C Test Training

Group 1(Tuesday evenings)

Katie Haire

Madison Warnock

Lorne Walsh

Sam McElroy

David Kehoe

Alex Phillips

Octavia Wilson

Group 2 (Tuesday evenings)

Harry Haire


Lauren Smyth

Lauren Gormley

Amber Lucas

Nadine Gormley

Samuel Phillips

Emily Duncan

Group 3 (Wednesday evenings)

Sophie Bennet

Chloe McBride

Nicole McCann

Kirsty Montgomery

Alistair Sands

Robert Fitzgerald

Emma Jane Orr

Ellie Burke

Group 1 and 2.Depending on your group for the first two sessions on October 10th and 17th you will either ride first in the main sand arena or do stable management theory in the Moyallen kitchen, the two groups will then switch. No ponies needed for the 3rd session on 24th October.

Group 3 will have riding first followed by stable management on the first two sessions on 11th and 18th October. No ponies needed for the 3rd session on 25th October.

If you can’t do the evening you are assigned to and need to change, let Georgina know ASAP 07746637671

Group 1
(Lisa and Becky) / Riding at Moyallan
Tuesday 10th October 6.30pm followed by Stable Management at Moyallen at 7.30pm / Stable Management at Moyallen
Tuesday 17th October 6.30pm followed by riding at Moyallen at 7.30pm / Stable Management Tuesday 24th 6.30-8pm, venue TBA
Group 2
(Lisa and Becky) / Stable Management
Tuesday 10th October 6.30pm followed by riding at Moyallen at 7.30pm / Riding at Moyallen
Tuesday 17th October 6.30pm followed by Stable Management at Moyallen at 7.30pm / Stable-Management
Tuesday 24th 6.30 – 8pm, venue TBA
Group 3
(Lisa) / Riding Moyallen Wednesday 11th October 6.30pm followed by Stable Management at Moyallen 7.30pm / Riding Moyallen Wednesday 18th October 6.30pm followed by Stable Management at Moyallen 7.30pm / Stable-management
Wednesday 25th 6.30-8pm

Test date will be Wednesday 1st November and possibly a second date on weekend of 4th/5th November.

The charge will be £40 per child to cover stable management sessions and C test Booklet and the test.

The riding sessions will be charged at £5 plus £1 contribution towards lights each night

As this is test training riders must be properly dressed with Pony club sweatshirts and hair plaited or in a hairnet and gloves worn and tack clean.

For stable-management sessions sweatshirt to be worn, bring hats and gloves. You will be required to prepare/read up before each session

is link to Pony Club website to see what the test involves and a Manual of Horsemanship is essential reading.

Riding and road safety test is a requirement for the C test so the certificate cannot be awarded until this is completed. The R&R safety test MUST be taken before C+ test can be attempted.