Mallory’s Blue Park Local Initiative update
- QR Codes suggestion for the sign, which be used universally for many different applications (videos).
- Design still needs to be presented; November 29th is the due date. The sign has been awarded funding but has been spent yet.
- Signage to replace current signage, $17,000 for the sign. Signorama has been approached for design/development.
1. Rays Museum project
- Ray informed the committee that the stage is not being used. Lots of artifacts being donated, Ray would like to expand the space of the museum.
- Ontario Trillium Foundation, possible grant to help for improvements.

2. Dispatching Services
- Could generate more jobs around the area, this could be brought local instead of central Ontario.
- 24/7 shifts
- North shore communities could band together.
- Discussion on if we could apply to NOHFC for funding on this initiative.

3. Energy Project/Windmill Energy
- energy project to rent roof space or develop our own project to do and make full profit.
- Solar and wind financing available for capital investment.

4. Danny Goedhard
- Danny presented a letter introducing himself along with his new skills.
- Danny explained how to develop a community from within, as a community we should be spending on what we have and not contracting anything out. As a Township we should be encouraging that.
- Renewable energy suggestions (projects)/Local investments, build upon our own strengths.


  1. What would we like to see in the next 4 months
    - Beautification
    - Bylaw but not being followed?
    - Encouragement/remind to take care of their property competitions and reienforments. Not only personal property but commercial.
    - Take resources/delicate balance

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next meeting tentative date: Oct. 16th at 7 pm
Please email with suggestions for meeting topics to generate agenda.