Hour ______Name ______

8th grade2nd 9 weeks

  1. Business cycle
  2. Generator
  3. Transcontinental Railroad
  4. Gilded Age
  5. Standard Time
  6. Urbanization
  7. Ellis Island
  8. Leisure
  9. Ragtime
  10. AngelIsland
  11. Ku Klux Klan
  12. Philanthropist
  13. Muckraker
  14. Corporation
  15. Trust
  1. secret group that wanted to keep former slaves powerless
  2. group of writers that began to expose corruption
  3. business owned by investors who buy part of the company through shares of stock
  4. pattern of good and bad times
  5. free time activities
  6. blend of African-American songs and European musical forms
  7. era during the 1800s of fabulous wealth
  8. railroad that spanned the entire continent
  9. first stop for most immigrants from Asia
  10. first stop for most immigrants from Europe
  11. growth of cities that resulted from industrialization
  12. system that divided the U.S. into 4 time zones
  13. a machine that produces an electrical current
  14. legal body created to hold stock in many companies
  15. people who give large amounts of money to charities
  1. How did the transcontinental railroad affect Native Americans?
  2. Railroads brought farming supplies to Native Americans who supported the Dawes Act
  3. Railroads allowed them to sell buffalo hides and meat to eastern markets
  4. Railroads carried hunters who killed buffalo, and miners who laid claim to Native American land
  1. Why did workers start the Railroad Strike of 1877?
  2. The B & O Railroad declared a wage cut of ten percent
  3. Workers were tired of working without a raise
  4. They believed that railroads were destroying natural resources
  1. Why did workers engage in the Pullman Strike?
  2. Andrew Carnegie cut wages for his steel workers
  3. The Pullman Company cut wages but not rent for company housing
  4. They started the strike to protest police brutality in Haymarket Square
  1. How did Andrew Carnegie gain control of the steel industry?
  2. He established a monopoly by forming a trust
  3. He gained control of the processes related to the manufacture of steel
  4. He gave money away, so more people bought his product
  1. What did the American Federation of Labor(AFL) accomplish?
  2. It won shorter hours and better pay for its workers
  3. It reversed the Homestead lock-out of Union members
  4. It established banks for Union members in 50 states
  1. What problems did people in tenements face?
  2. loud music form the ally
  3. overcrowding and poor sanitation
  4. violence from political machines
  1. How did Jane Addams improve urban life?
  2. she led a campaign to stop the construction of tenements
  3. she invented a plumbing system to provide clean water for tenements
  4. she established a settlement house
  1. What helped in the development of modern advertising?
  2. newspaper
  3. vaudeville
  4. World’s Fair
  1. How did Pulitzer and Hearst change newspapers?
  2. they added special features, such as sports and comics
  3. they replaced expensive paper with modern newsprint
  1. What new form of shopping became popular in the late 1800s?
  2. mail-order catalogs
  3. grocery stores
  4. ragtime malls
  1. How did political machines gain control of local government?
  2. they ran settlement houses in return for political support
  3. they helped immigrants find food and jobs in exchange for votes
  4. they influenced the votes of immigrants through threats of violence
  1. What did Jim Crow laws do?
  2. they stopped immigrants from voting for political machines
  3. they funded the social gospel movement
  4. they enforced the segregation of white and blacks in public places
  1. How did Booker T. Washington help African Americans gain economic strength?
  2. he founded a steel factory
  3. he founded Tuskegee Institute and hired talented teachers and scholars
  4. he began a newspaper that donated its proceeds to the NAACP
  1. Who led a newspaper campaign against lynching?
  2. Jane Addams
  3. Ida B. Wells
  4. Ellen Gates Starr
  1. How did W.E.B. DuBois help African Americans gain political rights?
  2. he founded Tuskegee Institute
  3. he led a newspaper campaign against lynching
  4. he founded the NAACP
  1. What happened to Chinese immigrants when they arrived at AngelIsland?
  2. they were welcomed by the railroad companies
  3. they were forced to take literacy tests
  4. they were often held in filthy buildings for several weeks
  1. What group did manufactures, advertisers, and sellers of consumer goods target most in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
  2. immigrants
  3. factory workers
  4. women
  1. What was the effect of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?
  2. African Americans were free from racism for the first time ever
  3. White-controlled governments let facilities for African Americans decay
  4. Facilities for African Americans and whites were funded equally
  1. This is a place where cultures blend.
  2. melting pot
  3. salad bowl
  4. slum
  1. What is the system of labor in which people are forced to work until they have repaid debts?
  2. slavery
  3. internships
  4. peonage
  1. What is the live entertainment called that featured a mixture of song, dance, and comedy?
  2. leisure
  3. vaudeville
  4. mass culture
  1. This is an apartment that is usually run-down and overcrowded.
  2. leisure
  3. tenement
  4. slum
  1. These were books that told of romance and adventure and sold for ten cents each.
  2. mail-order catalogs
  3. encyclopedias
  4. dime novels
  1. What did Theodore Roosevelt mean by “square deal”?
  2. he wanted each economic deal to have four steps
  3. he believed the economy would prosper if he cut taxes
  4. he wanted to ensure fairness for workers, consumers, and big business
  1. What act inspired by Upton Sinclair’s the Jungle did Roosevelt sign into law?
  2. meat inspection act
  3. pure food and drug act
  4. both A and C
  1. What is Lillian Wald inspired to do after she visited a sick student?
  2. she went back to college and became a nurse
  3. she founded the Henry Street Settlement
  4. she convinced Addams that nurses were needed at Hull House
  1. How were the U.S. senators chosen before the 17th Amendment took effect?
  2. by the state legislature
  3. by the state’s delegation in the House of Representatives
  1. Why is the 18th Amendment considered to be a progressive reform?
  2. it reduced the power of big business
  3. it banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol, trying to reduce poverty
  4. it gave women the vote in effort to expand democracy
  1. What third-party candidate split the Republican Party in 1912 and prevented President Taft from being reelected?
  2. Wilson
  3. Debs
  4. Roosevelt
  1. How did Roosevelt’s use of the Sherman Antitrust Act affect Standard Oil?
  2. Standard Oil grew bigger
  3. Standard Oil was placed into a new tax bracket
  4. Roosevelt broke up the Standard Oil trust
  1. Why did the prohibitionist Carry Nation smash saloons with a hatchet?
  2. she enjoyed scaring people
  3. she believed that alcohol led to violence, poverty, and unemployment
  4. she wanted to “wake men up”
  1. This gave women the right to vote.
  2. 16th Amendment
  3. 19th Amendment
  4. 21st Amendment
  1. Who ran for President as the Socialist Party candidate in the elections of 1908 and 1912?
  2. Theodore Roosevelt
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. Eugene V. Debs
  1. With her friend Ellen Starr, she founded the Hull House.
  2. Florence Kelly
  3. Carrie Chapman Catt
  4. Jane Addams
  1. Which was NOT supported by the presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson?
  2. civil rights
  3. trust-busting
  4. conservation