Economic Development Committee Minutes
The North Ogden Economic Development Committee (EDC) met on November 15, 2011 at 5:34pm in the West Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 505 East 2600 North, North Ogden City, UT 84414. Notice of time, place and agenda of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the municipal office and posted to theUtah State Website on November 9, 2011.
Richard G. HarrisMayor(arrived at 6:39pm)
Edward O. Dickie IIICity Manager
Kent BaileyCouncil Member Elect
Wade BiglerCouncil Member
Rich BrewerBusiness leader/resident
Justin FawsonCouncil Member Elect
Keith FoulgerCommunity Member
Dave HulmeCouncil Member
Jenice JonesNorth Ogden business owner
Charles LindquistBusiness leader/resident
Shawn MaynardNorth Ogden business owner (arrived at 6:12pm)
Jan DeBlooisCommunity Member
Kerry WalkerNorth Ogden business owner
Cheryl StokerCouncil Member Elect
Dave CarlsonCity Attorney/Economic Development Director
Craig BarkerCommunity Development Director
Jennifer ThomasPlanning Technician
- Welcome:
Edward O. Dickie III welcomed those in attendance and opened the meeting at 5:34pm. Mr. Dickie thanked all those serving on the Committee.
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Charles Lindquistoffered the invocation and Rich Brewer led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of the October 4, 2011 EDC Meeting Minutes
Rich Brewer moved to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2011 EDC meeting. Jan DeBloois seconded.
Voting on the motion:
Keith FoulgerAye
Dave HulmeAye
Jenice JonesAye
Charles LindquistAye
Kerry WalkerAye
Jan DeBlooisAye
The motion passed.
- Discussion on City Events
Dave Nordquist introduced himself and gave a brief description of his department. He thanked the Economic Development Committee for allowing him to come. He said he wants to talk about some ideas he has with North Shore that might be inviting to the businesses. He introduced Lorrie Frazier, Special Events Coordinator/Office Manager, and said he would like to have her discuss City events.
Lorrie Frazier gave a brief history of her experience with the City and special events. She said in 2008 they decided to get the businesses involved and begin fundraising for Cherry Days. The Community Services Department staff thought if businesses had more ownership it would stimulate community involvement. Over the past four years they averaged $20,000 in donations. She stated they bring in between $15,000 to $20,000 in revenue for Cherry Days. Between the donations and the revenue they bring in about $40,000. She stated it takes about $60,000 to make a good Cherry Days event. She said their budget has become tighter over the years and now there is no money for Cherry Days. She said staffis approaching the Economic Development Committee to ask how they envision Cherry Days. What would they like it to look like? She said the $20,000 in fundraisers will pay for the events throughout the day, the parade, and the festival. She said that will not cover the fireworks or the concert. She said she doesn’t know if staff can raise that much money through the businesses this year. She mentioned how Sugarhouse approached their community and the community came forward to help with the costs of the fireworks. She said she asked if they are interested in approaching the community. She said this last year’s Cherry Dayswas fabulous. She said maybe that is something they will cut back in these tough economic times. She said City staff would like to know how the community wants Cherry Days to look.
Edward O. Dickie IIIsaid the City has not budgeted for the fireworks or the events. He mentioned a few years ago they were spending $60,000 now the budget is down to nothing. He said Lorrie Frazier has done such a great job with raising funds. He said the Community Service’s staff, think they can still have the event but they do not think they can do the fireworks with their budget. He said they are asking what the Committee thinks. If the City is going to try to have the fireworks the business community will need help. He mentioned that another option is the new City Council may decide to budget more money for the event.
Rich Brewerstated many people go to the Kiwanis breakfast, and asked if many stick around afterwards. Lorrie Frazier replied they do. Rich Brewer asked if there is still a baseball game. Lorrie Frazier said they stopped having the baseball game between the fire department and the police department for safety reasons. Staff has brought in other baseball games. She said that is a big part of Cherry Days as well as a golf tournament, Grand Marshall Dinner, rodeo, and the 5k race.
Jenice Jones stated people have told her they would enjoy the car show more if it was closer to the events. Lorrie Frazier said they changed it because of the construction of the park. She said the car owners prefer not to be near the events, because it prevents kids from running around touching the cars. The people who really want to see the car show are there.
