SC4HSHA Meeting 6.15.17

Call to Order at 7:40

Pledges- All

Clubs in Attendance- BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Dusty Saddles, Elite Equestrians, Horse Sense, Jr Leaders, Knight Riders, Rough Riders, Royal Riders, Saddle Seekers, Trailblazers II

Grievance- Danette S.- Read the rules for grievance. Dianna Brown- Request to remain Novice Contest. In favor of Dianna B. losing high point and going novice contest despite having reserve champion novice in 2015 but must go intermediate next year. Motion by Christy R, second by Nandini V. Carla K. mentioned that Novice Contest would be split at 14 and is currently at 14. 10 in favor of allowing the grievance. 3 against grievance. 1 abstain. Danette reminded membership to please email her any grievances that might come up after July 1 so we can do it at the July saddle horse meeting.

President’s Report- Kevin Y.- Thanked those that expressed interest in Vice President. Kevin Y appointed Amanda D. as VP. Mike H. asked why membership is not allowed to vote on VP. Carla K. stated it was discussed at the last meeting and it is in the rules.

Secretary’s Report- Mike G. is now a voting member. Brian P. has met requirements for sustaining membership. Jay S. motion to approve minutes. Christy R. second. Minutes passed. Cathy H. motion to accept Angie H. & Debbie H. as sustaining members. Sam O. second. 6 in favor, 3 opposed, 9 abstain. Motion passes. Carla K. has ad books to show who was listed at a member. Sam O. asked about implementing ideas she sent Kevin Y; no, Kevin did not bring it up at executive. Dee C. asked if Amanda can do points now; Kevin Y. no, it was voted that executive couldn’t do points. Sam O. states that we still need two points persons based on vote of fair committee. Erica A. is still working as point secretary. Jackie K. asked what the association needs more; a VP or point secretary. Carla K. asked if there were other candidates; yes. Kevin Y. states it is a 2 month term, wanted to put a new person in a position to see if they want to be involved. Dale F. motion that Amanda D. remain as point secretary for this year even though she is on executive. Sam O. asked if executive would still be at every points class; yes. Jay S. second. 10 yes, 0 no, 6 abstain. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report- Jeff G.-

Checking Account:

Beginning Balance as of:5/16/2017$19,038.26


5/20/2017Royal Riders Donation to Jr. Leaders in Memory of Sara Bush$286.00

5/20/2017Molly Jones Belt Buckle $80.00

5/26/2017Fair Fee Collected$125.00

6/2/2017June Dressage Show Deposit$2,120.00

6/8/2017June Dressage Show Deposit$110.00

6/9/2017More Fair Fees Collected$3,160.00

Previously Approved:

5/18/20172566CaballerosMay Show Stall Cleaning$204.00

5/18/20172567Cathy McWhirterAd Book Printer Supplies$37.45

5/18/20172568Tricia Robertson1st Place Ad Sales Winner$100.00

5/18/20172569Alexis Parsons2nd Place Ad Sales Winner$75.00

5/18/20172570Denise Barto3rd Place Ad Sales Winner$50.00

5/18/20172571Sam OwenOpen Show Copies & Advertise$10.35

5/18/20172572Sam OwenOpen Show Cash Box$200.00

5/18/20172579Kevin YoungWebsite Renewal$53.98

5/18/20172581Jr. LeadersSH Donation, Sara Donation, Dee$636.00

5/18/20172582SC Ag SocietyMay Show, March Gas, Health Lic$776.90

5/18/20172583Sam OwenCopies, Ground Poles, Postage$113.45

5/20/20172580Joyce GreenwaldGroom & Clean Judge$75.00

6/3/20172575Amy Rothe-HietterJune 3rd Dressage Judge$250.00

6/3/20172576Chris GemmelJune 3rd Dressage Steward$336.00

6/10/20172573Sherry NapierOpen Show Ring A Judge$385.00

6/10/20172574Jay LanzerOpen Show Ring B Judge$300.00

6/17/20172577Rae Ellen SiegmeyerJune 17th PAS Judge$350.00

6/17/20172578Jamie GrimmJune 17th PAS Steward$75.00

Ending Balance as of:6/13/2017$20,891.13

Savings AccountMay$17,007.97

Carla K. asked about the two checks she requested last month; Jeff G. puts the checks on when he gives them to the person, she will get them tonight & they will be on next month’s reports. Chris W. for back numbers $17.06 & mini equine measuring stick $46.60. SCAS June open show arena fee, April gas bill, golf cart rental & delivery $754.90. Debbie H. copies of job responsibilities for fair $6.66. Sara J. OS cup awards $145.50, Groom & Clean $4.15, Plaque engraving $10.00, Horse Sense $117.00 for dressage stall cleaning, $1342.50 for Ad book printing to J&K Printing, Sonya Pitts July OS $350.00, Jill Newman July OS Judge $350.00, Sherry Napier for versatility $325.00 (Carla K. states this is paid by fairboard; will be put to that), Don Ricchiuti $950.00 fair steward. Dee C. asked about reimbursement for stall cleaning for June OS for Caballeros; per Sam O. there were 62 entries (2 stalls not cleaned) for $186.00. Danette S. motion, Dale F second. 1 abstain. Motion passes. Jeff G. reminded that kitchen people must turn in Saddle Horse Bucks at saddle horse meetings, not cashed out by open show chair. She had $20.00 Saddle Horse Bucks May/June & $12 for judges’ meals. Will be reimburse on the next report. $711.00 was written to Saddle Horse for Junior Leaders, they will be reimburse. Junior Leaders will also need paid for the two judges’ fees from June OS and the checks will be voided on the last report. $170 & $30 to Junior Leaders for Saddle Horse Bucks for camp, will also be reimbursed. Carla K. asked for a list of what to do in the kitchen; Sam O. said it is on the agreement with fairboard.

