International conference on ‘Critical Public‬ Health‬ Consequences of the Double ‬Burden ‬of ‬Malnutrition and the Changing Food Environment in South and South East Asia’

28-30 March, 2018

India International Centre, Lodhi Institutional Area, New Delhi-110003

Organised by


About the conference:

The Public Health Resource Network (PHRN), the Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM-Global), Jan SwasthyaAbhiyan (JSA),World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA),NarotamSekhsaria Foundation (NSF) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) propose to organize a 3-day international conference on ‘Critical Public‬ Health‬ Consequences of the Double ‬Burden ‬of ‬Malnutrition and the Changing Food Environment in South and South East Asia’ at India International Centre, New Delhi on 28-30 March. The conference is designed to raise and debate important issues that underlie the high levels of malnutrition in the world.

Discussions at the conference will be organized in four sections:

  1. Opening Plenary: Situation analysis, including technical presentations on links between malnutrition and the burden of disease.
  2. Section on Undernutrition: Discussions will be organized in plenary sessions and workshops that will run in parallel.
  3. Section on Overweight/Obesity: Discussions will be organized in plenary sessions and workshops that will run in parallel
  4. Synthesis Plenary: This will distil and elaborate on the common themes emerging from and related to the structural and systemic causes of both, undernutrition and overweight /obesity,
  5. Participants of the conference will be selected based on their qualifications, experience and interest in the area of Nutrition and Health. The speakers for the conference will include Indian and International experts in this field. The conference will also provide a chance for researchers to share their learning in the form of oral and poster presentations.

Organizers of the conference hope to be able to provide scholarships to some of the eligible participants.

Who should apply:

Researchers, activists, journalists, scholars, public health professionals and students working in the field of Nutrition and Healthand are residents of South and South East Asia.

Language of the Conference:
The conference proceedings shall be in English. Translation into Hindi will be available for the plenary sessions and some of the workshops.

Application for Participation:
Those wishing to participate in the Conference are required to fill the application formand submit it on or before 8th January,2018. To access the application form, click here.

Abstract Submission:

Participants will have the facility to make oral and poster presentations. These will be chosen from submitted abstracts/posters. Abstracts and poster presentations on the themes of conference can be sent by academicians, researchers, nutrition experts, and activists engaged in Nutrition and Public Health in India through e-mail . To access the call for abstract/poster, click here. Those submitting abstracts/posters also need to fill in the participation form above.


The registration fee for Indian participants is Rs. 3,000 (Rs.500 for participants who qualify for scholarship) and will cover access to all the Conference events and documentation, as well as lunch and other refreshments during the conference

Scholarships are available for participants to attend the Conference, which will cover:

  1. Travel by Train ( upto AC III Tier)
  2. Accommodation provided by Organisers, simple twin sharing basis, for period of conference.
  3. Registration fee waiver of Rs 2,500.


Opening Date for Applications:06-11-2017

Final Date of Submission of Applications:08-01-2018

Confirmation of selected participants:20-01-2018

For questions and clarifications, please contact