Call for New Member – Bamford Monitoring Group
The Bamford Monitoring Group is seeking to appoint a new member to the group – we need someone with experience of caring for someone with a Learning Disability.
The Bamford Monitoring Group has been set up by the Patient and Client Council in 2009. Its role is to capture the views and experiences of people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, families and carers across Northern Ireland about the effect of the changes being made to services in line with the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability.
The Bamford Monitoring Group has equal representation of people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, and carers. The Patient and Client Council provide administration for the group.
For more information about the Bamford Monitoring Group and our work to date please visit the Patient and Client Council website
The Bamford Monitoring Group welcomes expressions of interest from members of the community who are knowledgeable on the issues addressed within the Bamford Review, and meet the criteria outlined in Appendix B. This role is unpaid, but reasonable travel costs and carers allowance will be paid.
If you would like to be a part of the Bamford Monitoring Group, please complete the application form in Appendix C included in this information pack, and send it to us by Friday 23 October 2015 at 1:00pm.
For further information contact Nigel Warburton on 0800 9170 222 or
Duties of Bamford Monitoring Group Members
The Role:
To role is to capture the views and experiences of people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, families and carers across Northern Ireland about the effect of the changes being made to services in line with the Bamford Review.
The main duties of the Bamford Monitoring Group are to:
- INVOLVE the public in assessing progress on implementation across Government of the Bamford Vision, and the wider changes to mental health and learning disability services, in particular how they are changing the experiences of service users and their carers;
- BUILD CAPACITY in the public, service users and carers to allow participation and effective involvement through developing networks, informing and educating people about important issues effecting mental health and learning disability;
- ENGAGE with the Bamford Interdepartmental group, the Bamford HSC Task Force and other relevant decision making groups across Government, to represent the interests of the public in relation to the Bamford Vision and the wider changes to mental health and learning disability services;
- FACILITATE the public, service users and carers in making recommendations on how progress to change mental health and learning disability services could be improved;
- ADVISE the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Bamford Interdepartmental Group on any specific aspects of mental health and learning disability service commissioning, delivery or outcomes as appropriate; and
- REPORT every 6 months to the Patient and Client Council Board and provide a work plan. Report to the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety on any specific aspects of mental health and learning disability service commissioning, delivery or outcomes which he may deem appropriate.
Time Commitment:
The Bamford Monitoring Group currently meets monthly, with frequent correspondence to members throughout the month. It is expected that participants will be part of the group for a period of four years.
Members are expected to attend as many meetings as is possible with exception of ill health or their caring role / personal circumstances preventing them from doing so.
The Bamford Monitoring Group reserves the right to terminate membership if four consecutive meetings are not attended.
Criteria – Who are we looking for?
(1) People who are willing to commit to take part in the work of the Bamford Monitoring Group;
(2) People aged 18 or over and have experienced mental ill health or have a learning disability or care for an individual with either a mental ill health or a learning disability;
(3) People who have current or recent (within the last two years) experience of mental health and/or learning disability services as a service user or a carer;
(4) People who are able to demonstrate that they have knowledge of or are connected to a wider network of people with a learning disability or mental ill health and/or are a carer (e.g. through memberships of organisations, community and voluntary groups etc). There is no expectation that participants will represent user or carers’ groups on the work of the group.
(5) People must be capable of participating (e.g. we will make arrangements to ensure accessibility, interpreting and translation where these are required) and of receiving and commenting on written materials and presentations;
(6) People who have good listening skills, who can put forward an opinion and accept opinions different to their own;
(7) People who are willing and able to work as part of a team;
(8) People who are willing to develop themselves in terms of their skills, knowledge and experience through training;
(9) People who have time to give to the group;
(10) People who can work within the Patient and Client Council’s policies and procedures (where relevant);
(11) People who can work at all levels including strategically;
(12) Potential candidates must not be current employees of health and social care organisations.
Bamford Monitoring Group Member
Application Form
Telephone Number:
Email Address (if any):
Are you over 18 years:
Are you an employee of a health and social care organisation?
We would like you to answer a few short questions:
Please circle which category you wish to represent in this application (you may circle more than one)Why would you like to be a member of the Bamford Monitoring Group?
How would your involvement benefit the Bamford Monitoring Group?
Please outline what experience you have had in the past 2 years of mental health and/or learning disability service users or carers?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us in support of your application?
Thank you for your interest in the
Bamford Monitoring Group
All completed application forms should be returned by
Friday 16 October 2015
Completed forms should be sent to:
Patient and Client Council
4 Wellington Court
BT43 6EQ
Or by e-mail
Do you need help to apply?
The Bamford Monitoring Group project team are available to help anyone with particular needs or who requires assistance to complete the application form.
Help can be obtained by contacting Nigel Warburton on 0800 9170 222 or e-mail
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