Updated 9/12/2012

Table of Contents


Official Creed

Official Motto

Official Insignia

Official Colors

Official Flowers

Official Quotes

Official Song

Faculty Council

Chapter Hierarchy

Chapter Adviser

Chapter Officers

Expectations for Members

Monthly Meetings




Leadership and Character

Scholarships and Awards

NHS Scholarship

NHS State Scholarship

Chapter Activities Schedule 2012-13

Chapter Meeting Schedule 2012-13

Chapter Constitution and Bylaws


National Honor Society was formed in 1919 when a proposal by J.G. Masters, a principal at Central High School in Omaha, Nebraska, was adopted at the National Association of Secondary School Principals convention. Within the proposal, Character, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service were chosen as the “fundamental virtues most worthy of encouragement” in young people. The first chapter was established at Fifth Avenue High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 15, 1992, under the leadership of Dr. Edward Rynearson. The Maple River High School chapter of National Honor Society was established in September, 1989 under the leadership of then Principal Dave U’ren.

Official Creed

I believe in the joy of study, the delight of acquaintance with books, the discipline of diligent learning and the rediscovery of the world of nature and of humanity through an open mind.

I believe in character as essential to the highest type of scholarship. I hold that no intellectual achievement, however keen or clever, is worthy of deep respect unless it goes hand in hand with accuracy, reliability, honor, humility, tolerance, and truth.

I believe in service, that it is the privilege and responsibility of the enlightened member of any society to minister with kindness and understanding to the needs of the less fortunate in talent or in opportunity.

I rejoice in the burden of leadership which scholarship, character, and service lay upon me , for I believe that my torch should light others to lives of greater beauty, richer joy, and fuller service.

Official Motto

Noblesse Oblige—“nobility obligates,” or in other words, “to whom much is given, much is expected.” In broader terms, it signifies that those of high ranks have the obligation to behave honorably, generously, and responsibly to others.

Official Insignia

The emblem of this society is the keystone and flaming torch. The keystone bears at its base the leters “C,” “S,” “L,” and “S,” which stand for the four cardinal principles of this organization: character, scholarship, leadership, and service.

As the keystone is placed by the builder to hold the perfect arch in perpetual stability, so the structure of our education must be held firm and true to the purposes of life by the virtues represented in this symbol.

The flaming torch is symbolic of our purpose to bear forward the searching light of truth, to lead that others may follow in the light, to keep burning in our school a high ambition for the enduring values of life, and to serve with unselfish loyalty to truth and honor.

Official Colors

The official colors of National Honor Society are sky blue and gold. The colors are symbolic of a brilliant sun in a clear blue sky. More formally, the blue is the representative color of education scholars and gold represents excellence.

Official Flowers

The official flower of the National Honor Society is the yellow rose.

Official Quotes





Official Song

Faculty Council

The NHS faculty Council is comprised of teachers from various curricular departments at Maple River. They are volunteers who are deeply committed to the lessons and values associated with scholarship, leadership, character, and service. The Faculty Council is responsible for the selection, and if necessary, dismissal of students from the chapter.

Chapter Hierarchy

Todd Griepentrog, Principal

Maple River Faculty Council

Jason Willis, Chapter Adviser

Executive Committee (NHS Officers & Adviser)

Chapter Committee Chairpersons

Chapter Members

Chapter Adviser


Vice President




Expectations for members

Monthly meetings

During the school year, meetings will be held during the lunch hour from 12:20-12:50. Members will be excused for lunch at Channel 1/12:07. If members cannot finish their lunch during this time, they are welcome to bring their meals to the meeting. It is the expectation of all members to arrive punctually.


The primary method of communication will be done on Facebook. The president will also notify all members by text that new information has been posted on Facebook. It is the expectation of all members to check Facebook for updates on a regular basis. The daily announcements will also be used during the school year as well as the bulletin board on first floor.



Leadership and Character


During the year, the Maple River NHS chapter will be involved in fundraising. The distribution of collected funds will be equally split into three areas: scholarship, savings, and general activities. The treasurer will report the status of each of these funds at the monthly meetings.

It is the expectation of each member to participate in the fundraising process. Prior to each sports season, the treasurer will determine the number of times members need to volunteer to work at the fundraising activity. Failure for members to participate at the fundraising activity is the same as missing an activity and will require an excuse and executive council approval. Members who are unable to sell in the concession stand because of conflicts can still fulfill their expectations by selling during the school day. The treasurer will arrange this schedule.

