
By Diane Scalchunes

"All right Lord, I am using the introduction to my 'in progress' book, which elaborates on the call and purpose of this newsletter. Now what? Where do I begin? Should I jump into Jezebel in the church, most of the book deals with that? What about all the revelation you are giving us each week, each day, where do I begin?" As I finished my plea before the Lord I started to feel the spiraling sensation you experience when being sucked into that repugnant place known as the whirlpool of overwhelming. Jesus, in an act of loving kindness, threw me a life preserver, "Go through what you have on waves." Thank you Jesus.
Before September 11th, the Lord spoke to many people I am in contact with through the natural phenomena of tsunami waves. The sources of tsunami waves are earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused by tensions being released as a result of the shifting of two plates. This energy can travel thousands of miles through oceans via tsunami waves. The Lord spoke to us through this. He is releasing the tension in the church between His plate, the bread in which He is serving and what's on our plate, that in which we are dishing out and there is going to be a shifting in the church. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another,” (Gal 5:17a NKJ)
I recently had a dream that I went up for communion at a nondescript church and was given a spec of bread. A church member told me after my complaint about it that it was all there was. The Lord spoke to me about it and He said that there was very little of His bread being given to His flock in the churches; for many in leadership positions are not spending the time necessary to get true revelation from heaven to give to the starving people. They are relying on their gifting, their education, or other people's revelations instead of relying upon Him. Lukewarm, they are middle of the road for their stance is that they are in need of nothing. I then had a vision of a loaf of bread being split in the middle. The Lord is dividing the church down the middle over the issue of His bread.
During this last Christmas season Christians were unable to visit Bethlehem because of a block by the government based on the tumultuous state of affairs in the region. Christmas is usually a symbol for me of the Second Coming of Christ. Bethlehem means house of bread. Within the government of the church there is a power struggle over territories and as a result of the strivings of man, many Christians have been blocked from receiving the true bread from heaven. "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from men; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in" (Matt 23:13 NAS). A mother recently approached me and told me of a dream her thirteen-year-old daughter had. Her daughter saw in her dream an assortment of banners with the names of different denominations on them. She was trying to get through them and once she did she reached a narrow road that led her to Jesus. She told her mother that she believes Jesus told her that He loves the church represented by the different banners, but in a lot of instances their dogma was keeping people from the way to Him.
We are living in turbulent times as the Second Coming of Christ approaches and we are in desperate need of His bread. Jesus' purposes are still being born through the humble (those who know they have nothing to give with out Him) and as a result of their humility choose to look for houses filled with His bread, but alas Bethlehem is small in size and the houses of bread in the church few and far between. As a result the children of God are crying out for bread and the Lord is hearing their cries, but they will not have to beg. "I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread" (Ps 37:25 NAS).
We've looked at the issue of the two plates and what the shifting is aimed at, now let's look at the waves that are produced by this shifting now that the Lord is zeroing in on waves again. As He explained to me before September 11th, each wave is designed to achieve another level of holiness into the yielding church and another one is coming.
The tsunami waves are the power released through either situations and/or spiritual battles that are aimed at getting us to abandon what we are eating from, those areas where we are drawing our strength from other than the Lord. In other words the objective is to get us to forgo our false gods and cling to Jesus. They are designed in such a manner that nothing can save us in their midst except the grace of God through our faith in Jesus. These waves can be aimed at an individual, a people group, a locality (in and out of the church), a region, a nation or the world.
As previously mentioned these are waves of holiness. Once these waves hit the Lord comes in conviction if we are discerning properly and are seeking His face through it. He then shows us what we have been looking to other than Him for comfort and strength. These waves are intended at getting us to put our trust in Him and not in ourselves and in our own striving. Opportunistic demons also ride these waves looking to drag us under by their tactics of despair and condemnation and they are to be expected, but on a brighter note also rolling in on these waves is some aspect of the glory of the Lord.
I had a dream initially when the Lord was speaking to me about these waves that I was in Hawaii. Hawaii's motto is this, "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness." This is about healing the land. Making the church right so the land can be healed as was referred to earlier.
I was surfing with a yellow surfboard. Yellow is a symbol of prayer for me. A huge wave came in and I had no time to panic and my mind wouldn't let me go there because it was a life-threatening situation. To describe the realism of being in this situation, I remember I had a similar feeling arise within my soul that I had during a rough last transition period of one of my children's birth. My mind wouldn't even let myself go to the place that said I couldn't do this because I was in a do or die situation.
I decided to go with the wave; I didn't stand on the surfboard, I just clung to it and I rode in the wave without an incident. The next thing I wanted to do was go back out and practice standing on my surfboard by catching a wave, but the sea was totally calm, not a ripple, like crystal. Clinging on to the Lord in prayer is evident in the dream, but looking for an event to stand through isn't so obvious to see. The Lord is the Gardener of our souls, He is the Sanctifier not us and we do not have to look for rough waters to ride on. When we are in a season of calm waters we must enjoy it to the maximum. So many Christians sabotage the seasons of blessing in their life because of some sort of religious guilt. Winter seasons are sure to come so let us enjoy the spring when we are in that sweet season. Jesus came to give us an abundant life, so let us live each day to the fullest.
I watched a documentary on television during this time that just happened to be on tsunami waves. I was surprised to see that many people lose their lives as a result of a tsunami for avoidable reasons. One reason, the documentary pointed out, is just before a tsunami hits many people run to the shore to take advantage of a peculiar event at the shoreline; the water actually rolls back some 30 feet. As a result, fish are out of water and people go down to the beach to collect them.
During another dream (I've had many) about a tsunami, the ocean floor was exposed and I was warning people who were on the beach to run, but they were busy picking up things off the beach. We have to know the Lord's timing, when to go down deeper for kingdom secrets, when to pour into people (picking up the flapping fish) and when to seek higher ground.
Another group, according to this television production, that suffer great casualties are mothers. They were in a high place in this program and they ran down to get their children. Researchers have found this to be the case on other occasions besides the situation documented during this television show. Men, they explained, followed the motive, "Every man for themselves," according to this special.
Holiness means to be separated unto the Lord and if we are attached to anything or anyone in an ungodly fashion it will be hit. We must let go of everything and everyone and for mothers letting go of our children (spiritual and biological) is the hardest. "If anyone comes to Me, anddoes not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:26 NAS).

