February 1, 2017

Dear CAVC Member:

Thank you for having generously supported the Walsh Family CAVC Scholarship Foundation, an organization which offers aspiring students an important financial opportunity. The amount of each scholarship is $5000. The scholarships will be awarded during the CAVC Board of Directors Meeting heldApril 21.

Like any program with strong potential value - IT MUST BE UTILIZED - or it has no intrinsic value. Therefore, we need you to remind personnel within your companies of the availability of our scholarship funds and encourage qualified applicants to apply. May I suggest a simple announcement or newsletter to your respective divisions and employees, as well as posting the enclosed flyer. The 2017 application DEADLINE is April 7, 2017.

It is vital to the success of the program that you give it your support. As you know, a great deal of benevolent effort went into the start-up of this very beneficial offering. Now is the time to help somebody’s son, daughter, niece, or nephew who is ahigh school senior, full time college student at an accredited vocational school, accredited business college, junior college, four year college or graduate school who will be continuing their education in the fall.

If you sponsored an applicant last year that did not receive a scholarship, they may reapply this year if they still qualify. However, to be considered, they must submit a new application and documentation.

Again, I encourage you to take the time to get involved. Applications are enclosed which include all the information about the scholarship program. Additional student applications are available through the CAVC administrative office by calling (626) 229-0900. Thank you very much.


Larry Atnip


Walsh Family CAVC Scholarship Foundation


80 S. Lake Ave., Suite 538, Pasadena, CA 91101

Phone (626) 229-0900 Fax (626) 229-0777 Website