Divisions of Boating and Waterways, Historic Preservation and Off-Highway Vehicles
News ReleaseFor Immediate Release
October 5, 2015 / Contact:
Connie Striplen, 916-324-8112
State Indian Museum Celebrates Autumn with an Acorn Day on October 10
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California State Parks and the State Indian Museum are proud to present a special Acorn Day community event on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The educational and fun-filled Acorn Day celebrates the acorn, a traditional dietary staple of California Indians.
As part of the Acorn Day interpretive activities, guests to the State Indian Museum will enjoy gathering acorns, learning about the time-honored tradition of preparing acorn for food, storytelling and participating in hands-on arts and crafts, soapstone carving, flintknapping and more. As an event highlight, special guest Diana Almendariz, Wintu/Maidu, will be on-hand to demonstrate traditional acorn processing at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. She will also explain how to gather, clean, process, size and care for the native plant materials. Additionally, basketry, beadwork, clothing, and exhibits about the ongoing traditions of various California Indian groups will be on display at the Museum.
All special Acorn Day activities are free and included with normal Museum admission: $7 for adults, $5 for youths (ages 6-17) and free for kids five and under. For more information about State Indian Museum, please call 916-324-0971 or visit
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