April 20, 2001 prophetic word given out to a congregation: Carmela Cavanagh

"To all the parents in this room, imagine this, I am trying to lift your children's hands so that I can teach your children, guide them and anoint them, but you keep on holding their feet trying to pull them back down. Remember, their walk is not yours; they are mine! I cannot release the anointing upon their lives until you let them go.
To the children in this room, you have to obey and respect your parents; honor your father and mother. What I am asking them to do is not easy. I am breaking them apart so they can clean the slate for your generation. I am going to use you in a mighty way. I will anoint you; I will elevate your music. Your worship will transcend the earth. You will reach people beyond your imagination; you will reach the unreachable. The greatest prophets and evangelists whom will not take My credit will come from your generation.
To the singles in this group, if you are wondering why you are still single it is because I am a jealous God. I want to be intimate with you; I want you to embrace me no matter what your circumstances are. I want to have a relationship with you; I want to show you what eternal love is so if you come out of your singleness I will still be first in your lives. This is the way I am synchronizing all the generations and the unity of the generations to set forth My kingdom."
The waves and how we deal with them, as I believe was communicated to me through a series of dreams, is a process. In the first wave dream I saw a huge wave coming and all I had time to do was cling to a rock and that I did; I clung to a rock and held my breath. The next wave I rode it out as previously mentioned with my head above the water. So in life during the next one I should be able to stand on prayer and ride it out according to the progression, but it has always been Jesus' desire for us to walk on top of it.