California State Senate Bill SB-577
California State Senate Bill SB-577, which was signed by the Governor in September 2002, has profound implications for the practice of alternative forms of healthcare in California. SB-577 enables alternative and complimentary health care to provide and advertise legally. They must also, however, comply with certain requirements specified within the bill.
What does Senate Bill SB-577 mean for you, the client?
SB-577 provides you with access to alternative and complementary health care practitioners, You must be given information about the nature of treatment and the practitioners qualifications. It is a good ideato keep your primary healthcare physician apprised of any alternative services you are pursuing. You may even request that your licensed physician and your alternative healthcare practitioner communicate for a more cohesive outcome.
How SB-577 protects youby:
Requiring unlicensed alternative health care practitioners to follow certain guidelines.
Below is a list of what unlicensed alternative health care practitioners are NOT allowed to do:
- Perform any form of surgery or any procedure that punctures your skin or harmfully invades your body
- Use X-ray radiation
- Prescribe prescription drugs, or recommend that you discontinue drugs that were prescribed to you by a licensed physician.
- Treat wounds with electrotherapy
- Put you at risk of great bodily harm, serious physical or mental illness or death.
- Imply in any way that they are licensed physicians.
In addition, unlicensed alternative health care practitioners MUST do the following:
- Provide you with a statement, written in plain language,that includes the following information
- Inform the clientthat he/she is not a licensed physician and their services are not licensed by the State.
- Abrief clear description of the kind of services he/she provides and reasoning behind it.
- A description of his or her education, training and experience.
- Have you sign an acknowledgement of client information consent to receive treatment form.
- Provide you with a copy.
- Practitioner must keep a copy for 3 years.
The Reiki services that are provided to me should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation against the advice of a licensed physician or mental health professional.
- I have consented to use the services offered by Raz K. Allen, of Razage for Wellness, and I agree to be personally
responsible for her fees in connection with the services provided.
- If requested, I have been provided with a copy of California Senate Bill SB-577.
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Razage for Wellness 30100 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite 35b Laguna Niguel CA 92677 949-254-9192