OPENING: The meeting was called to order at about 4.25p.m. by the President, GoddyUwazurike who was also presiding. Nelson Nweke said the opening prayers.

Kolanuts were presented to us by our host and which were blessed, distributed and eaten in accordance with Aka Ikenga tradition.

In his introductory remarks, the President informed the house that the day’s meeting would be brief as we were expecting the Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi for our “Hot Seat” purposes.

At this juncture, minutes of previous meeting were read and the following observations were made namely:

  1. The president informed the House that contrary to the previous arrangement, Damian Obianigwe who was supposed to host the day’s meeting reached an agreement with AusbethAjagu to now host while the former shall host us in the month allocated to AusbethAjagu.
  1. Sylvan Ebigwei’s name was omitted from the list of attendees of the previous meeting.
  1. The names of Paul Nnaji and Chima George were omitted from list of names of members who sent their apologies; and
  1. Davis Obikili’s surname was observed to have been wrongly spelt and consequently corrected.

With the foregoing in view, Sylvan Ebigwei moved the minutes to be correct while Dan Onwu supported him.


(i)Election of Vice President Delta State

In view of the vacant position of the Vice President, Delta State, nomination for election into the office was called. AusbethAjagu nominated Lawrence Amadi and was supported by Sylvan Ebigwei. He was elected/returned unopposed.

(ii)The president reported to the House that the Electricity Companies in the South East have received their Letters of Approval and are now on course.

(iii)It was resolved that the hitherto Strategic Committee be now merged with Business and Ethics Committee and to be headed by the latter’s substantive Chairman.


The President stated that the immediate past Financial Secretary, Dona Anochie had filed in his Report but that the details shall be supplied later as requested by members.


The President was of the view that the Administrative Assistant’s Salary issue shall be discussed at the next Central Working Committee (CWC) Meeting and subsequently reported to the General House.


(i)Medical and Welfare

Its Chairman, George Okpagu reported that following his appointment on February 3, 2013, he inaugurated his Committee on March 10, 2013, which included the following members namely:

i.George Okpagu - Chairman



iv.Nnamdi Obi and


He also called for volunteer. The Chairman briefly articulated the Committee’s objectives which included:

To reposition Aka Ikenga Association health wise; and

To use about 30 minutes at every meeting to talk on crucial health issues such as typhoid, asthma and blood pressure.

The Chairman was of the view that there are simple tests we can conduct on the spot for the benefit of members which would not take much of our time e.g. blood, sugar and cholesterol.

Continuing he opined that since there is a Health Committee, any sick member should be reported to the Executive/General House to enable the Committee visit him and make recommendations to the General House and explore Health/medical options for his treatment both local by and internationally.

The Chairman also was of the view that the Committee could be sponsored to the villages to recommend some health standards. Further, he said that the House should be able to send anniversary Birthday cards to members as at when due.

Concluding, he stated that when the Committee’s programmes were approved they would be in a position to fix dates for programmes and post same to members through their e-mail addresses.

Appreciating him, the President eulogised and thanked the Chairman of the Committee and his members for a job well done.

In the same vein, Enugu State Vice President, Bede Enewally thanked the Committee and its Chairman for a job well done and enjoined members to get used to running medical tests in the iron interest. He also was of the view that jingles could be made in the wireless in our respective States to this effect for purposes of awareness.


Its Chairman, AusbethAjagu took to the stand and intimated the House that his Committee had been inaugurated and its member include – OkeyIlofulunwa – Secretary; George Eke, Davies Obikili and OkeyOnyemobi.

The Committee’s Programme/Agenda include:

To develop a Data Base of all Political Igbo extraction

A Government functionary of Igbo extraction shall be invited to every meeting for a talk.

That about 10 ministers of the South East shall be invited for a meeting to tell the House what they are doing.

That the Governors of the South Eastern States shall be invited to Aka Ikenga Hot Seat one after the other. The Governors shall be individually communicated to this effect.

At this juncture, the delivery was punctuated by the arrival of Mr. Peter Obi, Governor of Anambra State as the Political Committee Chairman, our host, withdrew to receive him in company of our President and some Members of the Executive. The meeting was under the watch of the Vice President, Enugu State, BedeEnewally at this point in time.

Shortly thereafter, the President resumed and took charge of the meeting and consequently informed the House that he had spoken with one or two Ministers from the South East toward being the Association’s Guest(s). He apologised for the cancellation of the scheduled Political Committee Meeting slated for February 3, 2013, over the alleged sack of Mrs. Rose Uzoma, Director-General of Nigeria Immigration Service. He further said that the reason for the cancellation was to secure her tenure till she statutorily retires in March 2013. Continuing, he said that he met with the said Director-General in company of the Political Committee Chairman, AusbethAjagu.


