Mid Columbia Library Council Chambers
September 13, 2007
Call to Order
Chairman Meehan called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Roll Call
Chairman Meehan asked to remove Scott Seilers name from the agenda.
Present: Chris Lucas, Lucinda Luke, Tony Benegas, Nona Diediker, and Shea Meehan
Also present: Councilmember Merle Johnson, Community Development Director Bob Leedy, Senior Planner Todd Stowell, Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk, and Staff Recorder Penny Mayfield.
Approval of the Agenda
Commissioner Meehan requested the agenda be amended to remove Scott Seilers name and change to Vacant. Commissioner Benegas moved and Chris Lucas seconded, the Commission unanimously approved the September 13, 2007 agenda as amended.
Approval of the Minutes
Upon a motion by Nona Diediker seconded by Lucinda Luke, the Commission unanimously approved the August 9, 2007 meeting minutes as presented.
Announcements, Reports, and Comments
Chairman Meehan said that after talking to Scott Seiler found that he is going to be spending the next year or two in the UK. It was decided that in order to resolve issues with having a quorum that it was best to resign his seat. His service on the Commission has been greatly appreciated by all Scott was told that if he should ever be the position to serve again was encouraged to apply.
Chairman Meehan thanked Todd Stowell and Thaniel Gouk for taking the time to put together a tour and exercise for 25 students and 3 professors from the University of Plymouth in England. The students thought it was the highlight of the time Richland, the professors thought the exercise, and the tour of West Richland was excellent. He said he would send a letter to city council commending them for their effort.
Report on past files: Kingview #6, CAS rezone to C-1, McDonald annex/rezone.
Planner Thaniel Gouk gave the Commission an update on the city council hearings on past files. The no. 6 Kingview plat went through with no changes and was approved. The rezone of the lot next to Yoke’s to C-1 also went through with no changes. The McDonald’s south parcel annex and rezone was also approved by city council with the zoning changes recommended by the Planning Commission that it go commercial neighborhood.
Presentations / Public Hearings / Open Record Hearings
Public Hearing: conditional Use Permit for 42’ wind turbine on Lot 76, Section 6.
File No. CUP 2007-60.
Planner Gouk said the City received an application from Mark Naulty to construct a 42’ wind turbine on his 2.5–acre parcel located at. City code allows certain structures such as windmills (wind turbine) may be erected to a greater height, provide the fall zone be entirely with the property on which it is erected and a Conditional Use Permit is issued by the Planning Commission. No specific criteria are specified other than the fall zone requirement. The structure would resemble a “monopole” structure of a street light or and is a residential turbine not a commercial one. There were comments received by Benton REA who commended the effort of utilizing renewable energy and from Fire Chief Spring who recommended contacting the aviation division to see if they had any comments which Mr. Naulty did contact them. They had no comment on it because the height was not an issue.
The Public hearing on Conditional Use Permit for 42’ wind turbine on Lot 76 opened at 7:14 p.m.
Mark Naulty the applicant said he has lives at the location since 1994. He explained how the process started with BREA sending out promotions in the electric bill regarding net metering. There some federal tax incentives to get involved in net metering. 2.5-acres is a fairly large parcel and is also buffered on the west side by BLM land. He attended the meetings put on by BREA learning about solar and wind, what the incentives were, what the code requirements were for the installation process. He said he did more investigation online regarding wind speed and found that the area he lives in is sufficient. He feels the wind turbine could pay for itself in about 6 years. Mr. Naulty concluded by saying that every extra kilowatt generated through conversation or alternative saves water and it’s clear that energy prices are going to go up. The federal tax incentives to do project like these are not being generated for us not approve and attempt to do this stuff. He feels his lot is a perfect site for the unit.
Richard Bloom, 5900 Everett said he is Mr. Naulty’s neighbor. Mr. Bloom stated has expressed concern on towers before but has no objections to this project only of the city’s notification process. He feels he should have been re-notified by mail of the new hearing date. He asked for two aspects to be stated in the findings, one being that it is low noise and neighbor friendly application and that it not placed in a prominent location.
Ed Love, 5656 Collins commended staff and Mr. Naulty for the excellent package they put together. His only comments were that this might set precedence and the permit is issued with the condition that no lights are on the tower.
The public hearing closed at 7:25.
Lucinda Luke recused herself since she represents Mr. Naulty in another matter.
A discussion ensued on issues regarding lighting, noise, the impact to neighboring view shed and ascetics. Most the group felt it was a good idea but it was opposed by Mr. Benegas. His felt precedence was being set and that it could affect property values. The others felt that since a conditional use permit is issued on a case by case basis, setting precedence would not be an issue. Also talked about was the environmental value of such a project and the fact the Benton Rural Electric Association (BREA) is on board with the project. Mr. Naulty was asked if he had looked into solar power to which he replied he had but was too expensive.
After a lengthy discussion a motion was called for. Chris Lucas moved Nona Diediker seconded the following motion:
Motion: Approved CUP special bldg height of 42’ residential wind turbine on lot 76 of Section 6 and subject to the following modification, that there is no lighting.
Chairman Meehan asked for modifications to the motion and Nona Diediker modified the motion with: “that what’s approved is the model that is the exact model being presented with the design data.”
Modified Motion: Approve the Conditional Use Permit special building height of 42’ residential wind turbine on lot 76 of Section 6 and subject to the following modification, that there is no lighting and it is the same model turbine that has been provided with the specifications in their handout.
Chairman Meehan was unclear about acting as a quorum with one member recusing themselves and only four members voting. He asked that staff consult with the city attorney to be sure it was okay which staff acknowledges they would.
Chairman Meehan called for a roll call vote:
Lucinda Luke Recused
Nona Diediker Yes
Chris Lucas Yes
Tony Benegas No
Shea Meehan Yes
The motion carried 3 to 1.
The meeting adjourned to workshop to discuss the draft of the proposed municipal code zoning changes at 7:54 p.m. The workshop ended at 8:55 p.m.
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