Details to be completed prior to Placement Planning Meeting and form fully completed at the Placement Planning Meeting. The Adoption Support should also be considered.

After the meeting the agency is required to send the prospective adopters the finalised version of the plan.

If the agency subsequently changes the adoption placement plan, the agency must notify this to the adopters in writing.

Date and Venue of the meeting:

Persons invited Present? Persons invited Present?

Names of children Dates of birth

Names of adopters

Names of child’s Social Worker and contact details

Team Manager

Out of hours contact details

Name of Family Placement Worker and contact details

Team Manager

Details of person chairing the Placement Planning Meeting

Legal Basis of Plan (state YES as appropriate)

The Plan for placement is: Adoption Fostering Residence

The child will be place under:

Adoption Agency Regulations
Boarding out of Regulations
Placement with parents’ Regulations

The child is subject to a (Please indicate what legal order and in the case of an Adoption Placement whether a Placement Order has been obtained of if Placement is by consent of those with Parental Responsibility and the consent witnessed by a CAFCASS Officer)

In the case of a Placement Order the name of the court and date the order was obtained

Approval of Plans Date:

The plan for the child was approved at the Adoption and Fostering panel on:
The family were approved as adopters/foster carers on:
The match between child and family was agreed on:

Adoption only

Have the birth parents given advance consent (s20) to the making of an Adoption Order? (*highlight where appropriate)

Is there a Section 26 Contact Order in place? (*highlight where appropriate)

Child’s Name

(*highlight where appropriate)

A. Are there grounds for an application to court to change the child’s name before adoption? / Yes / No
If Yes who will consult the Legal Services Unit?

(Note – Where a child is subject to a Placement Order, Care Order or Residence Order the child’s name cannot be changed without the written permission of the birth parents an/or the court, before the making of the Adoption Order).


B. Are there issues about changing the child’s name before adoption?

(Note – Where there is no order there is no statutory prohibition against changing the child’s name, but birth parents’ permission should be sought. There may be a number of other issues to consider in coming to an appropriate course of action).

Name and address of child’s current G.P.

Name and address of New G.P.

Name and address of current Health Visitor (if applicable)

Name and address of current dentist

Details of other health professionals involved

Name and address of current school

Name and address of new school



Name of person who is primarily responsible for the work with the child:

Name of person who will be responsible for working with the child/ren’s current carer:

The plan (1) for the child should include the following items:

(1)Preparing the child for adoption takes considerable expertise. For this part of the plan to work well, it will build on the work with the child/ren that has been completed up to this point.

Actions for consideration / Person responsible / Details, action and timescale
Giving the child/ren details/information about the adopters in a way that they can understand e.g. a ‘welcome book’ with photographs and other material prepared by the adopters.
Helping the child/ren to ask any questions they may have about the proposed adopter/s and to think about their feelings.
Helping the child/ren to express what they feel about leaving their current carer.
Recognising that the child/ren may be concerned about what their birth parent/s or other members of their birth family may feel about them moving to an adoptive family.
Helping the child/ren to express what they feel excited or worried about.
Helping the child/ren to think about what it is important to take with them from their current placement.
Actions for consideration / Person responsible / Details, action and timescales
Informing the child/ren about any visits of introduction that may be planned.
Informing the child/ren about the proposed timescale for introductions, overnight stays and finally moving in.
Identifying any further work that might need to be done in relation to the child/ren saying “goodbye” to birth parents or birth family members.
Identifying any work that needs to be completed in relation to the current plan for contact with birth parents or birth family members or any other people


Full name of first proposed adopter
Full name of second proposed adopter
Name of person responsible for the work with the prospective adopter.

The plan for the adopter/s should include the following items:

Actions for consideration / Person responsible / Details, action and timescales
Answering any questions the adopter/s may have about the agreed placement including any thoughts or feelings they may have about this.
Actions for consideration / Person responsible / Details, action and timescales
Actions or decisions in relation to the health needs of the child/ren.
Actions or decisions in relation to the educational needs of the child/ren
Planning visits to the child/ren’s current carer/s
Discussing and agreeing the proposed timescales for introductions, overnight stays and finally moving in.
Identifying what is important for the child/ren to bring with them from their current placement.
Identifying the plans that are being made for the child/ren to say “goodbye” to birth parents or birth family members.
Identifying any plans that might be made for the prospective adopter/s to meet the birth parent/s.
Identifying and discussing any plans the agency may have to restrict the parental responsibility of the prospective adopter/s during the adoption placement prior to the Adoption Order being made.


Day and time / Persons involved / Event


(NB. For guidance on planning introductions appropriate to the age of the child, consult the practice guidelines available from the e-library ‘Practice Guidance’)

a)First meeting specify arrangements (time, date, venue, who present, length, transport arrangements etc.)

b)Subsequent meetings at a child’s current placement: specify arrangements, including number of visits, activities to be undertaken

c)First visit to new home: Specify arrangements

d)Subsequent visits to new home: specify arrangements, including when the first overnight stay and longer stays (e.g. weekend) are planned.

e) Proposed date of placement Proposed date of next planning meeting

OR (If it is too early to decide):

Who will hold prime responsibility for co-ordinating the process of the introductions?

Who will be responsible for providing support during the introductions for:

To the child:
To the new family:
To the current carer:


Placement will be supervised by:
If this person is unavailable, contact:
Other supports available to the family (e.g. Adopters group):
In an emergency outside office hours, the parents should ring
Carlisle 26690 (Out of hours Social Work Services)
Frequency of social work visits:
Responsibility for work with the birth family lies with:
Who will send statutory notifications of placement to Health Authority, Education Dept. etc.:
(Adoption placements only) How soon are the adopters expected to apply for an Adoption Order


Has permission been given for any of the following expenses to be paid (Please specify amounts and arrangements)

Travel for introductions:
Accommodation during introductions:

After placement the following will be paid: (Please specify amounts and arrangements).

Financial Support:
A residence allowance of:
Boarding out allowance of:
Enhance allowance of:

In the event of a contested case, will adopters’ legal costs be paid? (*highlight where appropriate)


Contact orders (ACA 2002 Section 26)

Has any order been made for contact? (*highlight where appropriate)

If YES please set out the date of the order and what type of contact, e.g. direct/indirect, has been ordered and for whom:


Proposed Contact Arrangements

The agency must consider the likelihood of any existing relationship continuing and the value to the child/ren of it’s doing so

What are the proposed contact arrangements post placement and post adoption order? Outline type of contact – direct, letterbox, etc. and other details.
Birth mother
Birth father
Birth mother’s current partner
Maternal grandmother
Maternal grandfather
Paternal grandmother
Paternal grandfather
What are the proposed contact arrangements post placement and post adoption order? Outline type of contact – direct, letterbox, etc. and other details.
Sibling 1 (name)
Sibling 2 (name)
Sibling 3 (name)
Sibling 4 (name)
Sibling 5 (name)
Sibling 6 (name)
Significant others (Name and relationship
Significant others (Name and relationship
Significant others (Name and relationship
Significant others (Name and relationship
Significant others (Name and relationship
Significant others (Name and relationship

Any other details or comments about the contact arrangements including any advice given by the adoption panel and the prospective adopters’ views:


What are the arrangements for the new information (if available) to be made known to the adopters and child/ren, if made known to the Agency:

Before adoption?
After adoption?

Record of any dissenting views regarding proposed arrangements to introductions or information:

Already shared


Responsibility for arranging reviews and distributing this form lies with:
Next planning meeting/review will be held on:

Signatures: Date:


Revised August 2009