CACCN Manitoba Chapter
Executive Meeting
April7th, 2009
Present: Lissa, Andre, Sara, Joy, Tannis, Rhonda, Chris, Anna
- Approval of Januaryminutes
Minutes approved as written.
- Financial Report
Andre reported the balance of $14,448.42 with recent deposits from CACCN National for $165 & $300. The renewal for Canada Post was due for $183.75. Anna was paid for a new ink cartridge & stamps. Chris gave Andre a list for the Lab value education evening. There may be some drop ins.
- Newsletter
Sara will touch base with Jenelle who could write something re: pediatric code blue. There will be no individual report, but a group one which will be circulated for review. Winkler ICU will be the profile ICU. The notice changes to the constitution will be included in the newsletter. The roles & the positions coming available will be included as to refer to the website, as well as proxy votes. Goal for newsletter send out is beginning of March. A ‘save the date’ Edge of Excellence reminder will also go out. Anna reported that only 8-9 members get mail newsletters now, all the rest are emailed out.
- Educational Events
There is now new pricing for the Sim Lab of $10/hr per room. Not sure if retropay would be applicable for us. For the upcoming Lab Value session with S. Christie, there are 47 people signed up with many expected drop ins. There are quite a few attendees from medicine (E6, E5 & cardiology), some Seven Oakes staff, some from the Vic. & HSC, lots of nonmembers. None noted from the Grace or Concordia. Chris has gotten a $75 KEG gift card for Sandra. Chris will arrange catering through Seven Oakes for munchies & beverages. One attendee had been sick for the Sim Lab, so was credited for another session, which is reasonable, except for Edge.
Heart sounds session- March is not good for Dr. Wolfe. Could beginning of June be an option? Chris will f/u.
- Constitution & By Laws
Have all been revised & a notice to members that they will be posted on the website by mid March.
- Open forum
Anna suggested that CACCN MB may want a table @ Critical Eye in April in exchange for a 1 year membership to add into a gift package. Agreed this was a great idea.
Next Meeting: March 2nd, 1600 in MSICU.
Edge of Excellence Minutes
February 2nd, 2010
Present: Maurita, Sara, Joy, Lissa, Tannis, Anna, Rhonda
1.0Approval of January Minutes
Minutes approved as written.
2.0Sponsorship Update
Chris updated us on this progress. The Heart & Stroke Fdn has donated a door prize. BD Medical, David Beaton, Fresnius, Ryan Medical, Burke @ SAGE, Dr. Lee/Rachel, Abbott, AstraZenica, Boston Medical, Medtronic have all been contacted & some have responded. 3M has not responded. NURSE1 has provided a magazine, but there is probably not enough, so it will be put out on a table for those that want. Many vendors would like the brochure.
3.0Door Prizes/Attendee Gifts
Joy reported her findings of the stethoscope tags (by Littman). They are $1.80/pc for pack of 5 or $1.65/pc for 200. Highlighter pens are about $1.25 & have the CACCN logo. Water bottles are $6.50 or $6.00 depending on the kind. Some discussion was had around water bottles & some people may be particular about the kind of water bottle (ie. Ensuring PBA free). Joy will investigate a little bit further with the attendee gifts. Maurita will donate a flower arrangement for a door prize. Joy is to get the gift baskets/door prizes spending about $250-$300 or approx. $30/basket.
Rhonda had sent out a draft ecopy & questioning afternoon coffee & the length of the presentations. It was decided that 1 hour presentation tops (10 min. for questions). A later lunch would be ok, but still many people would want a coffee break in the afternoon. Need to confirm speakers & title topic for the brochure. Rhonda will work on a ‘save the date’ poster to be sent out with the newsletter in March.
Lissa will talk to Kendra re: the speaker for horizontal violence. Rhonda to talk to Shelley & Darren. Anna to talk to CSI’2010 speakers & send their names to Rhonda. The clickers for the interactive session are expensive- Lissa to continue working on this. Have not yet decided on a title for the interactive session ie “Are you smarter than…”
6.0Open Forum
No further discussions
Next Meeting: March 2nd, 1645 in MSICU.