The President presented a Book by Ben Gbulie titled The Fall of Biafran, stating that the author would be our Guest during the April 2013 meeting.


Ochiagha Col. LenolGinikaezinduUfodikefrom Umudim - Nnewi was introduced to the Association as an intending member. He read at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is a Hotelier and Businessman.

Also introduced as an intending member of the Association is EmekaNnama from Amichi, Anukunanaw, Enugu State. He is a Biro Manufacturer.

The following persons came as observers namely; IchieMentOkwuego from Nimo, Jude Umenyili, Awkuzu, Anambra State and ChukwudiOkere, a Quantity Surveyor from Imo State.

Also introduced was Mrs ObyOffomata, who resides in London. She is concerned that we do not speak Igbo Language any more. There was a recent occasion on Igbo Language organized by Eze Igbo Lagos, Ohazulike for which she addressed. Speaking, she said that she and her group are working and/or developing a National Curriculum on Igbo Language and that Igbo Language would soon be part of the course programme in the Universities and institutions in the United Kingdom. That they celebrated International Language Day recently, the outcome of which was that, according to United Nations, if we do not take care Igbo Language would soon be extinct and urged that we should not allow that to happen. She urged for regular speaking of Igbo Language and urged for any financial assistance the Association can render to them in the circumstances.

Responding, the President expressed our happiness and hinted that we would write all the Private schools in Lagos State to include Igbo Language in their curriculum.


At about 5.44p.m, the Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi came in for the scheduled “Aka Ikenga Hot Seat.” In his company/entourage was former Information Minister, Prof. Dora Akunyili. Expectedly, National Anthem was sang by the Association and the visitors before commencement of proceedings.

In his introductory remarks, the President said that the Governor, our Guest today, is from Anambra State and our host AusbethAjagu is also a good son of Anambra State. That the Governor has ruled Anambra State for seven(7) years running.

At this juncture, our host, AusbethAjagu, accompanied by his wife, presented us with four(4) Kolanuts which represented the four market days in Igbo Land.

Pat Utomi was called upon to take one of the Kolanuts after blessing them. One was given to Prof. Dora Akunyili for her husband, Dr.Akunyili; one was given to Col. LenolGinikaezinduUfodikewho hails from the same part of Anambra State with Mrs Offomata.

Concluding his remarks, the President described Mr. Peter Obi as Governor of many parts both at the Federal Level and his native Anambra State.


The following questions were filed/fielded by some members as follows:

1.AgunzeChibIkokwu asked to know what is happening in All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and how she entered or joined the opposition party?

2.Charles OkechukwuNwankwo asked question on the Gas Basin of Anambra State, on the infrastructure thereof and what should be done to maximize the yawning opportunity?

3.OkeyOnyemobi more or less observed that there is improvement on road network in Anambra State and asked what is happening on Mkpologwu-Akpo-Umuchu Road and urged for equity.

4.Sylvan Ebigwei, in his turn urged that Igbo land should have enough railway line from Asaba to Onitsha and Enugu from River Niger and further asked if there is a provision for Railway line on the second Niger Bridge?

The Governor in response thanked the Association for the honour done to him by our invitation and that it was for the high regard he has for the Association that made it imperative for him to be with us at the moment, he having had to attend a ceremony at Ekiti State earlier in the day. All the journeys were done by road.

Responding to the foregoing questions he started with the last question thus:

  1. That there is inclusion of railway line on the Second Niger Bridge but could not confirm if it would be executed and when. He stated that the project is in the Exclusive List of the Constitution but opined that his focus and that of his government is to first see through to reality the construction Second Niger Bridge.
  1. With regard to the question fielded by OkeyOnyemobi, the Governor said there has been tremendous improvement on the road construction and concluded by saying that the former contractor had been disengaged.
  1. On the Anambra Gas Basin Project, the Governor said that he needs to be educated on the Project and urged that whoever has any project that could improve the status of the state, should not hesitate to call him 24 hours over same and that he would not hesitate to respond.