When selling slushies at the concession stand, members are asked to follow a few simple procedures. Allow 2 hours for the slushy machine to run prior to selling. Prior to selling, count the number of cups on hand (80). At the end of the sales period, count the number of cups remaining and pull the appropriate sales from the general till. When mixing more slush mix, pour water directly from the faucet in the custodian’s closet and mix the appropriate amount of concentrate. Refill the slushy machine through out the night. In anticipation of a busy night, pour extra slushies and store in the freezer. If any unsold slushies are in the freezer, simply pour the extra back into the hopper (do not count these cups toward sales). Do not turn the machine off. Instead, turn the machine to “drink” mode. Cleaning will be arranged by the treasurer. Bring the profits to the adviser the next morning.

Scholarships and Awards

Each December, senior members of the Maple River NHS can apply for a scholarship. Three scholarship winners will be selected from the pool of candidates. First, the faculty council will select a member that will represent Maple River in the MASSP scholarship competition. Next, the Principal and Adviser will independently select two other members that will represent Maple River in the NASSP scholarship competition. Typically, these three scholarship applications must be submitted in January. In the event that the selected applicants are not chosen at the next level, the Maple River NHS chapter will award each of the three winners a $200 scholarship from the chapter. As with the larger scholarships, the winners can claim their award with 1st semester grades from their academic institute.

Previous Scholarship Winners:





2007Lindsey Trio*






2001Leah FitzSimmons*

*indicates winner of award

Individual Service Project Award

2010Caio Thomas


Chapter Service Project Award

2007“Hope for the Homeless”

MAHS All Star Team Award

2007Travis Townsend

MAHS State Officer

2007Brittany Walters

MAHS Scrapbook Award

2007Chelsea Arndt

MAHS Star Chapter

2007Eric FitzSimmons-P, Chelsea Arndt-VP, Jennifer Stenzel-S, Lindsey Trio-T

NHS Honorary Membership

Crystal Cong

Chapter Activities Schedule 2012-13

Date ActivityChairsFulfills Requirement

JuneCanoe TripJamie, Kyle, Sam, JeremySocial Activity #1

JulyValley FairJamie, Kyle, Sam, JeremySocial Activity #2

AugustCampingNick Larson, Jake HuberSocial Activity #3

Sept. 28Hope for the HomelessStoltzman & VolzCharacter Activity

SeptemberStudent of the MonthHowieson & JenkinsScholarship Activity

OctoberStudent of the MonthTrio & Decker

NovemberStudent of the MonthSandmeyer & Howieson

DecemberStudent of the MonthDecker & Jenkins

JanuaryStudent of the MonthTrio & Howieson

FebruaryStudent of the MonthSandmeyer & Jenkins

MarchStudent of the MonthDecker & Trio

AprilStudent of the MonthHowieson & Jenkins

October 13MSU Ropes CourseMichael LewisLeadership Activity

Nov 5-9Dodgeball ActivityBoertje & LewisFundraiser

Nov 12?President’s ForumAnybodyTraining

DecScholarship ApplicationsSeniors

Dec. 21Reading ProgramGarlow & UrbanService Activity

JanScholarships DueSeniors

Jan 25Winter FunFrank & GarciaSocial Activity #4

FebJr. High DanceRemes and SpearSocial Activity #5

FebNew Member Applications

Feb 25-Mar 1State Service ProjectLandsteiner & WehrauchCharacter Activity

March 15Applications Due

AprilNHS Interviews

AprilSchool Improvement Gerdts & SpandeService Activity

April 19-21NHS Spring ConventionAnybody

May 8NHS BanquetEverybody

Chapter Meetings

Wednesday, Sept. 5th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 12th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 19th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 26th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 3rd- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 10th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 17th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 24th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 7th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 14th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 21st- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 28th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 5th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 12th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 19th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. TBD- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 9th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 16th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 30th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 6th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 13th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 20th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 27th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, March 6th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, March 13th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, March 20th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, March 27th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, April 3rd- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, April 10th- Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, April 17th- Officer Meeting

Wednesday, April 24th- Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, May 3rd- Officer Meeting

Chapter Constitution


Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be the Maple River Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools (NHS), which appears on the charter granted by the National Council of the National Honor Society, duly signed by the national secretary

Section 2. The purpose of this chapter shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in all students of Maple River High School.

Section 3. NHS shall be under the sponsorship and supervision of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1537.


Section 1. Membership in local chapters is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.

Section 2. Membership shall be known as active, honorary, and graduate. Active members shall become graduate members at graduation. Graduate members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.

Section 3. To be eligible for election to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance for a period equivalent to five grading periods in school.

Section 4. A National Honor Society member who transfers to another school and brings a letter from the former principal or chapter adviser to the new school adviser shall be accepted automatically as a member in the new school's chapter. Transfer members must meet the new chapter's standards within one semester in order to retain membership.

