Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Call to Order: 6:30pm

  1. Roll Call:

Sigma Chi / x / Delta Chi / x / Phi Delta Theta / x / Lambda Chi Alpha / x
Sigma Nu / x / Phi Kappa Psi / x / Phi Kappa Theta / x / Tau Kappa Epsilon / x
Sigma Alpha Epsilon / x / VP of Marketing and PR / x / VP of New member education development / VP of community service and philanthropy / x
VP of Conduct Review / x / VP of Risk Management / x / VP of Recruitment / x / IFC President / x
  1. Approval of Minutes: Approved
  2. Approval of Agenda: (John will have a report) Approved
  1. Officer Reports

Vice President of Community Service & Philanthropy, Mr. Zach Gunby; (952) 393 2969

  • Dance Marathon Committee applications are coming in; if you’re interested in joining the application deadline is April 12th 10 p.m.
  • Sigma Nu Chicken Feed, April 25th 2-5 p.m. Tickets are 5 dollars pre-event and 7 dollars at the door.
  • LEEP is looking for volunteers for their project; if you’re interested please contact me.
  • Work in Progress
  • Flag Football tournament, will be in contact with Campus Rec for a potential partner or sponsorship


  • (Clark) TKE's Poker Run will also be on the 25th

Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Connor Donohue; (651) 214 9697

It's On Us

  • Thank you for your participating in the It's On Us video
  • Should be done In the near future

Formal Season

  • They need to be in 2 weeks in advance
  • Third party vendor
  • Liquor License
  • Insurance
  • Guest List

Working Ahead For Fall

  • Getting graphic designs for NHPW, and Alcohol Awareness

Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Walker Johnson; (651)303 7029

  • By-lawrevisions
  • Will send out the latest version

Vice President of Member Education & Development, Mr. AkoredeTeriba; (612) 607 9871

  • Graduates will enjoy their ceremony on the 21st.
  • In terms of looking at the future, keep in mind that Emerging Leaders and FVS will begin in the new semester, remind your new members and your new leaders of the opportunities available to them.
  • Reminder that U-Lead is coming in October.

Vice President of Recruitment, Mr. Chris Rife; (507) 317 6946

  • We need to vote on the recruitment rule packet tonight so I can finalize details.
  • There will be a recruitment roundtable on Monday April 27th from 5-6pm. It will be held in CSU 238.
  • There will also be a meeting for all Beta Rho Chi’s on Monday April 27th from 6-7pm. It will be held in CSU 238.
  • We are looking into throwing a bigger event on campus to help with formal recruitment numbers. We are looking for suggestions/ideas for this big event.


  • (Lambda Chi Alpha) Is there anything for the summer or end of the semester?
  • (John) There are a lot of ideas being swapped around. We need something captivating and promotes networking. Needs to be moved quick.
  • (Na) April 27th should have things finalized for this during the Recruitment Roundtable

Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations, Mr. Steven Clark; (612) 845 4248

  • Youtube - MNSUgreeklife
  • Greek Booklets - Need information for this booklet for next semester
  • Annual Report -Should be receiving that soon


  • Let Colby know if you want videos on the mavgreeks website.

Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Colby Ackerman; (651) 352 7183

  • New membership dues will be going out soon

President, Mr. Na Chum: (507) 995 7098

  • All-Greek April 21 Trafton Auditorium 121 8:00pm
  • Greek Week is right around the corner!
  • Initiation Week - Keeping grades up
  • Watch out for Alcohol misconduct

Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock; (507) 389 6076

  • Rosters wereduelastweek
  • Leave any new members as new members until next semester
  • Congradulations Lambda Chi for hosting their conference
  • Alpha Chi Omega and Tri-Sigma anniversary.

Greek Graduate Intern, Ms. Sarah Schliesmann;

  1. Old Business:
  • Budget Proposal
  • Tabled to nextweek
  • Recruitment Rules
  • Tabled to nextweek
  1. New Business:
  • (Phi Delta Theta) Motion to discuss New membership workshop
  • Needs to be on appropriate date, time and location.
  1. Announcements:
  • Greek Banquet attendance will be final upon this Sunday by 11:59pm please let me or Nikki know if you want to attend.
  • TorinAkey - Move In Crew, Need to be contacted by the end of may to work this day. (Handout)
  • Contact Colby if you need the information
  • TKE PokerWalk 25th
  • Delta Chi Jimmy V week next week
  • 11 am -1pm Wednesday chip, lemonade
  • PieologyonTuesday
  • Chipotle Thursday
  • InsomniaTuesday and Wednesday
  • Facebook and Twitter sendouts
  • Phi Delta Theta: ALS walk May 3rd
  • Lambda Chi Conference this weekend. Don't be afaird to say hi
  • NextweekisGreekweek
  • Greek week banners and Lipsync are due tomorrow at Noon.
  • There will be no Greek week T-shirts
  • Couldn't print the logo because of copy rights
  • UIFI scholarships, Let John know if you plan on attending
  • Apologies on the length of the meeting

Meeting adjourned at: 8:08pm