Weekly Wildcat
September 6, 2013
This publication highlights the weekly activities and events that take place on campus and features some of theactivities conducted by KSB Outreach across the state.
Counselor's Corner:
By: Elaine Hall, School Counselor
Welcome to the start of school! Does it feel like things are starting to settle into place? Routines are started around school, students are learning rules and expectations and we are off to a great start!
How can you help at home? Here are a few suggestions:
Help your children set goals: Encourage your child to identify specific goals. (“I want to get at least a B in Science.” “I want to make the Eligibility List every week!” “I want to have 100% homework completion.”) Suggest that they write goals or record them – and then go back to them regularly. Ask them about their progress on their goals. If your child lives in the dorm, you can still encourage them and check on goal progress. Especially encourage the SEWS skills (Student Effort and Work Skills). Be sure to look in the student handbook, or on the website, for an outline of this important grading component.
Encourage Routines: Predictable routines will ease pressure and help students, both young and old. Set a specific time for unpacking the backpack, doing homework, eating breakfast. Again, if your child lives in the dorm, ask about these routines.
Maintain Balance: Is your child keeping a balance between school, sports, homework, etc.? If they are not involved in a social activity – can we help find one? If they are too involved, do you need to help them prioritize?
Thank you to all our dorm staff, teachers, coaches and all our families for helping with student success!
Other important notes:
PSSO (Parent Staff Student Organization): Letters went out to all who registered their interest on Opening Day. It’s not too late to help! Please email me if you are interested in helping with PSSO.
KSB Phone List: Phone extensions can be found on the website, but they are also included in this newsletter. We know that this system is new to everyone, so thank you for your patience!
Finally – we have a GREAT fundraiser for KSB.Your vote makes a big difference to our school.Visit GiveWith.Target.com to vote for our school.
This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. So please remember that, although the gesture is small, the rewards are potentially huge. Go to GiveWith.Target.com to vote for Kentucky School for the Blind once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. And please forward this to your friends. Vote and see rules at GiveWith.Target.com.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email if I can be of any help!
502-897-1583, ext. 0203
KSB Advisory Board News:
KBE Appoints Hitzelberger as Parent Representative
The Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) has appointed Brandi Hitzelberger to serve on the KSB Advisory Board. The appointment was made during the KBE Board Meeting in August.
Hitzelberger is from Louisville and will serve as the parent representative on the board. She is the parent of an elementary student who attends KSB and also serves as the parent representative on the SBDM Committee.
The KSB Advisory Board provides a means by which knowledgeable person or persons representing interest groups may contribute to the improvement of educational opportunities for blind children in the Commonwealth. The Advisory Board may offer recommendations to the KSB Administration regarding: general objectives regarding the education students who are blind or visually impaired, student services, school/community relations, next generation education for students who are blind or visually impaired and school/community relations. The board meets quarterly at the school.
Nominations are now being sought for a school district/special education cooperative representative to the KSB Advisory Board due to the two term expiration of Jill Griffiths and for a KSB alumnus and/or community business representative due to the resignation of board chairman Burt Boyer. If you are interested in serving on the board, or would like to nominate someone, please complete the KSB Advisory Board Nomination Form. All forms should be submitted emailed, faxed or mailed to Director of Special Education John Roberts at KSB. Deadline for nominations is October 1.
Arts and Humanities:
Music Lessons, Choir and Percussion Ensemble
KSB is back on track for another great year in the music department! The music staff: Mr. Honey, Mr. Puckett and Mr. Falk are started lessons and small group instruction during the first week of September and are very excited to begin some great musical things with your child.
The KSB Choir will also start rehearsals on Wed., Sept. 11 from 2:30-3:30 PM. Music TeacherTabathia Roark is in the process of holding auditions for those who wish to become new members. Those who participated in the choir last year do not have to re-audition to be in the group, but must sign up with her as soon as possible so that the official roster can be created.
Mr. Falk will be in touch soon regarding auditions and the start date for those involved in the Percussion Ensemble.
Please realize that if your child is a day student and will be participating in any after school lessons (those effected by lessons have already been notified by Ms. Roark about the day and time), choir or percussion ensemble and you wish for them to stay in the dorm overnight, or go to the dorm after the rehearsals or lessons are finished, it is imperative that you fill out the “Request to Stay in the Dorm” form. Forms must be turned in to the classroom office at least 48 hours in advance. If you need this form, please contact the office or Ms. Roark.
Visual Arts
Thefirst visual artistis off to a great startwith Ms. Roark’s third, fourth and fifth period Arts and Humanities classes and CBE Teacher Connie Hill’ssixth period class.
Liz Richter is the first artist of the school year and is coming up with some great projects!We are asking for the following items to be donated as soon as possible:old c.d.’s (scratched ones that won’t work anymore or ones that you don’t need anymore), big sheets of cardboard, and cardboard egg cartons (not the Styrofoam ones, please.) If you can help donate any of the items above, please drop them off in the classroom office so that they can be delivered to the art room.
Stay tuned – there will be more to read regarding our artists for the year and the student creations!
Important News Bulletins:
The Fall Testing Dates for KSB studentsare as follows:
EXPLORE (grade 8): Sept. 16 and 17
PLAN (grade 10): Sept. 18 and 19
ACT (grade 12): Nov. 6 and 7
Don’t forget to order KSB yourSpirit Wear!KSB T-Shirt Sales are as follows:
Tie Dye: SM-XL= $12; XXL/XXXL= $13
Black or Red: $10
Long Sleeve = $12
Sweat Shirts = $15
Hoodies = $20
Hoodies are available in S,M,L,XL. For XXL,XXXL add a dollar.
Shirt orders are due by Sept. 15. Please make any checks payable to KSB.
If you like to play golf, and want to make a difference for Kentucky children and adults who are blind and visually impaired, plan now to participate in the Kentucky School for the Blind Charitable Foundation Golf Scrambleon September 18 at Fuzzy Zoeller's Covered Bridge Golf Club. If golf is not your game, but you would like to sponsor a tee,click here.
The Visually Impaired Pre-School Stampede Run is Sept 28. It costs $25 to participate if registered by Sept 20. If you are a Visually Impaired runner/walker you might win a prize. KSB's Literacy Coach, Stephanie Davis won a prize during last years' race. Please contact Elementary Teacher Missey Evers for more information.
Outreach Events:
Don't Forget White Cane Day
The Community Awareness of Low Vision and Education of Blindness in Society (CALEBS)invites students and their families to plan now to take part in the White Cane Day Celebration on Oct. 15 at the Louisville Zoo. There will be a parade and a lot of fun activities to celebrate.A video contest for students is also being held in conjunction with thisevent.Click here for details and contact information.
September Calendar of Events:
Fri.-Sat., 14-15: Track& Field Invitational,Tennessee Sch. f/t Blind
Mon.-Tue., 16-17: EXPLORE (8th Grade) and PLAN (10th Grade) Tests
Wednesday, 18:KSBCF Golf Scramble, 1 PM, Covered Bridge Golf Course, Sellersburg, INClick Here for details.
Fri.-Sat., 27-28: NCASB Track and Field Conference Championship Meet, Indiana Sch. f/t Blind
News Contributors:
Elaine Hall, Counselor
Bo Mullins,HS World of Work Teacher
Paula Penrod, KIMRC Program Coordinator
Tabathia Roark, Arts and Humanities Teacher
Editor: Kyrstin Johnson, HS English Teacher
Kentucky School for the Blind
1867 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206