Extension Report- Jackie K.- Will be handing out buttons for active advisors to remind people to be kind at fair. Asked clubs to put booths in Barn 6. Jackie K. is offering 2 scholarships in career exploration for teens at Crown Point for a career in agriculture. $50 per week. Project judging is July 15 in the admin building; she brought ribbons. Jackie K. will do daily science activities in Barn 6. August 21 is the solar eclipse and there are activities at NASA. Aug 7, 10-noon, there will be a workshop on the solar eclipse at the extension office.

Fair Board Report- Angie H.- The ice machine in Saddle Horse is dead. Mike & John tried to get it to work, but it didn’t. Asked if anyone has a lead on a new ice machine or could donate one, it would be appreciated. Mike H. states fair closes at Sunday at 7. Granting Dee C. & Bill J. early dismissal at 6:30pm for multiple loads. Also asked to not line the trailers up in the driveway so campers can get out. Also asked to let Chris W. & Debbie H. know if there are other multiple load people. Mike H. took the manure off the ground & put it in the container. Reminded everyone to please pick trash out of manure bin.

Committee Reports-

Award- Sara J./Amanda D.- Carla K. reminded Sara J. to call the Engraving Tree 330-592-4453. Please continue to bring trophies for donations.

Educational- Dee C.- Groom & Clean was May 20, only 2 teams participated. Penelope B, Anndrea V. & Natalie P. were the winning team that will represent the county at state. State Judging Team & Hippology was June 13. Juniors were 3rd performance, 7th reasons, 5th overall, Mallory P. reserve champion reasons. Hippology 4th overall & Mallory P. 6th individually. Kiernan’s team was 4th overall, reserve halter, 8th reasons, 7th performance, 3rd team hippology, 4th individually.

Fair- Carla K.- Fair paperwork was turned in. Generally very few errors. Brett C. made a second bit gauge for measuring bits. Carla would like everyone to wear orange awareness ribbons in memory of Sarah B. Motion to purchase orange awareness ribbons for $30. Stall lay out was sent to everyone. Carla K. states we need new plexiglass for the sign. Ring A has all kinds of plexiglass shards in it. Would like people to pick them up. The majority is between the timer line & barn 10. Chain link fence needs fixed along the woods & check sprinkler heads to face the ring for the show. Most of fair committee member duties are filled. Still working on alumni for other duties. Debbie H. set club duties. She handed them out. Please let her know if anyone switches.

Fundraising- Cathy M.- N/A

Judges- Chris W./Danette S.- Will turn versatility in tomorrow. Carla K. asked if patterns could be up by July 1; Danette S. states she is still trying to get them from the judges.

Junior Leaders- Campers arrive Sunday between noon & 2. Meeting at 2:15. There will be pizza & cake. Rachel S. wanted to thank everyone for donations. Mike H. asked if PAS can park behind the barn or in the camping area. There are still 6 stalls with stuff in them that needs cleaned out for camp. Kevin Y. states it will be cleaned out during the work day. Mike H. asked about putting a permanent canopy; it is a capital improvement.

Maintenance- Jay S.- Will be Friday before the shows. Working on getting the stalls getting cleared out. Built a loft above the larger stall. Cleaned out a lot of trash. Should be finished tomorrow. Mike H. asked about the bags of sawdust; belongs to saddle horse. They will be moved. Jay S. asked about fuel for the tractor; Mike H. said it was recently filled so should be good.

Open Show- Sam O.- June OS went well. After expenses, the show brought in approx. $1400. Held a committee meeting tonight; she cannot physically & mentally be at the shows from start to finish. Asking show committee members to be at each shift of the show. Mike H. reminded that only 1-2 spouts can work at a time to get the arena. Dale F. will bring batteries for the times for PAS.

PAS/State- Chris W.- Will do scoresheets when kids show up. Approx 50 people signed up. Stark, Portage, & Medina are coming. Volunteer hours are offered for set up. Please check in when you come to help. Danette S. will help with setting up PAS on Friday. Dressage had 7 people in county qualify and 39 entries from Lorain, Portage, Medina, Stark, Cuyahoga, & Geauga Co. Angie H asked about getting volunteer hours from camp kitchen to count for fair hours. Sara J. motion to allow horse camp volunteer hours to count for fair hours. Jay S. second. Amanda D. asked if they needed to be kitchen certified; Angie H.- no. Motion passed.

Rotating Trophies- Sam O.- Received a donation of Rotating Trophy for High Score Dressage from Sara Justice. There are 2 trophies that are still in Hudson.

Scholarship- Debbie H.- Received 8 entries out of 22 eligible. Carla K. stated there are a lot of things due June 1 as well.

Sunshine- Chris W.- Brad W. is out of the hospital. Thanked Jim W. for helping with Brad. MEL now has limited mobility and will send her a card to cheer her up. Marti L’s horse Moscott recently passed away.

Old Business- N/A

New Business- Caballeros is hosting a dressage show on June 23 at 6pm. Contact Dee C. for ride times. $15/per ride.

Announcements/Discussion- Sam O. is thinking of creating a Horse Hall of Fame. She does not have parameters yet, but would like to think of something to do for a hall-of-fame. Please send her ideas for it.

Kevin Y. thanked everyone for sending good wishes his family’s way.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55