C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Elements of competence

C103.1Enable individuals to explore the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour on their lives

C103.2Enable individuals to assess options for managing the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour

C103.3Support individuals to manage their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour


This unit is about helping individuals who have experienced crime or anti-social behaviour to manage the effects of their experience on their lives. The worker helps individuals to talk about what has happened and how it has affected them. The worker then helps individuals to think about what might enable them to manage their experience. Finally, the worker supports individuals while they take steps to manage their experience.

The worker’s actions should be guided by the needs and wishes of the individual. However, circumstances may arise where the worker needs to balance the rights of the individual to make their own decisions with any potential risk of harm to the individual and others. It may be necessary to seek advice and support from colleagues.

In this unit the term ‘individual’ has been used to refer to the person to whom the worker is providing support as they may be the victim of offending or anti-social behaviour or the family and friends of a victim, especially in the case of bereaved families.

Who this unit is aimed at

This unit is intended for workers in agencies providing support and other services to victims.

Relationship to other units

C102Provide initial support to individuals affected by offending or anti-social behaviour and assess their needs for further support.

C104Support individuals who have suffered bereavement as a result of crime

C105Support individuals who have experienced serious personal assault and abuse

C106Enable people to support victims, survivors and witnesses in managing the effects of their experience on their lives

Place in the SVQ framework

This is an optional SVQ Community Justice (Victims, survivors and witnesses) level 3.

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Evidence Requirements for this unit

You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted.

Special Considerations

The candidate’s package of evidence from their performance needs to cover all the performance criteria and all of the aspects of range, except those detailed below. If performance evidence is not available during the assessment period, evidence from knowledge and understanding can be used for these aspects of the range:

C103.1, range 2:3 of the 6 aspects of their lives

C103.2, range 1:5 of the 11 factors

C103.2, range 2:2 of the 6 kinds of support and other services

C103.3, range 1:2 of the 6 kinds of support and other services

In order to meet the evidence requirements, it is likely that a candidate would need to gather evidence from work in relation to more than one individual who has experienced crime or anti-social behaviour.

The candidate must provide evidence from different sources in order to have their achievement recognised for this unit ie evidence must come not only from the candidate or one other source such as records but must also be from other people (such as others who saw the candidate working, minutes from meetings which recorded the candidates contributions, etc). Simulations (such as case studies or role play) can be used as one source of performance evidence for this unit. Evidence from real practice must, however, form the majority of the candidate’s performance evidence.

Assessment Guidance

When planning assessment, candidates should consider how they may best use evidence across a number of units. Evidence from the following units may be particularly relevant to this unit:

C012 Provide initial support to individuals affected by offending or anti-social behaviour and assess their needs for further support

C106 Enable people to support victims, survivors and witnesses in managing the effects their experience on their lives

E301 Enable individuals to find out about and use services and facilities

F403 Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Candidates may wish to use these sources of evidence (for performance and for knowledge and understanding)

1notes of meetings and interactions with individuals

2evidence from others who worked with the candidate

3records and correspondence

4their reflective practice journal

5workplace projects

6observation by an assessor who is observing the candidate specifically for assessment purposes

7verbal or written responses to questions put by an assessor

Evidence from Knowledge and Understanding

Candidates must demonstrate they know and understand the areas listed in the descriptions of knowledge and understanding within the unit. Much of their knowledge and understanding will be evident from their performance. Where the candidate’s knowledge and understanding is not evident from their performance, it may be necessary for additional evidence of knowledge and understanding to be provided.

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.1Enable individuals to explore the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour on their lives

Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1communicate with individuals in a manner and at a level and pace which is consistent with their
(a)preferred form of communication
(b)manner of expression
(c)personal beliefs and pretences
2explain clearly
(a)who will have access to information provided by individuals
(b)how information will be recorded and stored
3use body language, position, tone of voice and active listening to encourage individuals to communicate
4respond to information provided in a non-judgemental and respectful manner
5enable individuals to explore, at their own pace, the effects that their experiences have had on aspects of their lives
6respond to the individuals’ description of the effects of their experience in a manner which acknowledges the individuals’ right to express their feelings
7 provide prompt reassurance to individuals that although their feelings and their reactions are unique to them as individuals, they are normal and common responses to the experience

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.1Enable individuals to explore the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour on their lives

