CHE432 Pollution Abatement Winter 2005
Prerequisites: MAT 216, CHE 302, and CHE 311
Instructor: Thuan K. Nguyen
Office Hours MWF: 9:00-10:00 A.M., Tuesday 8:10 AM
Room: 13-226 Phone: 869-2631
TEXT: Environmental Engineering Science by Narazroff and Cohen
(1) Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment by Hemond and Levy
(2) Air Pollution Control by Cooper and Alley
(3) Green Engineering by David R. Shonnard
No late homework. No make-up quizzes or tests
Homework (best 8 of 9 assignments) 15%
Best 4 of 5 biweekly quizzes 45%, closed books and closed notes
Final Exam 40
A : 93-100%, A- : 90-93% , B+ : 87-90% , B : 83-87% , B- : 80-83%
C+ : 77-80% , C : 73-77% , C- : 70-73%
D+ : 67-70% , D : 60-67% , F : 0-60%
Final Exam: Wednesday March 16 2005 9:10 PM - 11:10 PM
Standard Format for Chemical & Materials Engineering Problems
An engineer's work should be neat, well organized, and easy to follow. You are expected to follow this standard format for completing chemical & materials engineering problems. Points may be deducted for work that does not adhere to this format.
1. Use 8.5x11 paper for engineering problems.
2. The problem statement is needed before the solution ; a drawing is usually required.
3. No credit will be given for final answers that do not show work involved.
4. Draw a box around your answers. Be sure to include units.
5. The top of each page should contain the following information from left to right:
Course & Section # | Assignment # | Your last name, 1st name | Page #/Total pages
6. Staple all pages of an assignment together in the upper left corner.
Pollution Abatement
Improve the understanding of natural processes and the fundamentals that govern the concentrations of contaminants in water, air, and other media. Topics in air pollution, water pollution, and solid waste.
1 Fundamentals Chap. 1
Domains of Environment Engineering
Factors governing contaminant concentrations
Engineering Analysis. Length scales and characteristic times
2 Water, Air, and Their Impurities Chap. 2
Water and the Hydrosphere. Air and the Atmosphere
Impurities in Environmental Media
3 Transformation Processes Chap. 3
Stoichiometry. Chemical equilibrium. Kinetics
Vapor pressure. Dissolution of species in water. Sorption
4 Acid-Base Reactions Chap. 3
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
5 Transport Phenomena Chap. 4
Contaminant Flux. Advection
Molecular diffusion. Dispersion
6 Drag on particles. Gravitational settling. Chap. 4
Brownian diffusion. Mass transfer at fluid boundaries.
Contaminant transport in porous media
7 Transport and Transformation Models Chap. 5
Reactor Models.
General Materials-Balance Model
8 Water Quality Engineering Chap. 6
Water physical treatment methods
Water chemical and physicochemical treatment methods
Biological wastewater treatment
9 Air Quality Engineering Chap. 7
Particle control devices. Air Quality Models
Absorption for gaseous pollutant control.
10 Hazardous Waste Management Chap. 8
Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes:
Physical separation. Chemical treatment
Thermal treatment. Biological treatment
Environmental site remediation