Call for PapersforICCMIT 2018:

Special Session on:

“Governance in the Age of IoT”

Organized by:

Dr Ayse Kok

Member of Cambridge Technology Policy Group, UK

Researcher for Google, USA



Prof. Ibrahiem El Emary,

Professor of Computer Science and Systems

King AbdulazizUniversitry Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


With the increasing role of data and algorithms in policy making, leading data experts and international policy makersareinvited to debate and exchange ideasabout data-drivengovernanceincluding but not limited to algorithmicdecision-making with wide-rangingimplications for issues from health and crimeprevention, to crisis management and childcare.

Althoughgovernmentsarelikely to benefit most from the emergingtechnologies, giventhattheyhave the uniquelegitimacy to collect and processhugeamounts of citizen data and manage the public infrastructure on behalf of each one of us, the rightproceduresshouldfirst be established to ensurethatallpotentialsocietaloutcomesareadequatelyassessed. The commercialsuccessstoriesbased on advancements in technologieslikeArtificialIntelligence, the Internet of Things, orBlockchaincannot be replicated in the public sector with the same speed as theyhave in the private. Thisisbecause the potential for socialimpactisso much greater - in privacy, security, ethics, and transparencyterms.

Thissessioninitiates a criticaldebatesincealgorithmsare the mainload-bearerswhenitcomes to extractingusefulinformation from the massiveexplosion of data in allforms and from countlessdifferentsources. In the waythatmulti-nationalcompaniesarechanginghow we work, socialize, orcreatevalue in the economy, data partnered with the ‘right’ algorithmscancompletelytransform the public sector, improvingitsefficiencyenormously in a number of fundamentalfunctionsranging from offering ‘intelligent’ advice to citizens and ‘intelligent’ support to civilservants, to automatingregulation and dispute resolution.

The sessionorganiserwouldparticularlywelcome policy relevantdemonstrations from the followingcommunities:

  • ArtificialIntelligence
  • Internet of Things
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Blockchain Technologies

Session Technical Chairs (Preliminary Version):

  1. Dr Ayse Kok, Researcher, Google

Paper Submission Important Dates

All instructions and templates for submission can be found in the ICCMIT 2018 web site: Please, contact the special session organizers if you are planning to submit any paper.

Important Dates

Paper abstract submission: / December 31, 2017
Notification of acceptance: / January 15, 2018
Final paper submission and authors camera ready: / February 28, 2018
Conference Dates: / April 2-4,2018