MRAMeeting Min
April 14th2015ViaConf Call at 7:00
Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Shawn Manee at 7:05 pm
Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance
President: Shawn Manee
VP: JoJoWagner
Secretary: Jill Scott
Finals Secretary: Katie Bell
Treasurer: Alicia Mengelkoch
Bull Riding: Derek Stockman Mitch Muelken
Calf Roping: Mikey LoiseauJody Green
Over 40 CR: Mike FilkouskiQuinlann Thomas
Barrel Racing: Sharon MunnKassie G.
Team Roping: Wade Grinager, Brad Scott, Jimmy Jacobson, Dustin Schaefer
Breakaway Roping: Jolene LoiseauHeidi Gunderson
Steer Wrestling: Brett GrinagerAlan Oberfell
Judges Director: Greg Caron
Bareback: DruWilking Jeremy Wagner
Saddle Bronc: Mark Gunderson & Morgen Dwire
Queen Director: Alicia Mengelkoch
Stock Director: Scott Berends
PR Director: Lacey Huben
Finals Director: Mike Grinager
General Members:
Treasurer’s Report: Alicia Mengelkoch,
Total: $57909.51 total in account at this time
Mike asked how much of the money is for event awards, or belongs to event directors: $9020.38 is for specific events. There are 2 events that have not submitted any money at this time. Per Jojo we are sitting ok within the budget for finals with our current #’s.
Jojo MM to approve report/Mike G 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Secretaries Report: Jill Scott
Both March Meeting Min are online and have been emailed to board
Memberships are coming in, many this past Monday for Henderson rodeo.
Jojo MM to approve Secretary Report/Brad 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Queen: Alicia Mengelkoch
Alicia had one candidate drop out and 2 judges recently. She is working on getting more judges and still has one candidate. Someone has volunteered.
Stock: Scott Berends, Mike Filkouski, DruWilking,
Nothing at this time, waiting on entries
Awards: Jill Scott, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jojo Wagner
Buckles are in and vests should be in within a week
Fundraising: Shawn Manee, JoJoWagner, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jill Scott,
Raffle tickets have been mailed out. Shawn will try and sell additional 30, Jill will get him some.
Budget: JoJoWagner, Shawn Manee, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jill Scott,
Nominations:Sharon Munn, Mikey Loiseau,
Jojo and Shawn will come due at same time, we need to get that re arranged so we do not have these two positions up in the same year. We may need to add a year to one term to one of the positions so they do not come due on the same year. We would not want that part of the board to come new at the same year. More discussion to follow.
Rules and Bylaws: Shawn Manee, Greg Caron, Jill Scott, Sharon Munn, Scott Berends
New Rule book should be printed and be handed out at Finals this year – larger font is desired
Finals: Mike Grinager, Shawn Manee, Jill Scott, Mike Filkouski, Alicia Mengelkoch, JojoWagner
We have a contract with Granite Falls. Mike, Jojo, Katie and Shawn met with Jerry there and went through the grounds and explained areas that can be used. Camping should not be a problem, people can park south of the arena, or across the road. But there is enough room all in one area. Katie will take a first come first stall available. 36 available, and 9 that can fit 2 horses. We can use the indoor arena for warm up and for our meeting also. Agenda for the weekend will be similar, Friday night will have a perf at 6 pm, run cattle back in the middle, and no slack. Sat we will have general meeting at 10 am in the indoor arena. Perf will be at 3 pm Sat. then will do awards at Bootleger Bar and Restaurant. There will be an option for a $15 ticket for meal and a drink, this will cover tips and expenses, starting at 730, and awards to follow at 830 or 9pm. Meal will consist of meats, veggies, desert and a potato. Katie also will be trying to contact staff who will be working to include them for a # of people for food. People should check in at the indoor arena, they should come in the north driveway, check in, then cross the road to the outdoor. Check in from 9 am – noon.
Clean up is everyone’s responsibility. We as the MRA will need to do clean up, all help is appreciated.
Question about barrels. There are some on site that have closed ends. Shawn suggested a sponsor for barrel covers. There is a sponsor that will provide barrel wraps, per Sharon.
Mike and Katie will be finalizing order of contestants same as last year as well at time for rodeo, order of events ect…
Entry Date- will be April 27th 2015 via phone – reminder postcards have been sent
Scott asked about another timer, and we will have one there plus his.
Old Business:
Review Money owed by St. Peter Rodeo Company
$3233.18. Updated information on this. However we have not gotten any money yet.
New Buisness
New Stock Contractor Approval Letter –
Letter reviewed which Talton sent in with the board. Also reviewed the rulebook to ensure we go through correct motions for a new stock contractor. He has at current submitted 2 rodeos that are not MRA first sanctioned rodeos.
Mike moved we table this letter to find out if he is asking to be a MRA stock contractor, who can put on MRA first approved rodeos, or if he is looking to only co sanction. Alicia 2nd. Motion Carried.
A suggestion came in on advertising our rodeos on – Erica is someone who hosts our website, and she also does the and said it would be no cost, and she could get us the info. Alicia said they use this for trailer sales and it is working well. Jill will cont to look into it.