4.On All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the Governor answered that APGA is not yet part of the merger of APC and that if she is to be part of the arrangement, they must first discuss and agree on the terms and conditions and that thereafter same would be subjected to further discussion with the Igbo Elders. Continuing, he intoned that some people want APGA to be “Obi and Sons” and that that is not proper. He mentioned the fact that he had been suspended from the party at SOME point in its history. He urged that proper things be done. He sited for instance that APGA Constitution provides for Twenty-Four(24) Members of Board of Trustees but lamented that only two were on Board and that since the death of ChukwuemekaOdumegwuOjukwu, only one member is left. He stated that APGA belongs to all of us and that we should stop being spectators but actors therefor.

Continuing, he said that the quality of governance in the South-East is low. He stated that while Prof. Dora Akunyili, Tim Menakaya and himself are on the one side, Victor Umeh alone is on the other side.

Having answered the foregoing questions and as true to Aka Ikenga Hot Seat, some further questions and/or comments were fielded by members for the Governor’s answer and/or comments thus:

  1. Vice President, Enugu State, Bede Enewally, asked what should be done to make Onitsha environment clean?
  1. UcheAmajor, asked what is happening between the Governor and ChekwasOkorie?
  1. Dan Onwu, asked of the possibility of replicating “AkwaIbom Strategy” in Anambra State in particular and in the South Eastern States in general? The purport or essence of the “Strategy” is to attract people to the South East from Lagos State and thus be proud to say thus: “ I used to be in Lagos.”
  1. Damian Obianigwe, thanked the Governor on how he dealt with the kidnappers last year and asked if there were strategies to rid the South Eastern States of security problems and thus be attracting our people home during Easter holiday and other festivities?
  1. Mrs Offomata, asked question as to what should be done to include Igbo Language in the University of Cambridge Curriculum for the ages between 5-19 years?
  1. George Okpagu reminded the Governor of his promise to build a Teaching Hospital at Amanku, Awka, Anambra State after assumption of office. He was of the view that Amanku-Awka is very small for such a project and wondered if the Governor still intends to cite the Teaching Hospital there? He appreciated what the Governor had done at Onitsha General Hospital.
  1. DaviesObikili, suggested building Basic Health Care delivery in rural areas especially for farmers and pregnant women. He suggested Ambulance Services in Anambra State as is in Lagos State.
  1. ChidiOkpaluba, asks what should be done to our boys in Ladipo and Balogun Markets, Lagos State, who are virtually not doing anything other than running some minute or ignoble errands just to eke out a living? He urged for a programme that will redirect these young men to school instead of allowing them to rot away.

At this point, the President asked the Pressmen to take leave of the Hot Seat to give the Governor the comfort and security to answer the questions as he intended.

Responding to these questions, therefore, the Governor went thus:

-On Health issues – he said that it is the aim of Anambra State to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on health issues. That it is one of the highest components of MDGs. That when he took over, there was no single school of Nursing, Midwifery etc cetera that was accredited by the Federal Government. That Iyienu School of Nursing trained the oldest Nurse in Nigeria and yet was not accredited.

That there are ten(10) schools of Nursing and allied institutions in Anambra State and that today all of them have been fully accredited and that all these gulped well over N300million (Three Hundred Million Naira) to achieve and that there were no contribution made by the school owners (Catholic and Anglican Churches) toward this feat.

Responding to the Teaching Hospital issue, the Governor assured there were enough land for the project at Amanku-Awka and that the Government is still acquiring land for this purpose. He opined that what makes a hospital is not the expanse of land, but the quality of the services rendered and the infrastructure on ground.

The Governor was of the view that the Primary Healthcare in Anambra State is superb. That every Community in the State has a Health Centre and there is a General Hospital in every Local Government Area of the State. He lamented that there is a Doctor at the State House who collects salary every month but who he, the Governor had not seen for over 61/2 years of his governance in the state.

He said the problems of Primary Health Care in the State are the Doctors and allied personnel. That this was the reason for the recent industrial action by the Doctors in the State.

He said he prefers working or executing Projects through the Bishops and Clergies. That he is an advocate of returning schools to Missions and that he had done that and for which reason Nigerian Union of Teachers (Anambra State Chapter) went on an industrial action. He lamented that there is a rot in the school system. That there are 1,000 Primary Schools in Anambra State and about 730 thereof belongs to Missionaries. He said that within two years of the handover of the schools to Missionaries things have changed radically.

-Kidnapping – the Governor said that the reason kidnapping is thriving is because our system have become valueless. He stated that all kidnapping have insiders. He cited cases of wife kidnapping husband; brother kidnapping brother and things like that. He said, security problems (kidnapping) is a crises and said it is not easy to stop the menace automatically. That there is no strategy to checkmate it save to reorientate our people.