Calero-Morgan Hill CBC 2017
Dear Section Leaders
Thank you so very much for your participation in this year’sCalero-Morgan Hill Christmas Bird Count, which will be held on Saturday, December30!
New for this year, SCVAS is providing us a place on their website for all of our paperwork, at the following website: Those documents, including this letter, will be on the web site soon.
I will still be sending you sector leader packets. These are being mailed out this week. But if you require additional checklists, rare bird forms, etc. then this web site location will be an easy place where additional forms can be obtained.
You may notice that the checklist has changed. It is now more current with the latest naming and ordering changes made by the ABA.
OurCountdown Dinner will once again be held at the New Almaden Community Center at 21727 Bertram Road. Detailed directions are provided in the document called Countdown Dinner. Janna and Lee Pauserhave once again graciously volunteered to put together theCountdown feast, with a little help from the baking elves of Morgan Hill. We ask for a $7 donation to offset the costs of this feast. Please make your team members aware of this countdown dinner, and ask them to RSVP. It is very difficult for Janna and Lee to provide the right amount of food and beverage without a reasonable estimate of the participation expected.
Beth Hamel
COUNTING: The count will be conducted on Saturday December 30, between the hours of 12:01 AM and 12:00 midnight. Most counting will be done during daylight hours, but owling is always encouraged.
FEES: The fee of $5previously collected for each participant to defray compilation and publication costs for the National Audubon Society has been waived. All are encouraged but not required to attend the Countdown Dinner, and for this a $7 donation per person is requested.
RECRUITING: Please do as much recruiting for your section as possible. Three to four persons per party is ideal – the more eyes the better. There is a positive correlation between the number of participants and the species count.
HANDOUTS: To make your job easier before, during, and after the count, the following items are provided:
- USGS and street maps of your sector.
- Any correspondence related to permits/permissions for your sector.
- Past participant list with contact information.
- Summary sheets for participant numbers and party hours.
- Notes and observations. Please take time to add your comments and suggestions – ways to bird the sector, places to look for certain species – whatever you feel will be helpful to leaders who follow.PARTY PACKETS:
- Party Summary. Please be sure the party leaders supply all information in the spaces provided. Most items are self-explanatory. We must have a written description of the area covered.
- Party Hour and Party Mile Worksheet. This has always been the most confusing part of record keeping for the count. Please take time to review this with your counters and encourage them to keep these statistics in mind while they count. It is easy to get wrapped up in counting birds and forget about times and distances, but they are important too.
- Countdown Dinner detailed directions.
- Bird census list. List includes birds expected on the count. Birds more rarely seen and requiring a write-up are in bold.
- Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Log. Each sighting should be followed by ‘a’ (adult), ‘i’ (immature), or ‘u’ (unknown). Encourage people to sketch the wing and tail patterns to help differentiate individuals.
- Rare Bird Forms. The Rare Bird Committee will make final judgments on all unusual species. ALL birds reported in bold or under ‘Additional Species’ MUST have a Rare Bird Form filled out. Sketches and/or photographic evidence are excellent and encouraged.
WRAP-UP: As your party leaders turn in completed packets to you, PLEASE CHECK to see if everything is complete. It is your responsibility to be sure your party leaders complete their forms.
Please turn in your packet at the dinner. Please be neat and accurate and ask the same of the parties in your section. If you will not be attending the dinner, a box will be available at the Community Center site where packets can be turned in. Return of the packets is very important.
For new sector leaders – each of your counting parties needs: The 2 page PARTY SUMMARY, the 4 page CHECKLIST, an eagle detail page, a countdown dinner map, and a few rare bird forms. All bird species printed in bold typeface on the checklist or absent from the checklist MUST be documented on a rare bird form. Photos and/or other detailed rare bird info should be sent to Mike Rogers at and to Beth Hamel at .
THANKS AGAIN and Have Fun Out There!