April 14, 2016, SAIN Minutes

Call to order 8:14am

Members Present: Laura, Julie, Dee, Cassandra, Janette, Emily, Brittni


Approval of Minutes: February minutes approved.

Financial Report:

No issues to report.

Approval of financial reports for Dec., Jan., & Feb., March was tabled until data is entered into Quickbooks?

Waiting for debit card to arrive, then will transfer money from checking to savings as discussed.

Post 2015 annual financials.

Insurance renewal- Dee will pick up policy.

Fundraising Update:

Julie emailed booklet of raffle items to be reviewed and approved by Monday 4/18/16.

Julie wants to print final booklets on Monday, giving jpegs to Brittni to post in 2-3 weeks.

$100-$150 to purchase add-ons approved.

Plan to hold some of the Breyer donations for Christmas.

Need to set up first cleaning party next week, tack donations are rolling in.

Julie will be stepping down after the tack sale. Suggested finding replacement beforehand so they

can see how it is being done.

Upcoming Events:

Tulip Parade recap: Showstoppers 4-H were awesome. No volunteers showed up.

In future need refreshments for walkers.

Need more brochures (250) as well as 6 brochure stands. Purchase approved.

Berry Dairy days is the same weekend as our tack sale. Place tack sale signs in town.

Dash and Splash money will be coming mid-April.

Spring Fling will be postponed until possibly Sept.

Bony Pony tack sale May 14th, Janette will be there all day with help at end to load up donations. Laura will check

on spaces and whether we can bring horses.

Volunteer Update:

Foster Health Update:

Brittni is doing rounds on Sunday.

Speck is dragging her feet sometimes and seems clumsy.

Jazz is going to Cassandra’s on Monday for a 30 day hold. Emily will send out more info.

Brittni will check on Mia’s weight Sunday, and take out senior feed or haystack.

Foster Training & Coordination Update:

Horse handling class for large animal evacuation: SAIN will put it on for DEM, S&R may participate.

Castration clinic: Emily has had two people ask about this. Julie will look into grants that may help match funds.

There is an app for Joker and it sounds great. Emily will check references.

Person interested in Dallas, will need to come here to meet her and if approved would like her hauled to Sequim.

Brittni, Cassandra and Janette are willing to help if needed.

Training for Willow next winter was discussed. Meghan, Lydia or possible Laura. Cassandra will check with

Lydia. Meghan will need to be schedule soon, as her schedule is busy.

Media Update:

Bluehost email has been down. Discussed other options, Outlook vs. Gmail. Approved change to Gmail

with old email getting forwarded.

Misc. Items:

Computer & office supply purchase was approved per Dee’s suggestions. Dee will purchase through Best Buy

using igive. We will purchase a monthly Quickbooks subscription as well as Office 365 for any members

that need it. No warranty on computers.

Horse Fellowship/SAIN fundraiser: Brittni will follow up with this and send out info. They want to do it in May.

Special meeting was discussed to go over Mission Statement, bylaws, annual meeting follow-up and job


Did not get to the following:

Patty, Janette and Cassandra will review and send proposed changes to the Mission Statement and Bylaws.

Annual meeting follow-up.

Selling tack before sale.

Job descriptions.


Cassandra Check with Lydia about taking a horse for training

Listing on NWEquine.com

Review mission statement & bylaws

Brittni Set up new emails on Gmail

Horse Fellowship/SAIN fundraiser details

Write up notes from annual meeting project and send to Janette

Janette Order 250 brochures and purchase 6 holders

Write up notes from annual meeting project

Patty Review mission statement & bylaws

Write up notes from annual meeting project and send to Janette

Julie Schedule tack cleaning party

Check on matching funds for castration clinic

Write up notes from annual meeting project and send to Janette

Deirdre 2015 wrap up and plan to publish financials

Computer & office supply purchase

Pick up insurance renewal policy

Emily Horse handling class

Write up notes from annual meeting project and send to Janette

Laura Check on location of spaces available at Bony Pony tack sale

Meeting adjourned at 10:10a.m.

Next meeting May 12th, 2016