General Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2014
Call Meeting to Order -Sargent at Arms: Chuck Riesselman
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Present - President: Mark Koon, Vice President: Randy Holland, Secretary: Julie Rice Treasurer: Beth Franz, MN Legislative Director: Jim Dahling, WI Legislative Director: Mike Deavey, Directors at Large: Norm Pollard, Mike Hammett
President’s Introduction: Mark Koon
Welcome and Happy New Year. We need to be done by 1:00 today, because they are using the room after our meeting. For the Mid-Winter Party, Judy is asking for Door Prizes if you have any. Up- coming events:
· February 9th- General Meeting
· February 15th-Mid-Winter Party
· March 12th- Biker Day at the Capitol
· March 13th Lobby Day in Madison
Secretary’s Report: Julie Rice
Motion was made-Move to waive reading of the minutes and approve as written. There was a second to the motion, it was voted on and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Beth Franz
The financials are on the tables. We will be meeting after the General Meeting to go over the budget for 2014. For 2013, we didn’t quite make budget for our revenue. Total Actual Income $145,469 for 2013, Total Expenses for 2103-$142,249. Balance on 12/1/13-$66,173 Balance on 1/1/14 $$65,958.
A motion was made: Move to approval, subject to audit. No discussion. A second was made to the motion. It was voted on and approved.
Merchandise Report: Therese Hammett
I have Midwinter Party and Donnie Smith Show volunteer signup sheets. Norm will be running the table for Donnie Smith. Table starts at 4:00 for Mid-Winter Party. We have 3 speakers for the educational portion of the Mid-Winter Party, Fury, Jill and Jim, and After the Crash: Journey to Hell and Back.
Membership: Judy Gebhardt
Membership is 1160, which is down 49 from this time last year. Mid-Winter Party volunteer sign-up sheet is at the back table for serves and membership table. We need prizes and everyone pass the word to bring a 12-24 pack for the Wall of Beer.
Rider’s Education: Ron Lischeid
Latest number of deaths for 2013 was 60, compared to 55 in 2012. It is important to take Rider’s Ed courses. There is on line sign up at for spring classes and once the summer school dates and courses are added, you can register for summer.
Road Captain: Randy Holland
It is still winter nothing to report, and Norm rode today, one bike in the lot!
MN Legislative Report: Jim Dahling
Tomorrow starts the pre-introduction for bills to the legislature. Legislature starts on February 25th.
Biker Day at the Capitol is March 12th. Bus will leave the Point at 7:00 and be at the movie theatre in Oakdale to leave at 7:45. If it is the only thing you do this year, try to get the day off and attend. Caucuses are February 4th. That is where all the politics start.
WI Legislative Report: Mike Deavy
Not much going on right now. I am still watching two bills. Lobby Day at the Capitol in Madison. The bus will leave at 6:00 am from Exit 4 at Mike’s Emporium. We should be home about 9:00pm. Bring some coolers with refreshments for the ride back.
Public Relations: Jeannine Maurer:
I am putting all the events on Facebook, so look in your events section.
Newsletter: Sheila Sumner – absent
Sheila will be stepping down from the position. Ron is volunteering to do it until someone volunteers for the position. If you are interested in this position, please contact Mark.
Webmaster: Sheila Sumner- absent
Adopt-A-Highway: Julie Rice -
5 months until clean up….
MRF: Jill Kielblock:
Still watching HR 1875. There is discussion about using Black Box.
Sunshine: Kim Deavey - Nothing to report
Old Business:
Membership voted on a purchasing a trailer for Dial-A-Ride and for SCVR to use it. We found one for $1080. We will put the SCVR logo on it.
?- Are we doing By-Law changes? We will do it for the next meeting due to time constraints.
Jill made a motion to table it until February’s meeting.
Jim-He made a motion at the last BOD meeting to make an Amendment to the By-Laws for Article 5 regarding Amendment changes. He had a copy for everyone and read through it. A motion was made to accept the Amendment to the By-Laws. A second to the motion was made. It was voted on and approved.
There was a 15 minute discussion regarding the By-Law changes, no vote or motions will be made, just clarification.
New Business:
Amber Alert Meat Raffle and Silent Auction January 18th 10-6 at Tin Cups
Rides for Wishes 10th Anniversary Ride May be May 31st.
Motion was made to donate $1500 to ABATE WI for Lobby Day at the Capitol. There was second to the motion. It was voted on and approved.
A motion was made to donate $500 for Biker Day at the Capitol. A second was made to the motion. It was voted on and approved.
Next weekend is a bike show at the Mpls. Convention Center.
New Members:
No new members.
Member Contributions: $95- won by Jill Kielblock!
Motion to Adjourn at 12:55
BOB meeting- 1:30 at the Car Bar.