DECEMBER 10h, 2015

The Elbridge Town Board met on December 10th, 2015 at 7 PM to conduct a Public Hearing and hold their regular meeting at the Town Municipal Building, 5 Rte. 31, Jordan, NY.

Supervisor Bush called the meeting to order at 7PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance

PRESENT: Councilor Rita Dygert, Councilor Vern Richardson, Councilor Robert Decker, Councilor Doug Blumer, and Supervisor Ken Bush.

OTHERS PRESENT: Earl Alpha, Ken Bush III, Highway Superintendent Jim White, Town Attorney Dirk Oudemool, and Clerk Deb Stapleton.


The Elbridge Town Board, at their meeting held on November 24th, 2015, resolved to call for a PUBLIC HEARING on December 10, 2015 at 7 p.m. to consider amending the zoning map for Tax Map parcels 045.-01-42.1; 045.-01-33.0 and 045.-01-43.0 by changing these parcels from R-1 (Residential) to RR(Rural Residential). Legal Notice appeared in the December 3rd Post Standard, the Elbridge and Jordan Post Offices, M&T and Jordan Lyons Bank, and at the Town Municipal Building.

Supervisor Bush: Does anyone wish to speak in favor of this proposal? No one.

Supervisor Bush: Does anyone wish to speak against this proposal? No one.

Supervisor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:02.

ADOPT MINUTES: On a motion of Councilor Richardson, seconded by Councilor Blumer the minutes from the meeting on November 24th, 2015 were approved.

REPORTS: on file

OLD BUSINESS: Councilor Dygert amended T&K Lumber’s resolution #121-15 (meeting held on 11/24/15)


On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 124-15

Whereas, the Elbridge Town Board adopted Resolution # 121-15 on November 24, 2015, approving the rezoning of Tax Map parcel 040.-04-05.2 from B-1/R-1 to Industrial contingent upon the merger of this parcel with Tax Map parcel 040.-04-05.5 and

Whereas, an amendment to this resolution is deemed necessary in order to protect the interests of the neighboring property owners from any future Industrial use of an offensive or objectionable nature:

Therefore be it resolved;

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to reconsider Resolution #121-15 for the purpose of adding another condition requiring the owner to execute a covenant to run

with the land which would rule out the possibility of having a different industrial use ever located at this site and in effect limit any future use to what currently exists.

On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Decker the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 125-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to amend Resolution # 121-15 granting the zone change for Tax Map Parcel 040.-04-05.2 to Industrial to attach an additional condition that the owner must execute a covenant to run with the land which prohibits the use of this parcel from being used for any other Industrial use other than the existing use of T & K Lumber.

On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 126-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to adopt Resolution # 121-15 as amended granting the zoning change for Tax Map parcel 040.-04-05.2 from B-1/R-1 to Industrial contingent upon the merger of this parcel with Tax Map parcel 040.-04-05.5 and that in addition, the owner execute a Covenant to Run With the Land which prohibits the use of this parcel from being used for any other industrial use other than the existing use of T&K Lumber

On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 127-15

Resolved: that the Town of Elbridge calls upon the Governor and the state Legislature to make additional state resources available at levels that accurately reflect the critical needs of local roads and bridges; and increase CHIPS funding in the 2016-17 state budget; and BE IT FURTHER

Resolved: that the Town of Elbridge calls upon the Governor, and members of the state Legislature to fully fund and submit a new NYSDOT five-year transportation capital plan; and BE IT FURTHER

Resolved: that the Town of Elbridge calls upon the Governor and members of the state Legislature to recognize the equality of roads, bridges and transit by restoring funding equality between the MTA and NYSDOT five year programs and by voting on the plans simultaneously.

On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 128-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to amend Chapter 30 of the Town of Elbridge Municipal Code by adding a new section 30.161 which will read as follows:

30.161 Golden Field Subdivision

Lots 3 and 5 of the Golden Field Subdivision approved on March 25th, 1992 and filed in the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office as Map Number 76-56 are exempt from the provisions of Sections 30.32 ( c ) ( 1 ) of the Elbridge Municipal Code which was adopted on October 27, 2011 as to the requirement that said lots must have a minimum lot size of 2 acres in area and said lots are instead to be required to comply with the Zoning regulations for minimum lot size in effect on March 25th , 1992.

On a motion of Councilor Richardson, seconded by Councilor Decker the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 129-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to approve the proposal received from Barton & Loguidice for the conduct of a Preliminary Engineering Evaluation related to the feasibility of providing sewer service to the Valley Drive area via a connection to the Village of Jordan’s Wastewater Treatment Plant at a cost of $5,000.

On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 130-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign a contract with Onondaga County DOT for the town highway department to maintain an additional 11.58 miles of county owned road.

On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 131-15

Resolved: the Town of Elbridge will act as the Municipal Sponsor for the grant request with SMTC regarding a proposal of approximately $260,000. of which the town is responsible for 20%, which is $52,000. for the rehabilitation of the Shants Road Bridge.

On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 132-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to approve Town Attorney Oudemool to assist Mr. Earl Alpha in the annexation project to remove a parcel from the Village of Elbridge into the Town of Elbridge.

On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following

resolution was

ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Decker Blumer Bush


Resolution 133-15

Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign a letter to Governor Cuomo regarding Tax Cap relief for Empire State residents and our efforts to comply with the current iteration of the tax cap.


Councilor Dygert: short discussion on the EPB meeting and T&K Lumber. All paperwork is now in regarding the DASNY Grant for the kitchen at the Community Center.

Councilor Richardson: pursuing NYSERDA grant money for outdoor lighting. Met with Time Warner regarding the building’s phone lines with Verizon. Approx. 40 kids showed up for the Rec. programs 1st Tumbling event.

Councilor Decker: nothing at this time

Councilor Blumer: talked to Skaneateles Falls Legion re: the flag pole for Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. A new one is also needed for the Whiting Road Cemetery.

Supervisor Bush: the employee Christmas celebration will be on Dec. 24th at 10 AM.

MONTHLY REPORTS ON FILE: Supervisor, Town Clerk, Codes, Highway Superintendent, Recreation, Senior Programs, Dog Control, and Historian, and Assessing.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Richardson the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra H. Stapleton

Elbridge Town Clerk