FREE Online Business Directory listing at

Business Name:
Town: / Post Code:
Main Contact Name: / Telephone Number:
Mobile Number: / Fax Number:
WEB Address: / E-mail:
Is your business on any of the following online social networks? (please ‘’ ) / Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter
Page Name: / Linked In: / Twitter
Address: @
No. of Employees (at this address): / Full Time: / Part-Time: / Seasonal / Sessional:
Date Business Started
(dd/mm/yyyy): / VAT registered now or in the next 12 months? / Yes / No
Ownership: / Limited Company / Sole Trader / Partnership / Franchise / Co-operative
If you are a subsidiary of a Limited
Company Please state company name:
Business Activities
e.g. Manufacturing(description only):
To help promote your business we hold your information on a database which forms the basis of an online Business Directory at database is also used to communicate information to businesses about the council and its partners’ services for business. The council may also use the database to generate one-off tailored lists for businesses, for example, in sourcing products/services or for marketing purposes. This will exclude personal/sensitive data; specifically: email addresses, social network details.
Please tick the appropriate boxes below to indicate your preferencesto us:
Include our details on the online Business Directory and database:
  1. We are happy to be contacted by the council and its partners, and to be included in business lists provided to third parties

  1. We do not wish to be contacted by the council and its partners

  1. Do not pass our details on to third parties (business lists)

Do not include our details on the online Business Directory

  1. But include our details on the database so the council and its partners can provide us with updates (services & support)

Signed: / Date:
Position in Company:

A downloadable version of this form is available to complete and email to us at: