C7.5 Place and Livability

C7.5 Place and Livability

Geography Unit 7.5 Place and Liveability Year 7

FOCUS QUESTION: What factors influence the decisions people make about where to live, and their perceptions of the livability of places?

Week / Lesson / Topic / Duration
1 / 1 / Defining liveability / 1 lesson
1 / 2 / Perceptions of liveability / 1lesson
1-2 / 3-4 / Access to services and facilities – parts 1 and 2 / 2 lessons
2 / 5 - 6 / Environmental Quality – parts 1 and 2 / 2 lessons
3 / 7 / Perceptions of crime and safety / 1 lesson
3 / 8 / Social connectedness / 1 lesson
3 / 9 / Importance of place to Indigenous people / 1 lesson
4 / 10 / catch-up and chill out lesson / 1 lesson
4 / 11-12 / Strategies to enhance liveability – parts 1 and 2 / 2 lessons
5 / 13-14 / Field Study preparation – parts 1 and 2 / 2 lessons
5 / 15 / Field Study – excursion (approximate) / 1 lesson
6 / 16-17 / Field Study data compilation and analysis / 2 lessons
6-7 / 18 -20 / Field Study data presentation preparation / 3 lessons
7 / 21-22 / Field Study data presentation / 2 lessons
8 / 23-24 / Revision and test preparation / 2 lessons
9 / 25 / Short response test or Response to stimulus paragraph / 1 lesson
9-10 / 26-30 / Extension work / 5 lessons
Total Unit / 30 lessons

CONTENT AND KEY CONCEPTS: The livability of places is influenced by accessibility to services and facilities, and by environmental quality. People’s choices about where to live are influenced by age, gender, culture, income, social connectedness, community identity and perceptions of crime and safety.

Link to the Year 7 Australian Curriculum - Place and liveability

Geographical knowledge and understanding

  • The factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places (ACHGK043)

Geographical inquiry and skills

Interpreting, analysing and concluding

  • Analyse geographical data and other information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to identify and propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns and trends and infer relationships (ACHGS051)
  • Apply geographical concepts to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the data and information collected (ACHGS052)


  • Present findings, arguments and ideas in a range of communication forms selected to suit a particular audience and purpose; using geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate (ACHGS053)

General capabilities


  • Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
  • Grammar knowledge
  • Word knowledge
  • Visual knowledge
  • Numeracy
  • Recognising and using patterns and relationships
  • Interpreting statistical information
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Inquiring — identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Analysing, synthesising and reasoning and procedures
  • Personal and social capability
  • Self-awareness
  • Social awareness

Adjustments for needs of learners

  • Use of concrete examples & materials
  • Link new information to existing information
  • Instructions verbalised & visualised
  • Repetition of instructions as required
  • Clear scaffolding of work
  • Constant checking of comprehension
  • Give multiple examples in different formats
  • Constant review of information
  • Give clear concise instructions, one at a time; not multiple instructions
  • Task recall/clarification with student
  • Use of check lists
  • Extensions Activities for G&T


  1. Field Study Report
  2. Short response test or Response to stimulus paragraph


  • This unit is based primarily on the ‘CURRICULUM INTO THE CLASSROOM • Independent Learning Materials’ with elements of the text GeoWorld 7.
  • Assessment task 1 is drawn from the Independent Learning Materials
  • Assessment Task 2 is drawn from both the Independent Learning Materials and the GeoWorld 7 text
  • The Independent Learning Materials are primarily designed for students to type directly into form fields. These have not been converted to Wordbecause the majority of them can be taught from good ol’ fashioned chalk and talk, now replaced by whiteboard marker and whiteboard or laptop and data projector (big screen and talk mean?... just looking for a bad rhyme).
  • This approach will sit well with HOD’s who are circumspect to photocopy in bulk.
  • In most lessons, especially in the first six weeks, there is a link to the Independent Learning Materials lesson in its complete form, with accompanying resources. This can just be displayed on the data projector.
  • Here is an important link: answers and lesson notes.

