SEND School Offer

CADD: Curriculum Access and Development Department


Our aim is to create a nurturing and aspirational environment where every child feels valued and believes in their potential. We strive to provide our students with a first class education that equips them for the future and helps them to become confident and successful members of our community. This is done by providing a broad and balanced curriculum and ensuring that work is differentiated to allow everyone an equal opportunity to achieve.

CAD Department members act as inspirational mentors, supporting students to achieve their goals while also working closely with other staff members to provide a supportive learning environment.

The Local Offer

The CAD Department aims to implement, manage and support a whole school policy, which responds to the needs of all students in the areas defined in the statutory guidance provided to schools in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014. The strategies employed take into consideration and aim to provide for the full range of student diversity, enabling them to have access to their entitlement to the full National Curriculum.

A child or young person may have a learning difficulty or disability if he or she

•Is significantly slower at accessing information and understanding concepts than that of their peers starting from the same baseline.

•Fails to match or better their previous rate of progress.

•Fails to close the attainment gap between them and their peers.

•Widens the attainment gap.

The Barking and Dagenham local offer can be found here:

The Aim of the School Offer

To foster and encourage positive approaches to the education of students with SEN and disability. To work in partnership with parents and external agencies involved with the student. To show that by having regard to the Code of Practice 2014, effective systems and strategies are in place to facilitate positive learning experiences and progress in students with a range of SEN and Disability.

The person responsible for the co-ordination of the day-to-day provision of education for students with SEN is Mrs. Dolores Assan. Whilst it is the responsibility of CADD to provide support for students with SEND, All Saints seeks a coherent approach which involves liaison and collaboration with the Head teacher, Student Support and all members of staff involved with students with SEND.

Students with SEND who have an EHCP or who are designated SEN Support are considered for admission in the same way as those students who do not have SEN and are subject to the same entry criteria. However, students with an EHCP will be given priority if the school of choice is named in the EHCP and are practising Catholics.

Partnership: Working With Parents

If a student with an EHCP is offered a place at All Saints, a transition plan will be implemented and an intake conference will be organised with the parent/carer and the relevant representative of the external agencies. This meeting is used to strategically plan and prepare for the student’s admission.

All primary schools are expected to send the SENCo a list of students with SEND in Year 6 so that early identification of particular need or difficulty is established prior to arrival in September. In line with the new SEN Code of Practice, students with SEND will each have a pupil profile written in collaboration with the student and their parents or carers. Pupil profile is accessible to all members of staff and it serves as a guide to Teachers’ practice.

The SENCo or Deputy SENCo may also be invited to attend Transfer Reviews of students with SEND in the summer term prior to admission.

Parent Forum:

Once a term, a parent meeting will be held. This provides parents, carers and keyworkers with the opportunity to meet, discuss and give suggestions regarding their child's SEN provision in and outside of the school.

Identification of CADD students

  • During KS2 transition meetings, information is passed on from Primary schools.
  • Whole school CATS testing of Year 6 pupils during an induction day
  • Whole school testing of spelling, single word reading and comprehension
  • Views from the parents/carers
  • Views from the teachers’ reports
  • External professionals which may include: Educational Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and medical professionals etc.

In line with school policy the Curriculum Access and Development Department utilise all student assessment data and information from KS2 in order to establish levels of difficulty in the four areas:


Keyworker System: Each student under SEN Support or on an EHCP will receive a Keyworker. This person will work in collaboration with the parents and students to ensure that their needs are being met.

In Class Support: Students are supported within lessons so they are able to access the curriculum and integrate with their peers. Teaching Assistants will work 1:1, in small groups or assisting whole classes within lesson times.

Emotional Support:The school responds to any advice provided by external professionals and will endeavour to seek support from these professionals when needed. There is daily form time which provides opportunities for peer mentoring, mentoring is available from the Student Support department and counselling is available from Brentwood children’s services as well as CAMHS. There is also daily contact with Keyworkers.

