Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp
Adult Volunteer Information
Camp Tehama in Mill Creek, California
Thank you for your interest in the Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp Program, located in beautiful Mill Creek, California. The camp program is open to all youth, whether previously affiliated with 4-H or not. Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp is a 5-day overnight camping experience for ages 9-13, although adult staff may be at the camp for up to 7 days. A full camp may include 100 campers, 35 teen staff and 20 or more adult volunteers.
Adults are vital to the life of our 4-H youth camp. Adult volunteers will use leadership skills to work with teen staff, other adults and campers. Adult volunteers must be positive role models and be willing to guide youth toward self-confidence in a camp setting. Adult volunteers will be selected for the listed positions; some positions do not require camp attendance.
Camp Tehama is at a high elevation; approximately 4,800 feet. The camp is near Lassen Volcanic National Forest with steep hills, imbedded rocks and uneven terrain. Walking, hiking and lifting may be required. Sleeping areas may have no electricity or direct lighting. Volunteers will be required to stay up late into the evening/morning at least twice. Volunteers are expected to identify and prevent problems of all kinds, from safety to personality conflicts that may occur. Volunteers are expected to help anywhere at any time while at camp. In case of a fire or other natural disaster, assistance with mandatory group evacuation may be necessary. You may be required to fill in for someone in a different position without notice in the event of an emergency, illness or injury. Camp is hard work and everyone is expected to pitch in wherever needed. We are all there to benefit youth in our community.
Attendance at camp committee meetings is highly recommended in order to understand the full scope of what is expected and to continue in the program position.
Qualifications to be a 4-H Youth Camp Adult Chaperone
1. Must be at least 21 years of age by first day of camp.
2. Current 4-H appointed volunteer, or willing to complete process before the start of camp
3. CPR/First Aid Certified, or willing to complete training before the start of camp
4. Pay $16 UCCE 4-H YDP Enrollment & Accident/Insurance Fee (if not currently enrolled in the 4-H Program)
5. Encouraged to attend 4-H Youth Camp Committee Meetings prior to camp (see schedule)
6. Must attend camp in its entirety (typically 6 days) & any meetings deemed mandatory by the Camp Director
7. Ability to accept supervision and guidance
Adult Chaperone Application/Registration
All Camp Adult Chaperone Application & 4-H YDP Volunteer Enrollment (online) forms will be available, with the deadline, on the Tehama 4-H Youth Resident Camp web page. Please make checks out to “Tehama County 4-H Council”. Camp Adult Chaperone Application forms and fees can be mailed to the Tehama County Cooperative Extension, 1754 Walnut Street in Red Bluff, prior to due date.
4-H YDP Volunteer Enrollment can be found at http://cetehama.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/4-H_Volunteer_Opportunities/.
Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp Committee: Will be comprised of adult and youth volunteers who are passionate about running a positive youth camp program. Youth representatives must be teens with some camp experience. The camp committee will meet regularly to plan, organize and facilitate the camp experience. Committee positions are as follows. (The committee may increase or reduce the positions as the need arises to ensure a quality youth camp experience.)
Camp Director/Camp Committee Chair:
Oversee the entire camp program and work with all persons involved with camp. Enforce the code of Conduct. (Please read entire position description before applying for this position. This position can require up to 200 hours of volunteerism.)
Camp Teen Staff & Programming Director:
Guides the Teen Youth Directors in conducting and leading the Youth Camp Committee.
4-H Youth Development Program and UCCE Staff:
This position is filled by UCCE Tehama County 4-H Office staff and oversee all aspects of the Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp program.
Kitchen Supervisor Committee Position:
Supervise all functions necessary for the preparation and serving of scheduled camp meals and snacks. Supervise volunteer kitchen staff. Ensure adherence to food-safe work practices. Please read entire position description before applying for this position.
Camp Health Supervisor Committee Position:
Oversee all health-related issues for adult and youth camp attendees. Keep medications secure and ensure that they are appropriately administered. Document all health incidents in the appropriate record(s). Please read full position description before applying for this position.
Treasurer/Committee Position:
The treasurer will assist in developing the camp budget, manage financial papers, provide a report at committee meetings and will collect monies received from teen and adult volunteer staff. This position is not required to attend camp.
