Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pensions
Associate, PMA ‘44
After the recent forum held by the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, CAPAC, led by Rep. M. Honda of California, with Rep. B. Filner and, with the working Filipino-American Full Equity Crusaders led by Atty. Lourdes Tancinco of the NNVE and Full Equity Movement, Col. Romeo Monteyro, of the Southern CaliforniaFilAm Veterans Federation, together with Cdr. Manuel Braga – the forum culminated to the following developments:
The Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP), the preponderant W-II veterans majority are residing in the Philippines, duly chartered under Rep. Act 2640, whose representative to the U.S.A. , Col.(Ret.US) Frank B. Quesada, was represented by Col.(Ret..) R, Monteyro,.
New Developments
The forum culminated
toward a more aggressive and positive approach to the pending 60-year issue of unpaid compensation and benefits earned in battle, to a USVA reported total of $3.2 Billion dollars that accrued over the years which have caused an unpleasant irritant between the U.S.Fil-Am veterans from the Philippines and Republic of the against the United States. and
(2)the updating of HR-302 which was formerly filed by former Rep. R. Cunningham of California, who recently resigned as a congressman.
(3)the new sponsor of former HR-302, as Rep. G. Issa, also of California. He refilled HR-302 which now bears the new docketed bill number HR-4574.
Un-amended Bill
The bill HR-4574 remained without any amendment so far. Albeit, may have a few amendments in the near future.
If this bill passes into law, it will once and for all put a cloture to this unwholesome travesty of justice perpetuated by the U.S. against its own military servicemen of color.
This bill may be known and called as “The Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2006.” now active in the rolls of legislation in the 109th Congress, 1st Session.. (HR-4574).
“ Its Title
Its title is “To amend Title 38, United States Code, to deem certain service in the organized military forces of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Philippine Scouts - to have been active service for purposes of benefits under program administrated by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.”
“In the House of Representatives, December 16, 2005. Mr. Issa (for himself), Mr. Filner, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Bordallo, Mr.Abercrombie, Mr. Burton of Indiana, Mr. Honda, Mr. Pombo, Mr. Scott, of Virginia, Mr. Drake and Mr. Berman introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee of Veterans Affairs.”
“To Amend title 38 of the United States Code, to deem certain service in the organized military service of
the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Philippine Scouts to have been active service for the purpose of benefits under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.”
“Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the U.S A. in Congress assembled,
“ Section 1, Short Title
“This Actmay be cited as the “Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2006.
Sec. 2, Certain Service in the Organized Military Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Scouts Demed to be Active Service..
“a. In General Section 107 of title 38 of the US Code, is amended-
“in sub section (a)- A by striking “not after” Army of the United States , shall: and Bby striking “except benefits under” and all other that follows in that sub-section and inserting a sub-section (b)
(A ) by striking “not after” Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945 shall; and
(B)by striking –“ and other that follows in that sub-section and inserting a period; and
(3)by striking sub-sections ( c) and (d).
(b) Conforming Amendments (1) The heading of such section is amendedto read as follows:
“Section 107. Certain service deemed to be active service: service in organized military forces of thePhilippines and in the Philippine Scouts”.
(2)The item related tosuch section in the table of sections at the beginning of Chapter 1 of such title is amended to read as follows:
“107 certain service deemed to be service: service ion organized military forces of the Philippines and in the Philippine Scouts..”
Section 3. Effective Date. (a) In General – The amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act.
(b) Applicability- No benefits shall accrue to any person for any period before effective date of this Act any reason of the amendment s made by this Act. # #
End of the Bill
Footnote: For the layman reading these amendment, they have to have a coy of the original provisions of Section 107, Title 38, of the infamous Rescission Act of 1946, enacted in Feb. 18, 1946.
It would be drab and uninteresting for them to comprehend the technical changes in the form of amendments herein.
It should also be comprehended that while the recognized guerrillas were not mentioned in this bill, they were technically members of the organized forces of the Philippine Commonwealth.##