California Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest

The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest is a national competition sponsored since 1947 by the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution. The contest is designed to explore the influence of the Revolutionary War on present day America. The Contest’s purposes are:

•  To support historical research in high schools by promoting oratorical presentations related to our Revolutionary War period 1750-1800.

•  To emphasize American History to the high school student and focus on an intelligent relationship between the past and the present.

•  To place a positive emphasis on the plans of our founding fathers.

•  To facilitate enhancement of public speaking skills in young people who are future leaders of our Nation.

Participating local Chapters of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution may choose to either[a] accept entries for the 2015 Oration Contest utilizing digital technology or [b] conduct a traditional live speech contest.

The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest is open to all students in their freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior classes (Grades 9 - 12) in public, parochial, private, or home schools in California.

The first place speeches of the national winners of the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest from the last seven years can be read at:


Students entering the Oration Contest should submit their entries to a chapter of the Sons of the

American Revolution. Chapters can be located at . If the local chapter isn’t participating, the contestant should contact Tony Bothwell, CASSAR Oration Contest Chairman (email: ). Each student entry must include:

1.  A written speech that is the original composition of the student. It must be between five and six minutes in length when presented. The topic is an event, personality, or a document pertaining to the Revolutionary War, and its relationship to America today. The written speech should be double-spaced.

2.  [a] A digital recording on a USB flash drive of the contestant presenting the speech, saved as an .mpg, .mov, .m4v, or other easily opened video file, or [b] written agreement to participate in a live oration contest scheduled by a local CASSAR Chapter. The oration must be given from memory without the use of notes or any kind of props or costume. The oration must be essentially the same as the written manuscript. The video should show the contestant from the waist up, not just a head shot.

3.  Contestant entry form signed by the student and, if applicable, optional signature of an oratorical coach (NSSAR Form B, page 1), with biographical sketch (NSSAR Form B, page 2).

4.  Signed parent authorization and release form for viewing of video recording.

5.  Photograph of contestant with his/her name on the back.

The Chapters will judge the entries using the NSSAR Oration Contest judging sheet. The winning chapter entries will be identified on the CASSAR Oration Contest Winner Form to be submitted to Tony Bothwell, CASSAR Oration Contest Chairman.

Local winners will be invited to compete in a state-level live Oratorical Contest. The state winner will receive a $1,000 cash award and the Olympic-size Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration Contest medal, and be offered the opportunity to compete in the national contest at the 2015 NSSAR Congress in Louisville, Kentucky. Local winners will be responsible for their travel if they choose to go to the state competition. The state winner will be responsible for his/her travel expenses to the NSSAR Congress if he/she chooses to complete for the national prizes.

Important Dates

February 15, 2015 – Oration manuscript, digital recording on USB flash drive (or written agreement to take part in the live Oratorical Contest scheduled by a local CASSAR Chapter) , entry form, biographical sketch, parent consent form, and photograph are due to Chapter Oration Contest Chairman, or Chapter President.

March 1, 2015 – The winning Entry Packet from each Chapter Oration Contest is due to Tony Bothwell, CASSAR Oration Contest Chairman. Local winners will be invited to compete in the state-level live Oration Contest, to be held in conjunction with the CASSAR Annual Spring Meeting Awards Banquet in mid-April.

Late June, 2015 – The NSSAR Oration Competition will be held at the 125th National Congress in Louisville, Kentucky.

NSSAR Rules of the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest

1.  The contest will be held in preliminary round(s) by state societies and/or chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution to select one winner from each participating state. In districts where no state society sponsors an entrant, a district entry is permitted. Each participating state society or district should provide information regarding the contest to senior high school, parochial, private and home-schooled speech and/or history teachers and principals or counselors as early as possible.

2.  The contest is open to all students of the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes (Grades 9 - 12) in the public, parochial, private and home schools within the jurisdiction of the sponsoring state society or district.

3.  The oration must be original of not less than five minutes or more than six minutes. The subject shall deal with an event, personality, or document pertaining to the Revolutionary War and show a relationship to America today. The oration must be essentially the same as the submitted manuscript. Notes and props (including military uniforms) may not be used in the presentation.

4.  The state society or district establishes the date and deadlines for its contest allowing adequate time to submit its winner as an entrant in the national competition. Form A & B must be received by the National Chairman by the deadline.

5.  Before the chapter winner competes in the state contest, a copy of the oration, a photograph and biographical sketch of the entrant, and the completed Form B should be mailed to the state chairman following the chapter contest. Form A (State) will be sent by the Chapter Chairman to the State Chairman.

6.  At Congress the NSSAR will furnish awards and give recognition to all orators who participate in the national preliminary and final contests.

7.  During the presentation of orations at chapter, state-district, or national contest, no applause is permitted until all orators have finished speaking.

8.  During the national contest, no private videotaping or flash picture taking will be allowed.

9.  By action of the 1985 Congress, all judges in the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest must be members of the SAR. The judges will select the winners by the following criteria: A. Composition; B. Delivery; C. Significance; D. History. Time allocated for delivery is between 5 and 6 minutes. (A penalty is applied for going outside the time allocations.)

10.  The contestants must agree that the interpretation of rules and the decisions of the NSSAR and its judges shall govern without reservation. The judging sheets and notes are the property of the SAR.

11.  The first place winner at the national level of the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest may not compete in its future competitions.

12.  The first place National winner is expected to attend the youth awards luncheon the day after the final competition.



Varies by Chapter


First Place ……………………………………………$ 1,000 Cash Award


First Place…………………………………………...$ 4,000

Second Place……………………………………….$ 2,000

Third Place………………………………………….$ 1,000

The above winners also receive an Olympic-size medal

All other finalists………………………..…$ 300

All other national Contestants……….…….$ 200