Answer and lesson notes

CODES FOR RESOURCES: V = Video, PP = Power Point, TN = Teachers Notes, SN = Student Notes, H = Handouts, W = Website

Video note: some of the videos are within the individual lesson plans, which have been hyperlinked.

Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
1 / 1 / Define liveability.
Identify the factors that influence where people live. / I know I can do this when I:
Define the term liveability.
Identify the factors of liveability that I value. / Unit focus
-definition of liveability
-factors influencing liveability / GeoWorld 7:
Read page Ch. 7 p.213, top paragraph and summarise in one sentences
GeoWorld 7: Ch.81. p.236-237
Geoactivity 8.1-m Q1 & 2
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
1 / 2 / Compare different places to recognize that perceptions of liveability differ. / I know I can do this when I:
Understand the difference between subjective and objective perceptions and could explain it to others if required.
Can develop my own objective and subjective questions relating to set criteria. / Perceptions of liveability
View video and discuss difference between subjective and objective perceptions and the problems associated with comparing them.
Develop own questions. / GeoWorld 7:
Read page Ch. 7.1 and 7.2 p.214-217 and write a persuasive paragraph about whether a cold and remote place or a floating world would be a better place to live in.
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
1-2 / 3-4 / Define the terms service and facilities.
Compare and contrast two different areas in terms of liveability.
Compare and contrast three different areas in terms of liveability. / I know I can do this when I:
Understand the difference between services and facilitiesand correctly categorize them if required.
Classify Maryborough e.g. remote etc.
Complete Geoactivities with informed responses. / Access to services and facilities affects the options available to people and may affect their choice of location
Compare and contrast two different areas in terms of liveability, using Liveability Comparisons Study as source.
GeoWorld 7. Ch.9.1-9.9 p. 266-283. Teachers with students work their way through these nine chapters and complete Geoactivities deemed appropriate by the teacher. / GeoWorld 8.1 p.236-237
Geoactivity 8.1-m Q3 & 4
GeoWorld 7 Ch. 9.10 p.284-285
Geoactivity 9.10:Q1-11
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
2 / 5-6 / Define environmental quality.
Describe how water quality affects the liveability of an area. / I know I can do this when I:
Understand the terms environmental quality and water quality.
Respond to images of water pollution. / Environmental Quality.
Air Quality
Water Quality and its effect on liveability of an area.
GeoWorld 7: Ch.8.8 and 8.9 p.250-253
Geoactivity 8.8 and 8.9 all Qns.
GeoWorld 7. Ch.7.4 p.220-221 Geoactivity 7.4 Q.1-6 / GeoWorld 7. Ch.8.8 p.250-251
Geoactivity 8.8 Q1-4
GeoWorld 7. Ch.7.4 p.220-221
Geoactivity 8.8 Q1-4
3 / 7 / Discuss how crime and safety perceptions may differ to crime statistics.
Identify how crime and safety can influence perceptions about liveability. / I know I can do this when I:
Identify aspects of a safe place.
Describe perceptions of crime rates. / Perceptions of crime and safety.
Define crime.
Describe perceptions of crime.
Comparison of unsafe countries (GeoWorld 7: Ch.8.4) / GeoWorld 7: Ch.8.4 p.242-243
Geoactivity 8.4 Q.1-6
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
3 / 8 / Identify the factors that connect people in a community.
Define the concepts of inclusion and exclusion. / I know I can do this when I:
Respond to questions on my social connectedness.
Explain the difference between social exclusion and inclusion. / Social connectedness
Social inclusion and exclusion. / GeoWorld 7: Ch.9.7 p.278-279
Geoactivity 9.7 Q.1-6
3 / 9 / Classify objects and match to people and the land.
Evaluate and justify whyIndigenous people choose to live in a place. / I know I can do this when I:
Match objects with the land and the people.
Write a paragraph explaining why Aboriginal people choose to live in a place. / Importance of Country/Place to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Spatial distribution of the population of Aboriginal peoples. / GeoWorld 7: Ch.8.13 p.260-261
Geoactivity 8.12 Q.9-10
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Extension Work/Homework
4 / 10 / Discuss progress in unit.
Identify incomplete tasks and work towards completing them. / I know I can do this when I:
Be up-to-date. / Catch-up (YEAH!) / None – or any of the above
