February 2014
Strategic Priorities / Outcomes to be achieved / How are we going to achieve this?Public sector reform and funding / ¡ The company is in a strong position to engage, withstand the challenges and maximise the opportunities the public sector reform may bring. (Exec)
¡ To be a strong partner in achieving public sector reform across Bury / AGMA. (Exec)
¡ Secure efficiencies through new ways of working.(Exec) / Deliver Changing Behaviours in Changing Times project.
Further embed integrated neighbourhood working (INM).
Investigate and expand opportunities for local service delivery.
Be an active part of the Bury Wider Leadership Team.
Effective partnership working / ¡ More shared successes around Council priorities. (Exec)
¡ Effective relationships with key stakeholders. (Exec)
¡ Improved Service Delivery to our Customers. (Exec)
/ Maximise our partnership opportunities to deliver improved outcomes for our customers.
Develop and cascade key stakeholder management plan.
Proactively working with the Council on key priorities.
Continuously improve core service delivery
Our Talented Team / ¡ Values understood and used by all - driving behaviours. (Exec)
¡ Having the right people in the right place at the right time, with the right skills and attitude to deliver excellent services to customers. (Exec)
¡ People being in the business (reduced sickness levels). (Exec)
¡ Six Town Housing operating as One Strong Team. (Exec)
¡ Staff feel valued. (Exec) / Deliver our Talented Team plan.
Embed the recommendations of the slice groups.
Address sickness levels.
Develop and Deliver a Staff Reward and Recognition Scheme.
Continue to embed the Values.
Customer relationship management / ¡ Our customers feel listened to and valued. (Ailsa)
¡ High Levels of Customer Satisfaction. (Maria, Wayne, Paul, Adam)
¡ Delivering what matters to our customers. (Maria, Wayne, Paul, Adam)
¡ Empowered customers (Ailsa) and more resilient communities.(Maria) / Develop Tenant Reward Scheme.
Roll out customer care training across the business.
Valuing and understanding our customers at every interaction point.
Capture customer information and views that will help inform service improvements.
Deliver Changing Behaviours in Changing Times project.
Customers actively involved in shaping services.
Maximise the use of technology to add value to the customer experience.
Efficiencies through systems / ¡ Most efficient and effective systems and processes in place.(Ailsa)
¡ Increase digital presence and transactions to increase customer choice and take up.(Ailsa)
¡ Value for Money being evidenced.
(Tracey) / To focus on delivering and increasing our digital presence and tailor communication in this way.
Go live with new IHMS.
Ensure all processes across the business are work-flowed and being reviewed regularly to identify efficiencies.
To support tenants to become more digitally enabled to increase digital take up.
Make sure effective procurement arrangements are in place.
Deliver Fighting Fit 2.
Income generation to support core services / ¡ Increase income from sources other than Management Fee.(Wayne)
¡ Surpluses generated are used for reinvestment. (Tracey)
¡ More properties in STH ownership. (Paul) / Develop a framework through which we identify and work up commercial offerings.
Increase STH’s property portfolio.
Grow Repairs Direct income.
Implement an effective costing system for Repairs Direct.
Review marketing plan and undertake skills audit.
Investigate the opportunities to manage new build properties for other housing providers.
Increasing the supply of affordable housing / ¡ More Affordable Homes delivered. (Paul) / Develop long term approach to property acquisitions in partnership with the Council, including financial resources, to assist in the delivery of their Housing Strategy.
Continue to raise awareness with the Council of the advantages and benefit of acquiring properties through their own housing company.
Ensure structured and resourced to be able to deliver an increased development programme.
Maximise grant funding opportunities.
Improving the Standard of our Homes and Neighbourhoods / ¡ Continuously improving standards of the homes we manage. (Paul)
¡ Increased number of neighbourhoods meet our green standard. (Maria)
¡ More homes are fuel efficient with the aim of reducing fuel poverty in our neighbourhoods. (Paul)
/ Work in partnership with the Council to assess the affordability of the Asset Management Strategy to make informed choices.
Integrated approach to investment decisions within STH.
Levering in additional resources where possible to replace out of date heating systems and educating tenants to be able to use to maximise effect and increase energy efficiency awareness.
Refresh and deliver Environmental and Sustainability Strategy
Continue to embed ‘Eyes Wide Open.’
Welfare reform / ¡ Sustained high levels of rent collection. (Adam)
¡ Successful Credit Union. (Adam)
¡ Tenants sustaining their tenancies (keeping their homes). (Maria)
¡ More young people living in our neighbourhoods supported by STH into employment and training opportunities.(Maria) / Deliver Welfare Reform Action Plan.
Maximise partnership opportunities to support tenants impacted by Welfare Reform.
Deliver Credit Union communication and business plan.
Deliver on our Steps to Success employment pledge.
Promote financial inclusion.