VOTED, To amend the Calendar of Special Days and Events for 2016, as follows:
6-16 Ten Days of Prayer
9 Health Ministries – Divisions
9 Lord Transform Me Prayer Emphasis
9-16 Holy Spirit Emphasis Week
16 Health Emphasis Day
21-23 Principals Workshop
23 Religious Liberty Day
23-30 Pastors Week of Prayer
27 Church Elder’s Day
29-30 Stewardship Advisory-SXM
1 - 29 Lord Transform Me Emphasis Month
6 Reach the World: Personal Outreach
13-20 Christian Home and Marriage Week
3-6 Religious Liberty Congress
5 Women’s Day of Prayer
8 Secondary School Science Fair
9 Educational Institutions Day of Prayer
12 Adventist World Radio
19-26 Youth Week of Prayer
19 Global Youth Day
24-27 Musical Experience - SXM
26 #Christian Education – Divisions
2 Day of Fasting and Prayer
2 Youth Spiritual CommitmentCelebration (North Hemisphere)
2 Lord Transform Me Initiative Launched in every Church
9 Friends of Hope Day (Visitor’s Day)
9 Mission Promotion-World Mission
16-22 Literature Evangelism Rally Week
16 World Impact Day—for Distribution of Missionary book- Divisions
22-24 CARU Hispanic/Haitian Conference-SXM
23 Special Needs Awareness Day
30 Adventist Education Day
30 Teachers Commissioning Service
7-14 Drug Awareness Month
7 Reach the World: Using Communication Channels
7 Reach the World: In the Community Disaster/Famine Relief*
7 Remembering the orphans Day
20-21 Bible Boom-St. Eustatius
21 Adventist Volunteer Service Emphasis Day
28 World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk
1 – Dec.31 Righteousness of Christ Study Commences
4 Reach the World: Bible Study: Sabbath School and Correspondence
11 Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day
11 Deacons and Deaconesses Advisory
18 Reach the World: Nurturing Other Members and Reclaiming
18 ASI Day
2 Day of Prayer and Fasting
9 Missions Promotion-World Mission
11 Adventist Education Promotion Day (Primary and Secondary Schools)
16 Reach the World: Media Ministry
20-24CARU Session -Trinidad
17-22Children and Adolescents Week of Prayer
23Adventist Children and Adolescents Day
23 Children’s Sabbath
28-Aug 8 Senior Camp-Virgin Gorda
4-7 Pastors Family Retreat-SXM
6 #Global Mission Evangelism
13 Reach the World: Church Planting
20 Education Day
27 Abuse Prevention Day (enditNow)
27 #Lay Evangelism
3 #Youth Spiritual Commitment Celebration- (Southern Hemisphere)
3-10 Family Togetherness Week
10 Mission Promotion-Unusual Opportunity
17 Pathfinder Day
17-24 Health and Health Institutions Emphasis Week
24# Sabbath School Guest Day
1 Day of Prayer and Fasting
1 Adventist Review Subscription Promotion
2 “Move to Live” Program
8 Pastor Appreciation Day
8 Adventist Teachers’ Appreciation Day
15 Spirit of Prophecy and Adventist Heritage
18 Pastoral Advisory- Online
22 Creation Sabbath
22 Day of the Pastor and his family
5-12 Week of Prayer
5 Annual Sacrifice*
9 HIV/IADS Awareness Day
26 Bible Emphasis Day in Adventist Institutions
28-Dec 3. Children and Adolescents Stewardship Week
1-31 Lord Transform Me Members Appreciation Month
7 Lord Transform Me Members-Mobilization Sabbath in all churches
of the Inter-American Division
10 #Health Emphasis-Divisions
*For divisions not on the Combined Offering Plan
#Divisions to prepare materials
Promotional materials for events sponsored by General Conference departments can be found at