Performance Criteria (continued) / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
8seek advice promptly from an appropriate colleague if
(a)individuals’ distress or other reaction indicate individuals’ inability to cope and a possible need for more specialised help
(b)individuals suggest that their distress or other reactions are affecting their safety and well-being and that of their children or others

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.1Enable individuals to explore the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour on their lives

Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
2Aspects of their lives:
(a)personal security and safety
(b)freedom of movement
(c)home security and safety
(e)family responsibilities

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.2Enable individuals to assess options for managing the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour

Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1encourage individuals to identify at their own pace the factors that might influence their capacity to manage the effects of their experience
2enable individuals to think through aspects of their lives affected by their experience and determine which are the most important to address
3 encourage individuals to explore what would help them manage the aspects of their lives most affected by their experiences
4 encourage individuals to identify what they feel able to manage themselves and where they need help from others
5 explain clearly the options for and other services available from the worker’s own agency and those available from other agencies
6 enable individuals to decide for themselves the option that would help them most
7 make accurate, legible and complete records of the resulting actions taken in accordance with agency policy on the recording of information
8 communicate clearly to individuals the content of records about decisions and the resulting actions taken

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.2Enable individuals to assess options for managing the effects of their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour

Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
(a)previous victimisation
(b)other significant life events
(c)the nature of the crime or anti-social behaviour
(d)support from family or friends
(e)mental health problems
(f)disability and sensory impairment
(g)learning difficulties
(i)sexual orientation
(k)culture and values
2Support and other services:
(b)practical assistance
(c)counselling and emotional support
(d)safety and protection
(e)health care
(f)help with media attention

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.3Support individuals to manage their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour

Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1assess with individuals their progress in managing their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour and its effect on their lives in a manner which acknowledges their right to
(a)decide what constitutes progress
(b)recover at their own pace
2assess with individuals whether the support and other services they chose to help them are working out in practice
3enable individuals to decide if they want to modify or stop the support or other services they are receiving
4seek advice from a colleague if the worker is unsure what action to take
5agree with individuals the steps that they and the worker need to take next and when this will be reviewed
6make accurate, legible and complete records of the individual’s decisions about
(a)the support and other services they now need
(b)the agreed next steps
(c)the resulting actions taken

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Element C103.3Support individuals to manage their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour

Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Support and other services:
(b)practical assistance
(c)counselling and emotional support
(d)safety and protection
(e)health care
(f)help with media attention

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit

You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:

State evidence index no(s)
Working with victims, survivors and witnesses
1the impact of crime on victims, survivors and witnesses and their need for protection, respect, recognition, information and confidentiality; why it is important to recognise the impact on all affected by crime, whether they are direct victims or indirect victims (for example family, friends other associates); repeat victimisation and its implications
2reactions to the experience of crime; the factors (for example previous victimisation) which affect how individuals react to and recover from their experience
3how to assess needs and determine the type of services that are necessary to meet them; the ways which stereotyping and discrimination might affect the assessment of individuals’ needs and how to guard against this
4the needs of those who have experienced crime who may be particularly vulnerable, (for example people with mental health problems; people who have learning disabilities; people experiencing hate-based crime; woman experiencing violence and abuse; children and young people)
5why it is important to involve those with parental responsibility in work with children who have been affected by crime or anti-social behaviour
6how to make insurance claims
7how to apply for criminal injuries compensation
Working within the community justice sector
8how to use legislation, guidelines of good practice , charters and service standards to benefit and protect victims and survivors
Working to improve agency practice
9the role of the agency and its services and how they relate to other agencies and services in the community justice sector
10the agency’s policy and procedures regarding confidentiality of information and the disclosure of information to third parties and the specific circumstances under which disclosure may be made
Working to improve individual practice
11own role and responsibilities and from whom assistance and advice should be sought if the worker is unsure
12how they have applied the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to their work
13the options for supporting individuals which they considered and the reasoning processes they considered in determining the most appropriate options for the individual concerned

C103Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives

Knowledge and understanding / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit
Evidence Requirements / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
The evidence generated by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit
Assessor/Internal verifier comments

Candidate’s nameAssessor’s nameIV’s name

Candidate’s signatureAssessor’s signatureIV’s signature


Unit D8PE 04 (C103) Enable individuals to manage the effects which their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour has had on their lives