Charles Lindquist asked if the other communities make money with their events. Lorrie Frazier said North Ogden City has raised between $15,000 and$20,000. She said the booklet costs$9,500 to publish it, but they brought in $8,700 in advertising. She said they get 15% back from the rides. She said all the money comes back from the train.
Lorrie Frazier said they use minimal staff and have substantially cut back the overtime. EdwardO. Dickie III added the $60,000 was to put the event together, but with the overtime the cost was closer to $80,000. He said it now costs the City about $10,000 to $15,000 with the reduction in overtime. He said the event was successful even though they have implemented some significant cut backs.
Charles Lindquist asked about working with Pleasant View. EdwardO. Dickie IIIsaid they approached them about having a joint fireworks show. He said at this time they stated they were not interested.
Rich Brewer said the fireworks are done at Weber High, so they are done in Pleasant View. Jenice Jones said a week later Pleasant View has Founder’s Day, so it would make sense to combine them. EdwardO. Dickie III said they will continue to work with them.
Council Member Bigler asked if there is a deadline because there is a new City Council and they may feel differently. EdwardO. Dickie III said the deadline to get the special deal for fireworks has passed. Lorrie Frazier said they get a certain discount for the number of months they pay in advance. She said she thinks the firework company will work with them because there are a number of cities who are canceling their firework shows.
Kerry Walker asked if Pleasant View does fireworks. Edward O. Dickie III said they do their fireworks a week or two prior. He said they may feel as though North Ogden is taking over.
Council Member Fawson asked where they raise the bulk of the $15,000 to $20,000. Lorrie Frazier said they make a lot in the advertising. She said they make about $6,000 on the 5k. She said they charge for the booths and the entries in the parade.
Jenice Jones commented that North Ogden has some of the least expensive booth rentals. Lorrie Frazier agreed and stated they recently raised the price. Council Member Elect Bailey asked the booth rental fee. Lorrie Frazier said it is $60 when they bring their own booth and $10 for electricity. She said it is $100 if staff has to put up a booth. She said two years ago it was $50 straight across. She said they spent too much employee time putting up the booths. She said when they added the additional $40 people were putting up their own booths. She said last year they put up eight booths out of 65 or 70.
Edward O.Dickie IIIsaid the private sector in Sugarhouse formed a committee and they were able to raise the money. He said he doesn’t know if thecommunity has those resources here but thinks that is part of what staff is asking tonight. He said when they go through the budget process with the new City Council it may be something that comes up again. He said that is a big part of their event.
Charles Lindquist said it seems to him that they should have businesses sponsor it. Lorrie Frazier said the problem with asking businesses to put money in for the fireworks is the City will then lose the $20,000 that the businesses donate for the day events. She said it may be a good idea to have community members involved. She said North Ogden only has a small number of businesses and they are struggling.
Council Member Bigler said if there is a committee that could go to businesses outside of North Ogden. He said his in-laws live in Kaysville and that is not a huge community, but during their fireworks they announce the businesses. He said there are tons of businesses that are not in Kaysville, but they are big businesses that people in Kaysville will frequent and they want the advertising. He said staff shouldn’t be limiting themselves to the businesses that are here. They can go beyond that.
Rich Brewer said they should figure out a place to have the fireworks in North Ogden.
Council Member Stoker suggested talking to some of the new City Council Members in Pleasant View to see if they would be open to joining efforts. She said she knows one personally that could do some head-butting. She said anytime you can get the citizens involved it goes a lot better. She said there are other resources.
Council Member Hulme asked if they charge admission for fireworks. Edward O.Dickie IIIsaid they thought of that and almost did this year, but he was turned down. Kerry Walker said the only way they can charge is if they have a show. The entertainment would entice people to pay the fee. Edward O. Dickie III said he is right. Council Member Hulme asked how many people attended the last show. Dave Nordquist said he guesses about 5,000 people attended.
Council Member Bigler said he mentioned a big park space here, because the school charges a lot of money to use their field.Dave Nordquist added that there are restrictions in the parks as well. Council Member Bigler said South Ogden does it at one of their parks. Council Member Elect Stoker said they used to have it at North Ogden Park. Kerry Walker said PerryCity had their 100 year celebration at a park and the fireworks lasted about 10 minutes.
Edward O.Dickie IIIsaid he would love to keep it here. He said there are some concernsand people who live adjacent to the park might have some concerns, but they do need to look into that. He said with the new City Council they need to try approaching Pleasant View again.
