Call forQuotations for the Provision of Public Relations Consultancy Services
Ref: TM4/2016
Publication Date: 19thJanuary 2016
Closing Date: 2nd February 2016
- Scope and Duration of Services
1.1 Scope of Service
Teatru Manoel invites applications for the provision of public relations consultancy services. The services required would be the following:
- Build and maintain media relationships with long-lead, short-lead, mainstream media, working to secure positive and timely coverage befitting Teatru Manoel
- Distribute press releases and other relevant PR materials to all key contacts and follow up accordingly
- Draft statements and respond to media requests on behalf of the Theatre
- Work with Marketing Manager to secure and promote newsworthy stories/brand features and exclusive collaborations
- Keep Leadership team and Marketing Management informed of all activities and press coverage
- Assist with organisation of PR events
- Work to proactively build on the Theatre’s reputation with target audiences, aligning all communications with corporate brand positioning
- Suggest ideas/initiatives and identify opportunities to drive audience growth and brand awareness in local and global markets
1.2 Duration of Service
The period of execution of the above mentioned services is expected to be for one (1) year from the signing of the contract.
2. Qualifications and Skills- Selection Criteria
The Public Relations Consultant to undergo the service must possess the following Qualifications and Skills:
- Minimum of 5 (five) years’ experiencein Public Relations. Ideally 3 (three) years’ experience with a PR agency;
- Excellent communication skills - well-spoken and professional;
- Pro-active, creative and good at presenting ideas;
- Well organised and efficient;
- Strategic and innovative thinker;
- Proven track record of placement in media;
- Eloquent writing ability (Maltese and English)
3. Response Requirements
Interested applicants are to submit the following documentation:
- Details of Public Relations Consultant (Annex 1);
- Financial Offer – Quoted at an hourly rate (Annex 2);
- Public Relations Consultant Profile (Annex 3) – A Curriculum Vitae, clearly outlining relevant academic background and skills supported by relevant evidence as stipulated in the selection criteria.
- Bidder’s Declaration (Annex 4).
- Gender Equality (Annex 5)
- Environmental Questionnaire (Annex 6)
N.B. Bidders who do not submit the above documentation will be automatically disqualified and considered ineligible.
4. Contract Award
The Call for Quotations will then be awarded to the cheapest bid.
5. Payment Terms
The Public Relations Consultant is expected to work at the Contracting Authority’s premises and is also expected to clock-in and clock-out the timings. The Public Relations Consultantshall invoice Teatru Manoel, the equivalent of the total number of hours worked on a monthly basis.
6. Rights and Reservations
Teatru Manoel:
- Reserves the right to cancel this Call forQuotations process without incurring any penalty or cost;
- May at its own discretion, decide not to select any proposal or not to award any Contract, even the most advantageous offer;
- Reserves the right not to consider offers that have missing mandatory information;
- May disqualify the Public Relations Consultantif he or she does not abide by the instructions in this document
7. Submissions
Interested applicants are to submit one original quotation. All quotations are to be submitted with the format identified in Clause 3 – Response Requirements. Information supplied by the Public Relations Consultantin response to this Call forQuotations will be treated as confidential and in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Proposals are to reach Teatru Manoel, by not later than Tuesday2ndFebruary 2016by 12.00pm via email to the following address:
Late submissions will not be considered.
8. Publication of Results
Bidders will receive an e-mail detailing the results of this Call for Quotation. The results will also be published on the notice board of Teatru Manoel.
9. Financial Offer
Allquotations must be presented in Euro and Public Relations Consultant are invited to quote an hourly rate for the service to be provided. The Financial Offer must be presented as an amount in Euro and must be submitted in the formatas perAnnex 2. The price quoted is fixed and not subject to revision or escalation in costs. VAT and all other taxes are to be quoted separately.
10. Formalities
During the evaluation, thePublic Relations Consultantmay be asked to supply further clarification to his/her proposal.
The Public Relations Consultantshall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of this Call forQuotations. Teatru Manoelshall not be responsible or liable for any costs or expenses regardless of the conduct or outcome of this Call for Quotations process.
11. Commencement of tasks
The commencement of tasks for the service of public relations consultant should begin within two (2) days from the last date of signature on the contract between the Contractor and the Contracting Authority.
QUOTATION Ref. No: TM 4/2016
Name and Surname: / ............
Registered Address: / ......
Email Address: / ......
Contact Numbers: / ......
VAT Registration Number: / ......
Signature / ......
Date / ......
QUOTATION Ref. No: TM 4/2016
Description / Price inclusive of all taxes but excluding V.A.TAmount in Euro (€) / V.A.T Element per Hour
Amount in Euro (€) / Total inclusive of V.A.T
Amount in Euro (€)
Hourly Rate for Public Relations Consultant / €......
Amount in Words: / €......
Amount in Words: / €......
Amount in Words:
Signature: ......
(the person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the Call forQuotations)
Date: ......
QUOTATION Ref. No: TM 4/2016
To provide:
A Curriculum Vitae, clearly outlining relevant academic background and skills pertaining to public relations consultant.
To be completed and signed by the BIDDER.
In response to your Call forQuotations for the above contract, I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I have examined, and accept in full and in its entirety, the content of this Callfor Quotations Document.
I hereby accept the contents thereto in their entirety, without reservation or restriction. I also understand that any disagreement, contradiction, alteration or deviation shall lead to my quotation offer not being considered any further.
I offer to execute the service in accordance with the terms of the quotation document and the conditions and time limits laid down, without reserve or restriction.
The fee per hour (inclusive of duties, VAT and other taxes) is: ______
Execution of the works in connection with the project:
- I will informTeatru Manoel immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the contract. I also fully recognize and accept that any false, inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this application may result in my exclusion from this and other contracts funded by Teatru Manoel;
- My submission has been made in conformity with the requirements set out in the Call for Quotation Document, and in this respect I confirm having included all the relevant documentation;
- I note that Teatru Manoel is not bound to proceed with this CallforQuotations and that it reserves the right to cancel or award only part of the contract. It will incur no liability towards me should it do so.
First Name
Signature of Bidder
Place and Date
In this section, the bidder has to propose how he/she intends to ensure equal opportunities at the workplace. Please refer to the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality Website for guidance -
Signature: ......
Date ………………………………………………….
YES / NO(a) / Do you have an environmental policy and/or an environmental
purchasing policy? If yes, please provide a copy
(b) / What environmental management systems do you have in place in line with EMAS or ISO 14001.
If NO: Has the organisation considered ISO 14001 or EMAS?
(c) / What actions have been taken over the last three years to improve the environment?
by your company
by other companies with whom you deal
(d) / Does your company have a specific policy or action plan relating to managing waste?
(e) / Does your company try to reduce the waste it produces?
(f) / Does your company reuse and recycle waste generated from its operation?
(g) / Has your company set target for environmental improvements, for example, buying recycled products and materials, use of energy efficient materials?
(h) / Does your company have a specific policy or action plan relating to using transport?
A system for planning routes?
An effective fuel-management system?
or, maintenance schedules for vehicles?
(i) / Has your company a programme for training staff on environmental issues relating to this contract?
Does the company keep a record of all employees who receive training?
Does it account for regular updates on environmental issues?
(l) / Within the last three (3) years has your company:
Been prosecuted for breaking any Maltese or EU environmental law?
had any notice served on it by an environmental regulator or authority?
If “Yes” please give details:
Teatru Manoel is a firm believer in promoting environmental friendly measures. We therefore encourage you to read the following document on ways and tips how to be more environmentally friendly.
Signature: ......
Date ………………………………………………….