Section 5. Candidates eligible for election to this chapter must be members of the sophomore, junior, or senior class. Minimum cumulative GPA for sophomores will be 10.2 or its equivalent. Minimum cumulative GPA for juniors and seniors will be 9.2 or its equivalent. Junior and Senior GPA is calculated based on the previous semester. Sophomores’ GPA is calculated on the previous 5 quarters. The candidate’s eligibility shall be then considered on service, leadership, and character.

Section 6. The description of the selection procedure shall be published and widely available in a timely fashion to all students and parents of the school. The selection process shall be determined by the faculty council and shall be consistent with the rules and regulations of the NHS.

Section 7. Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership or its benefits.

Section 8. The Faculty Council shall reserve the right to award honorary membership to school officials, principals, teachers, NHS advisers, adults, students with disabilities, or foreign exchange students in recognition of achievement and/or outstanding service rendered to the school in keeping with the purposes of the National Honor Society. Honorary members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs.

Section 9. Induction Procedures

  • Students are eligible to apply to NHS by maintaining the following academic standards:

Sophomores10.2 GPA based on 5 complete quarters.

Juniors/Seniors 9.2 GPA based on previous semester grades.

  • Eligible members must submit a letter of application indicating their service and participation in school and community organizations. Completed applications will be made available to the faculty.
  • Students applying for membership will be given a Scholarship score based on their present GPA. Scores will be based on the following criteria:
  • 10.750-11=5
  • 9.750-10.749=4
  • 9.200-9.740=3
  • Faculty members will be given a scoring sheet to evaluate students on the areas of Service, Leadership, and Character. The score for Scholarship will be entered for them. Faculty members will place a 1-5 score under the appropriate heading based on the following criteria:
  • “5” indicates that you consider the student OUTSTANDING in the qualities listed below and highly worthy of membership.
  • “4” indicates that you consider the student SUPERIOR in the qualities listed below and worthy of consideration.
  • “3” indicates that you consider the student AVERAGE in the qualities listed below, but you’re not sure if the student qualifies. You are neutral.
  • “2” indicates that you consider the student WEAK in the qualities listed below, qualifications are questionable.
  • “1” indicates the student is not worthy of consideration.
  • Service:

Willingness to render any service to the school and community when called on.

Willingness to do committee or staff work.

Readiness to show courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.

  • Leadership:

Demonstrates leadership in classroom or organization work.

Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities

Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility

Exemplifies positive qualities and attitudes

  • Teachers are encouraged to leave the space blank if they do not know the student well. It is proper to make both positive and negative comments. Faculty members are instructed to NOT RELY ON HEARSAY for a negative comment. Also, Faculty members are reminded to keep adolescent behavior in mind and NOT to base negative judgments on a single incident or personality. Once the ballot is completed, teachers are to sign the sheet and return it to the office.
  • Scores will be averaged and ranked from highest to lowest so that the Faculty council will be able to view the rankings of the faculty.
  • Students will need a majority vote from the faculty council for admission into NHS.
  • Applicants will be given a brief interview by members of the faculty council.
  • Interview questions will be determined prior to the interview to ensure uniformity and consistency in the interview process.
  • All candidates will be informed in writing as to the decision of the faculty council.
  • The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council.

Section 10. Membership Dues

Once a member is chosen for inclusion into the Maple River chapter of NHS, there will be a one time membership due of $15 that will be deposited into the Adviser’s supply budget.


Section 1. The officers of this chapter, their duties, and the method of their election shall be posted prior to elections.

Section 2. The officers shall be a president, a vice-president/historian, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the officers to attend monthly executive board meetings prior to the scheduled chapter meetings.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of this chapter. The president shall also work with the executive board in making decisions which will best benefit the chapter members and delegate duties to the best of his/her ability.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of the vice-president to fill the chair of the president in her/his absence. The vice-president shall also work with the president in assigning and accepting delegation of duties and see that these are carried out. The vice-president will also be responsible for collecting information and assembling this material in a thematic scrap-book that will be presented at the annual state-level spring conference. The vice-president shall also inform the public of the chapter’s events (via newspaper, school paper, announcements, etc).

Section 6. It shall be the duty of the chapter secretary to keep the minutes of each meeting. The secretary shall also submit a report of old and new business at monthly executive board and chapter meetings.

Section 7. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep a record of all business transactions. The treasure shall be responsible for the collection of monies from projects and fundraisers. The treasure will oversee the delegation of fundraiser assignments and responsibilities. The treasurer shall also submit a financial report at monthly executive board and chapter meetings.

Section 8. The majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect any officer of this chapter.

Section 9. The new officers will be installed at a meeting in March. The new officers will work with the present officers to ensure a smooth transition for the following year.

Article IV: Faculty Council

Section 1. The faculty council shall consist of five faculty members who are to be appointed by the principal. No principal, assistant principal, or NHS advisor may be included in the faculty council.