(July 13)

By which the literal one is regulated g) of the article 11 of the Law 373 of 1997.

The President of the Republic of Colombia, in use of its legal and constitutional faculties, especially them conferred by the numerales 11 and 22 of the article 189 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, and according to the Law 373 of 1997, and


That the article 365 of the National Constitution establishes that it is to owe of the State to assure the efficient installment of the public utilities to all the inhabitants of the national territory;

That the Law 373 of 1997 obliges the efficient use programs execution and savings of water;

That the literal one g) of the article 11 of the Law 373 of 1997 establishes the obligation, in charge of all the companies usuarias of the water resource, to supply information related to the volume consumed by the users of the system;

That it is precise that the Department of Development perform a periodic monitoring to all the companies usuarias of the water resource on the evolution of the consumption of drinkable water of the users, to define the water savings politics,


Article 1º. The businesses of Home public Utilities that lend the drinkable water supply service they should present, each four (4) months, al Department of Economic Development, all the information related to the monthly consumption of water invoiced, by strata and by use, according to the corresponding cycle of turnover of the company.

Article 2º. The first shipment of the information to that the previous article alludes should be presented al Department of Economic Development inside the sixty (60) following days to the force of the present decree, and will understand the months from January to April of 1998.

Article 3º. The present decree governs from their publication and abrogates the dispositions that opponents be it.

Publíquese and be complied.

It given in Holy Faith of Bogota, D. C., to 13 of July of 1998.


The Minister of Economic Development,

Carlos July Gaitán González.