Highbury Defense Group (HDG) New Employee On-Boarding Guide
Overall Process:
- When a new employee is scheduled to arrive, the HDG Team Lead responsible for the new hire will notify the government client, contract PM (COR) and the Assistant Customer Technical Representative (ACTR) via email two weeks in advance of the scheduled arrival date
- The Team Lead will use the Checklist to ensure actions are taken to result in a smooth transition
- The Team Lead will send the new employee applicable documentation and pre-requisite training (DAU ACQ 101, program overview etc.)
- The Team Lead will coordinate with HDG HR and IT (Nic Merrin & Daniel Gelyana) to schedule first day on-boarding for: benefits package, laptop/software, any applicable NDAs, etc.
- The Team Lead will be the employees on-site ‘go to’ person for anything they need (questions/concerns/progress etc)
PRE-CHECK-IN STEPS (Prior to start date)
- Ensure FSO has completed any on boarding security training, and entered employee info in JPAS
- Fill out DD Form 1172-2(CAC request form, previously TASS) , submit to contract PM (who submits to COR)
- Fill out System Authorization Access Request – Navy (SAAR-N) form and instruction for an NMCI account
- If SPAWAR badge is required, refer to HDG SPAWAR Badge SOP
- Cell Phone/plan (if approved/required)
- Identify employee’s Workspace/desktop/laptop computer (on site/off-site)
- Ensure the Govt client/Contract PM (who will notify the COR)/ACTR are aware of the new employee’s start date
- Arrange an appointment with the ACTR and the new employee (on their first day) for account set up/management and computer support requirements (for on-site employees only)
- Applicable program information/most recent briefs/Required NSERC pages/Training pre-requisites
- Upon arrival, ensure the new employee has completed their HDG check-in (Nic Merrin)
- Show new employee his/her workspace (if applicable)
- Complete a tour of the program office/ contract space and make the appropriate introductions
- Computer set-up – Pre-schedule meeting with the ACTR
- Review Applicable Organizational Charts
- Ensure the new employee’s calendar is updated with all necessary meetings
- Provide reference materials for the new employee to review during their first month:
- NSERC/ TWIMS account for training (PII/cyber)
- Security Classification Guides
- Team Lead meet with the new employee to discuss specific duties (roles and responsibilities)
Team Lead Work with the new employee assess progress, answer an