April 1, 2015

California Network of Family Strengthening Networks

Committee Information


April 1, 2015

The work of the California Network of Family Strengthening Networks (CNFSN) to carry out its mission is advanced primarily through its committees. The CNFSN welcomes new committee members on an ongoing basis. For information about joining a committee, please contact the CNFSN Coordinator.

Steering Committee

This committee provides oversight and guidance for the CNFSN. It represents the diversity of California’s Family Strengthening networks, including members from northern, central, southern, urban, rural, statewide, small, large, evolving, and established networks. The participation of both Strategies , a statewide technical assistance provider, and the California Family Resource Association, the statewide policy and advocacy body for family strengthening organizations, promotes the integration and coordination of their work in relation to networks and the Family Strengthening field as a whole.

Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of each month, from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM, by phone


April 1, 2015


Andrew Russo –Fund Development Co-Chair, San Francisco Family Support Network

Troy Nichols -- Strategies

Cyndee Garcia –Tulare County Family Resource Center Network

Fiona Lavelle – California Family Resource Association

Heather Nemour – Southern California Co-Chair, San Diego Family Strengthening Network

Linda Joy Landry – Family Resource Centers Network of California

Mary Ann Soden – Interim Treasurer, Families and Communities Together – Orange County

Niki Chambers – Member Connections Committee Chair, Inland Empire Family Resource Center Coalition

Odessa Caton – Contra Costa County Network of First 5 Centers

Roslyn Turner-Clark – Training Committee Co-Chair, Los Angeles County – Partnership for Families Collaborative


April 1, 2015

Executive Committee

This committee makes decisions on time-sensitive issues in between Steering Committee meetings.

Meeting Time: 1stFriday of each month, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, by phone


April 1, 2015


Andrew Russo

Heather Nemour

Mary Ann Soden

Niki Chambers

Roslyn Turner-CLark


April 1, 2015

Membership Connections Committee

This committee promotes peer learning and sharing among network members, by organizingstatewide convenings and webinars, and by publishing the Network Connect newsletter.

Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM, by phone

Chair: Niki Chambers, Inland Empire Family Resource Center Coalition

Fund Development Committee

This committee seeks resources to sustain the work of the CNFSN.

Meeting Time: 3rdTuesday of each month, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, by phone

Co-Chair(s): Andrew Russo, San Francisco Family Support Network

Lisa Faulkner, First 5 Network of San Benito

Training Committee

This committee supports the development and implementation of training on the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support.

Meeting Time: 4th Wednesday of each month, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, by phone

Co-Chair(s): Debbie Comstock, San Diego Family Strengthening Network

Roslyn Turner-Clark, Los Angeles County – Partnership for Families Collaborative