Rodeo Name / Cedar County Fair and RodeoSanction / MSRA/IRA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Siver Creek Rodeo Company - Matt Williams
Address / 88266 564 Ave Hartington NE - East HWY 84 Fairgrounds exit
Performance / July 16th 7:30 pm
Slack / July 16th @ 2pm
Entries / Email entries open July 1st and close July 5th -11pm- Call in entries July 6th noon - 7pm. phone # 308-836-2259
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in rough stock, $300 in all other events, per end in TR
Emergency # / 402-841-0287
Bounty Bull $500
Jojo MM to approve/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Russel Stampede RodeoSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Russel Rodeo Grounds
Performance / June 5th 7pm, June 6th 6:30 PM
Slack / TBA
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve/Jolene 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Motley RodeoSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Motley MN
Performance / August 7th and 8th @ 7pm
Slack / August 7th After Perf
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $500 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve Motley/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Gold Mine Ranch RodeoSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Bemidji MN
Performance / July 31st and August 1st @ 7pm
Slack / July 31st After Perf
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve/Sharon 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Filmore County FairSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Preston MN
Performance / July 23rd and 24th 7pm
Slack / TBA
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $600 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Alicia MM to approve Preston/Jojo 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Gonvick Lions Club
Sanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Gonvick MN
Performance / July 11th @ 6 pm and July 12 @ 2pm
Slack / TBA
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Polk Co FairSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Fertile MN
Performance / July 8th and 9th @ 7pm
Slack / TBA
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Katie Mm to approve/Jojo 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Grant Co. Ag AssociationSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Herman Mn
Performance / July 18th @ 6pm
Slack / TBA
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / $400 in all events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve/Jolene 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Silver Bullet Saddle ClubSanction / MRA/TBRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Clearwater MN
Performance / August 14th @ 7pm, 15th @ 6 pm and 16th @ 2pm
Slack / Sat, august 15th @ noon
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / Rough stock $1000, $500 in all other events
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Jojo MM to approve Clearwater/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Scott announced the added Money was wrong on approval – changed
Jojo Re approved with correct added money/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Great Northern ClassicSanction / URA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Triple B Rodeos
Address / Superior WI
Performance / Sept 4th and 5th @ 7pm, Sept 6th @ 2pm
Slack / Sept 4th and 5th After perf
Entries / TBA
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels
Added Money / Rough Stock $1000, CR and O40 CR $550, SW $650, $400 per end TR, $550- Breakaway, $650 Barrels
Emergency # / 320-226-1487
Alicia MM to approve Superior WI/Jojo 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Buckhorn Rodeo Association RodeoSanction / SDRA/NRCA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Mosbrucker and JJ Legacy Rodeo Company
Address / 8 miles East of Britton on Hwy 10
Performance / June19th & 20th @ 7pm
Slack / June 20th @ 11am
Entries / Central Entry -
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels & SR mens breakaway
Added Money / Rough Stock $750, $400 in all other events ($200 per man TR)
Emergency # / 605-470-0281
Alicia MM to approve/Jojo 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Walthill Memorial RodeoSanction / M-SRA, IRA, MRA
Stock Contractor / Silver Creek Rodeo (Matt Williams)
Address / Walthill NE
Performance / July 10th, 11th,12th @ 7pm
Slack / July 11th @ 10 am
Entries / 4Rodeos, email June 24th to , Call in's June 28th to 308-836-2259 12pm-7pm
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, 45+ CR, SW, TR, Breakaway, Barrels and Mixed TR
Added Money / Rough stock $800, all other events $400 (per man TR) $200 in Mixed TR
Emergency # / 402-846-5551
Jojo reports the 45 and over CR last year was honored for O40 CR for our event. Jill will double check if it is the same as last year
Jojo MM to approve with contingency Jill will add O40 CR if it will be honored for out event/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Perham 1st Annual RodeoSanction / URA/MRA/IRA
Stock Contractor / T & C Rodeo
Address / Perham MN - Fairgrounds
Performance / June 20th @ 7pm
Slack / After perf
Entries / June 15th 8-5. 641-784-6024 (Late entries accepted untilFull)
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels (TR is enter twice)
Added Money / $300 in all events
Emergency #
Jojo MM to approve Perham Rodeo/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Columbia Country FairSanction / URA/MRA/IRA
Stock Contractor / T & C Rodeo
Address / Portage WI
Performance / July 24th @ 7pm
Slack / After perf
Entries / July 13th 8-5. 641-784-6024 - Late entries accepted until full
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway and Barrels (TR is enter twice) Enter Twice in TR
Added Money / $200 in all events
Emergency #
Fireworks after Perf
Jojo MM to approve Portage rodeo MRA with the contingency that the Perham Rodeo goes according to our co-sanction agreement/Mike 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Wessington Springs Foothills RodeoSanction / SDRA/NRCA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Lance Lesmeister
Address / Wessington Springs SD Northwest Corner of Town
Performance / May 23rd @ 630 pm May 24th @ 2pm
Slack / Noon on Sat - Team Penning at 11am
Entries /
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, SW, TR, ladies Breakaway and Barrels, team penning, Mixed TR and SR Men's Breakaway and Goat Tying
Added Money / $500 in all events mixed TR $400 per team, Team Penning $200 per man, TR $500 per man.
Emergency # / 605-770-4370
Jojo MM to approve/Alicia 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Rodeo Name / Crooks Rodeo
Sanction / SDRA/NRCA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Hollenbeck Rodeos
Address / Crooks rodeo grounds, Crooks SD
Performance / May 30th 430pm, May 31st 130 pm
Slack / none noted
Entries /
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, ladies Breakaway and Barrels, team penning, Mixed TR and SR Men's Breakaway
Added Money / $500 BB, SB, $300 in all other events, per team in team events
Emergency # / 402-389-0317, 605-212-1138
Jolene MM to approve/Jojo 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Next Meeting Date: May 16th at LeMar Ranch Indoor arena at 10 am
Motion to Adjourn: Jojo Mm to adjourn/Alicia 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.