Amazing Puzzle Ponders

By Richard Williams, 12/2/08

Well I never thought I was a brainy type and Lord knows I have proven that to be true over and over again. But what really blows my mind to pieces is when I am so sure of certain basic principles that I just bet my life on to be true. Then someone shows me something like this down below here, that I am now submitting to you to ponder over. I’ve lost enough sleep over these mind blowers and I did not take them to be Gospel either. I used two of my favorite programs to test them out and to show them to the world in a more graphical way. I used TurboCAD Platinum Professional v. 15 and SolidWorks to draw these up for you. I believe in both of these very fine CAD programs and I don’t think they would lie to me. Now what do you think?

Yes, I can understand your comments right now and the thoughts you might be thinking. So you were so pretty sure of things, right? Well so was I. Here is another view of something I drew up in TurboCAD but graphically produced it for you in SolidWorks so you could see it for yourself. I give you my solemn word that I am not deceiving you in any way with the words, or pictures.

So what happened? That is exactly what I said too. How could this happen. Well if you want to see where that one unit difference is take a look down below. Remember these are the exact same pieces with the same exact measurements. No trickery involved here. It will be nice to know that others will have some sleepless nights now. But I have included the solution for you to see down below so you don’t lose sleep. Aren’t I a nice guy?

Keep scrolling down.

I do hope that this article was enlightening to some of you out there. Sometimes I have learned that it is not so good to be absolutely, positively, sure of one’s self all the time. I know I learned a very valuable lesson with these puzzles and now will apply it to my designs and creations. I will no longer take things for granted and I can only hope that it awakens a new discovery phase in others, like me, that are so positive about things. Have a great one. J