Caesar-Cicero Congress Docket

*Preliminary Sessions*

-Session 1

  • A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Elect the Presidency of the United States by Popular Vote. (UDCA)
  • A Resolution to Form an Immigration Alliance with European Member States (UDCA)
  • A Bill to Incentive Wind Energy (NSDA)
  • A Resolution to Enact the Paycheck Fairness Act (UDCA)
  • A Resolution to Allow Government Control of Drones in Threatening Scenarios (UDCA)

-Session 2

  • A Bill to Abolish the Use of Super delegates (NSDA)
  • A Bill to Reauthorize the Second Chance Act of 2008 (UDCA)
  • A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Allow Naturalized Citizens to Hold the Office of the Presidency (NSDA)
  • A Bill to ban Hydraulic Fracturing (NSDA)
  • A Resolution to Prioritize US Infrastructure to Improve Citizen Safety (UDCA)


  • A Resolution to Establish a Price Cap on Pharmaceuticals (NSDA)
  • A Resolution to Fund the Creation of New Nuclear Reactor Plants(UDCA)
  • A Bill to Require Backdoor Technology(NSDA)
  • A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Give Seventeen-Year-olds the Right to Vote and Register for the Draft (UDCA)
  • A Resolution to Reinstate the Voter’s Rights Act (UDCA)


A Bill to Require Backdoor Technology

Text of Legislation


2 / SECTION 1. / upon court order, all companies will be required to
3 / create and provide government access to decrypting technology that bypasses normal authentication in any product used the consumers of said companies during situations of national security
/ SECTION 2. / Telecommunications companies include all technology industry companies that participate in the distribution of information arid facilitate consumer interaction through their technology. Normal authentication refers to any encryption systems under which users enter
.24 / usernames and passwords which are in turn authenticated by the telecommunications company. Times of national security will be defined
12 / as situations where the safety of the United States is at risk.
/ SECTION 3. / The National Security Agency (NSA) in tandem with the Federal Bureau of
14 / Section 4. / Investigation (FBI) will oversee the creation of such technology as well as the protection of its security details upon creation,
The NSA will create security infrastructure including but not limited to daily codes that prohibit anyone other than verified government official from accessing the information,
B, Backdoors will only be used upon court order during a situation concerning national security and will be strictly secured at all other times
This bill will be implemented in fiscal year 2017
/ SECTION S. / . AII laws in conflict 'With this legislation are hereby declared and void.

A Resolution to Establish a Price Cap on


• Text of Legislation

/ WHEREAS, / Pharmaceutical companies are increasing the price drugs without a cap in order to maximize company profits; and
5 / WHEREAS/ / Said companies are manipulating prices of drugs sold in the United States that exceed prices for the same products sold in other countries; and
.9 / WHEREAS, / Excessive pricing Causes many lifesaving drugs to be too expensive for many Americans; and
/ WHEREAS, / Excessive pricing prescription medications in the United States among the most expensive in the world; now, therefore, be it
/ RESOLVEI% / By the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for price caps on Pharmaceutical drugs; and be it
  • FURTHER RESOLVED that the said pharmaceutical drugs be distributed multiple market outlets to allow greater access by all Americans.

A Bill to Ban Hydraulic Fracturing

Text of Legislation •


2SECTION 1,The process of hydraulic fracturing for the extraction of fossil fuels shall be banned in the United States.

4SECTION 2.Hydraulic fracturing is defined as the injection of high-pressure liquids to forcefully open fissures in the ground to extract oil or natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing within the United States entails fracking on or within federal lands, the 50 states, or any United States owned territory.

SECTION 3. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Department of Energy will be jointly

responsible for enforcement of this ban and will be given the authority to deactivate any

9site in which the process of hydraulic fracturing is being used,

10SECTION 4.This bill will take effect 90 days upon passage.

11SECTION 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void,

Introduced for Congressional Debate by the West Oklahoma District

A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Allow Naturalized Citizens to Hold the Office of the Presidency

• Text of Legislation


RESOLVED, by two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as

2an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents

3and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of threefourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:


7SECTION 1. Amend Article: 2, Section 1: Presidency Eligibility as follows: "No person except anatural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this constitution" shall be changed to "No person except a citizen of the United States" to

10allow naturalized citizens to hold the office of the presidency.

11SECTION 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation,

Introduced forCongressional! Debate by the Colorado District

A Resolution to Abolish the Use of


• Text of Legislation

WHEREASSuperdelegates are party insiders such as members of Congress, governors, the current President and Vice President, former Presidents and Vice Presidents, former leaders of the U.S. Senate, former Speakers of the House and minority leader, members of the party's National Committee, and former chairs of the party's National Convention; and WHEREAS, Candidates could lose the popular delegate vote but still go on to win the nomination by

6amassing enough votes from superdelegates; and

WHEREAS,Superdelegates are detrimental to the democratic process because these persons are not bound to represent the people's choice and may vote for whichever candidate they

9choose; and

WHEREAS, Superdelegates have the power to immensely sway the nomination away from the candidate chosen by voters; and

22 WHEREAS, Superdelegates are a method for the party establishment to undermine the voices of American citizens; now, therefore, be it

24RESOLVED,By the Congress here assembled that national parties should abolish the use of .15 superdelegates in the primary nomination process for President of the United States.

Introduced by the Kansas-Flint Hills District

A Bill to Incentive Wind Energy

Text of Legislation •


2 / SECTION 1. / All onshore and offshore wind energy, including existing and future wind turbines, will be incentivized through a permanent tax credit of 3 cents per kWh„
4 / SECTION 2. / Tax credits are defined as an amount of money that can be deducted from the amount of
5 / tax due.
/ SECTION 3. / The U.S. Internal Revenue Service will oversee implementation and enforcement of these
7 / tax credits.
B / SECTION 4. / Tax credits for all wind energy will begin on January 1, 2017.
9 / SECTION 5. / All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

introduced by the Northern South Dakota District