Council Member Elect Bailey said he can remember when the fireworks were in North Ogden Park. He said there were some issues because it isn’t really big enough. He said they may have another park they can use, such as Oaklawn. Council Member Bigler said he suggested that a while ago but the major issue would be the parking. Council MemberElect Bailey asked about the park by Green Acres. He said there would be parking at the Green Acres Elementary School.
Council Member Biglersaid it was about $3,000 to use the stadium. LorrieFrazier said it was $2,000 this year. Dave Nordquistsaid if they can find a place big enough he would entertain that idea. He said he just doesn’t know about the parking.
Charles Lindquist suggested using the Boyer lot. Ed Dickie said they will be talking about that lot later. Council Member Bigler said as far as the parking they ought to talk to some of the cities that have them in the park where there is some parking but not much. He said they may have a lot of parking in the neighborhood. Kerry Walker said the Brigham City firework show attracts a lot of people and they only have two parking lots, so people park along the curbs in the neighborhoods.
Council Member Bigler said most residents won’t be complaining because they have the spirit of the 4thof July. He said he grew up in a house like that; the cars were lined up along the curbs. Council Member Hulme asked if they could get permission to use the parking lots of the two nearby churches. Lorrie Frazier said they use some of the churches for the parade and the volley ball games.
Jenice Jonessuggested having a barbeque. Ed Dickie said Pleasant View has a salmon bake and other cities do similar activities and they make a lot of money.
Commissioner Hulmeasked if they could do something with the pool that day. He said they could combine the pool and the barbeque and sell tickets.
Dave Nordquist said they have been trying to come up with a token for North Ogden, like a cherry sundae. Edward O. Dickie III suggested a cherry pie. Jenice Jones said the Civic League did not have much success with cherry pies. Lorrie Frazier said without a budget they are afraid they will spend all the money on food and it will be wasted.Council Member Bigler said if they have the fireworks on their own property; items could be sold that night and it would really help subsidize the celebration. He said you would sell stuff.
Jenice Jones said the cities that sell booths ask for money months ahead. She suggested changing the prepayment deadline so they could collect money and know their budget ahead of time. Lorrie Frazier said they are pretty much maxed out on their booths. She said they initiated a late fee this last year and they did make some money with that.
Council Member-Elect Fawson said he sees Jenice Jone’s point about knowing the amount of funds available ahead of time. Edward O.Dickie III suggested selling a nice homemade cherry pie for $1. Council Member Bigler said the biggest sellers are the glow sticks. He said they can buy them online from the company for nearly nothing.
Council Member Hulme asked why Cherry Days is on the 4th of July, because they are competing with other fireworks and festivities.Council Member ElectStoker replied because it is traditionally held on the 4th of July. Lorrie Frazier added that it is tradition. Council Member Hulme stated he throws that out there because that might be why Pleasant View’s Founder’s Day is so successful. He added that if they pick a neutral day Pleasant View may be more likely to join them. Edward O.Dickie IIIasked if he is talking about the fireworks. Council Member Hulme said he is talking about the whole event. Edward O. Dickie III said they were somewhat open to the fireworks, but then changed their minds.
Dave Nordquist said they have spent a lot of time discussing options, but eventually City Council will need to give them direction. He saidright now there will be a parade, festival, but there will not be anything at night unless they can come up with between $20,000 and $30,000 for fireworks. He said they can figure out a way to get the community involved to have fireworks or they can go without fireworks next year and see what happens.
Council Member Elect Fawson said he doesn’t think they should cancel until they solicit donations or help from the community.
Jenice Jones said they should try to use the vacant lot on the corner of 2700 North. Council Member Hulme said they could sell tickets at the pool and charge more because you have a great view of the fireworks. Dave Carlson said they will talk about the Boyer property later, but it is likely that the property will not be available.
Dave Nordquist said he wants to talk about the Aquatic Center. He said he has operated the pool for five summers and he believes it has gotten better every year. He said people come here from all over Northern Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. He said their two goals are making sure it is safe and clean. If they do those two things the pool will take care of itself. He said the life guards are well trained. He pointed out that all these people are coming into the City and spending money at the surrounding businesses. He said they hire 70 young people and most of them are from North Ogden.
Council Member Bigler said he remembers all the negativity when it was being built but hasn’t heard anything negative for quite some time as a resident.