Communications and Publicity/Committee Position:
Utilize social media such as Facebook, newspapers, fliers and other means to publicize all aspects of camp. Maintain a contact list of committee members and adult and teen volunteer staff. Communicate via telephone, text and email to notify committee members of meeting dates and upcoming events, appropriate. Coordinate any transportation issues to and from meetings and camp. You will work closely with secretary and donations positions. This position is not required to attend camp.
Secretary/Committee Position:
Keep accurate minutes and records of camp committee meetings. Handle correspondence, which will mainly be thank-you letters. Coordinate collection of applications from potential teen and adult volunteer staff; maintain attendance records of camp staff trainings and meetings. Maintain office supplies. Work closely with donations and publicity positions. This position need not attend camp.
Donations & Fundraising/Committee Position:
Work with camp committee to obtain wish lists for donation items. Coordinate donation letter distribution to potential donors for wish list items. Ensure that sponsors/donors are recognized at camp with signs and posters. Maintain a sponsor/donor list for the committee Secretary for personal thank-you letters and invitations to dinner one night during camp. Work closely with Secretary and Publicist. Plan and coordinate, with committee and other assistance, at least one effective fundraising event per camp year that will help fund the camp program. This position need not attend camp. This position need not attend camp.
Organize and inventory supply totes/items that are in Tehama County 4-H Program’s storage. Ensure that containers are clearly marked and able to be stowed in a manner so that materials and supplies are preserved for future use. This position(s) requires coordination with the Area Directors (archery, crafts, etc.) to make sure that totes and supplies go to and return from camp. Maintain a list of materials that are essential to the program and ensure that they are provided and loaded to go to camp. This position requires repetitive heavy lifting (>50 lbs) and lifting above the head. Camp attendance is not required.
POSITIONS DURING CAMP: The following positions must attend camp and will work closely with Camp Director.
Health Supervisor:
This position requires current license as a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), or at least 15 officially documented hours of health and safety training that includes pediatric first aid, pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CRP), and preventive health practices. Ensures that all adult chaperones have been first aid and CPR certified prior to camp. Collects and maintains health records for all campers, teen staff and adults on site. Supervises all healthcare and wellbeing for all individuals at camp. For a complete list of duties, please see the 4-H Camping Safety Guidebook: http://safety.ucanr.edu/files/3478.pdf
Aquatics Supervisor:
This position requires a current lifeguard certification. Lifeguard the creek swimming day planned activity and any activities held at the fish pond. One lifeguard is needed for every 25 swimmers or fishing participants. For example, 26 swimmers require two certified lifeguards.
Kitchen Supervisor:
This position requires a Manager’s Food Safety Certification. Work directly Teen Youth Directors to plan and prepare scheduled camp meals. Ensure that all planned meals are prepared using food-safe handling practices and are presented on time. Please read full position description before applying for this job.
Adult Engineers (male and female):
Supervise Youth Engineers. Know the Youth Engineer job duties and ensure that their tasks are completed. This position can be coupled with some other positions.
Cabin Supervisors (male and female):
Supervise Youth Cabin Coordinators. Assist the Youth Cabin Coordinators to ensure tranquility, safety, and security in individual cabins and cabin areas. Assist with conflict resolution as needed. Be willing to assume responsibility for a cabin group in the event of an emergency or in the event that assigned teen volunteer staff become unavailable. This position should not be coupled with other positions, except an area activity.
Kitchen and Dining Hall Supervisor Assistant:
Work directly with Kitchen and Meals Coordinator. Help prepare planned meals and snacks. Be responsible for kitchen and dining hall clean-up and assist in the kitchen where necessary. Help coordinate adult server schedules. Supervise teen staff assigned to the dining hall and ensure completion of proper cleaning.
Area Activities Supervisor: Campers will rotate through these areas. Ensure that needed planning, supplies, equipment and coordination are implemented by teen staff to present a quality and fun activity that lasts for one hour. Knowledge and passion about the specific area is a must.
Campfire Supervisor:
Ensure a family friendly, safe and fun campfire program. This program gathers all campers together for approximately one and a half hour. Campfire will start as soon as possible after the end of the day and lowering of the flag. Oversee the teen staff campfire committee to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate and that necessary preparation is timely completed. Oversee the skit schedule and ensure that all cabin skits are appropriate, safe and comfortable for camp conditions. For example, skits using water should not being thrown on electronics or campers, unless they specifically volunteer for that experience.
Fill in where necessary.
On Call:
Be on call in case staff requires an item be transported to camp.