1:1 or small group Literacy:Literacy intervention is offered to students who after Quality First teaching are still unable to make the required progress to access the curriculum. Literacy Intervention can include spelling intervention and support with comprehension. Literacy Intervention is run by an experienced SEN teacher within or out of lessons.

1:1 or small group Numeracy:Numeracy intervention is offered to students who after Quality First teaching are unable to make the required progress to access the curriculum. Numeracy Intervention is run by an experienced SEN teacher within or out of lessons.

Speech and Language:Regular Speech and Language groups are run by the HLTA during AM or PM registration so that students do not miss any of their lessons. Project ‘X’ Code is used to accelerate students reading.

Reading partnership: Students in year 7 have their literacy skills assessed, and those with levels below the national average are invited to join a Reading Partnership scheme. This happens twice a week during registration. Students read to year 10 students and their progress is monitored by a member of CADD.

Lexia:Lexia Strategies is an online programme designed for struggling readers who are having difficulty with their fundamental literacy skills. Using a simple, age-appropriate interface, the program begins with skills at the first-grade level, covering basic phonological awareness through advanced decoding skills, vocabulary development, and comprehension activities. Students work independently to develop reading skills in a structured, sequential manner while teaching assistants receive the data and resources they need to support intervention and direct instruction.

Social skills:Small group sessions with up to 8 children are carried out on a weekly basis with the aim to help students interact with each other. The activities involve small tasks that allow the students to positively share information about themselves, their family, hobbies and interests. Emphasis is put on the students to join in and communicate with each other.

Extra-Curricular Clubs:Homework club is run every day after school from 15:15 – 16:15. Homework club is a place where students are able to access help with their home studies. Homework club is run by two Teaching Assistants and monitored by the SENCo. Lunch club is set in the CADD room, where students who may find it challenging being in a busy and noisy environment during lunch can come and find a sanctuary among friends. Lunch club is run by the SENCo and it provides students with opportunity to discuss any issue that may have emerged throughout the day.


KS2 – KS3

When offers of places have been made, primary schools are requested to send the SENCo the names and details of all students with SEN and Disability. This helps with early identification of a particular need or difficulty, prior to admission in September. The SENCo (Mrs D. Assan) or Deputy SENCo (Miss M. Murawski) may also be invited to attend transfer reviews for students with Education Health and Care Plans or who are on SEN Support, in the Summer term prior to the student’s admission. This meeting is used to strategically plan and prepare for the student’s admission, and facilitates a smooth transition from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3.

KS3 – KS4

In the lead up to students choosing their GCSEs a transition meeting is arranged. At the meeting a Transition Plan will be written looking at what the student wants to achieve over the next few years. We will discuss all aspects of the student’s life including education, employment, housing, health, transport and leisure activities. In Year 9, students with SEND are assessed for eligibility of exam concessions. Based on their scores, students may be eligible for 25% extra writing time, a reader and/or a scribe for each exam.

KS4 – KS5

Students from CADD are welcome to attend the 6th form support evening and interviews. The admission criteria is the same for all students 5 5-9 grades including English and Maths (5 A* - C grades)or (5 grades 4 -9) However, there are subjects which offer BTEC where it is not required for the student to have a 5 or above in Maths and English. CADD has had a lot of success with students attending 6th form in the past with the majority then going on to study at University.


The most recent SEN Code of Practice (2014) highlights the professional responsibility of all teachers to meet the needs of students with SEND, and parents or carers are therefore encouraged to raise any concerns in the first instance with form tutors or relevant subject teachers.

Where concerns cannot be successfully addressed by these staff, parents should contact their child’s Year Leader or a member of the CAD Department

The SENCo is responsible for ensuring the individual needs of all students in the school are met and parents or carers can contact Mrs. Assan when concerns persist despite intervention.

Year Leaders

Year 7 – Ms M Desmond

Year 8 – Mr. C. Walsh

Year 9 – Mr. J. Eccles

Year 10 – Mr. S. Lucraft

Year 11 – Mr. S. Eason

Sixth Form – Ms. S. Gillin and Mr. J. Taylor