4 / 11-12 / Identify processes associated with enhancing the liveability of places.
Investigateincreasing the liveability of places for young people in Australia and Europe. / I know I can do this when I:
Plan and draw a town to meet set requirements.
Identify liveability issues for young people. / Strategies to enhance liveability.
Liveablility issues for young people.
Liveability of Cairns. / GeoWorld 7: p.262-263
Geoactivity Q.1h.
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Resources / Extension Work/Homework
5 / 13-14 / Discuss assessment task and identify the requirements. / I know I can do this when I:
State what I am required to do when I go on the Field Trip.
Ask relevant questions to clarify expectations. / Field trip Preparation.
Outline data collection requirements.
Outline safety aspects and behavior expectations.
Teachers please note For map:BOLTSS – means Border Orientation Legend Title Scale Source / V - Assessment task overview (4:39)
Actual Assessment Task – in digital format. (sheet 9)Continued usage in lessons 16-20
Access to computers/laptops.
It is advised that students complete their assessment task in digital form as it is 25 pages!
There is/will be a separate data collection sheet that students will take with them on the Field trip. / Ensure money and permission from are returned.
5 / 15 / Apply learnt data collection methods and gather relevant and accurate data from the community. / I know I can do this when I:
Collect accurate data: quality and quantity. / Field trip
Travel to McDowell Carpark.
9:00 departure
Walk around chosen target area and collect accurate data. / 2 buses or private transport
parent helpers (not compulsory) / Nil
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Resources / Extension Work/Homework
6 / 16-17 / Construct graphs to represent data.
Evaluate data, draw conclusions andjustify responses. / I know I can do this when I:
Thoroughly compile information, analyse it and represent it. / Field Study data compilation and analysis.
Aid students to compile information, represent it, partly in graphical form and justify responses.
Submit draft before next lesson. / ILM – 16Summarise findings
Actual Assessment Task – in digital format.
Access to computers/laptops.
GeoWorld 7: 11.10 p.336-337 – many examples of graphs and infographics / Students may wish to add photographs if and where appropriate.
#GeoWorld 7 Chapter 12.10 has strategies employed by the Australian Government.
6-7 / 18-20 / Summarise, interpret, evaluate, justify data and construct a multimedia presentation. / I know I can do this when I:
Individually, complete a multi-model presentation (refer to lesson overview for details). / Field Study data presentation preparation.
Students are to prepare a multi-model presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Publisher, Moviemaker) to display their collected data, analysis and recommendations.
*Stress consequences for failure to submit assessment. / Access to computers/laptops. / Students may wish/need to also work on this at home.
7 / 21-22 / Apply knowledge to discuss findings. / I know I can do this when I:
Present a well-prepared presentation. / Field Study data presentation.
Students, on data projector share their findings. / Data projector.
Weeks / Lesson / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Lesson Overview / Resources / Extension Work/Homework
8 / 23-24 / Identify key concepts covered in the unit. / I know I can do this when I:
Be confident in my skills and knowledge of concepts for this unit. / Revision and test preparation.
Teachers – read the test and ensure you have covered all concepts and that the students are prepared. / Short Response or Response to Stimulus test - for teacher viewing.
9 / 25 / Apply knowledge and skills to complete test. / I know I can do this when I:
Complete test with confidence and accuracy. / Short Response or Response to Stimulus test
Completed in test conditions. / Short Response or Response to Stimulus test - students to complete.
9-10 / 26-30 / Synthesize all content and evaluate new concepts. / I know I can do this when I:
Participate in activities that promote new learning. / Extension work
#Teachers please note: peruse the following chapters and select the ones that interest you to work through in the remaining time.
GeoWorld 7
Chapters 7.4-7.7, 8.5, 8.6 ,8.11, 8.12, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 10.3, 10.6, 11.1, 12.5
Geothink p.232-233
Geoskills 11.6 / GeoWorld 7 Unit 2
Chapters 7-12 p.210-367 / GeoWorld 7
Chapters 10.7, 10.8,