•There is a method to the madness when it comes to sponsoring business builders and being on purpose with talking about his business.

•Belief has a sound….it’s not so much in what you say, but how big your belief is with regards to Arbonne, this industry, and how you can help this person start making extra supplemental income or replacement income. So make sure you continue to work on your belief through reading personal growth and development books. But belief also comes from doing….you will learn as you go. Once I got good at inviting people to come check out this business, my belief grew and I learned how to become effective in what I was doing and I learned that I was serving them, as I shared info with them so that they could make an informed decision.

•So before I get into the system, I want you to shift your mind to KNOW that you could possibly be the answer to someone’s prayers by bringing this opportunity into their lives. Let them be the one to decide if this is a fit or not. Your job it to offer it and share the information!

•System for Sponsoring:

  1. Making the call

When you call your prospect, your goal is to schedule the appointment, not make the presentation (vomiting Arbonne all over them).

Be confident….like you are giving away winning lottery tickets.

3 Parts of the Call

  1. “The reason I’m calling” – Get straight to the point. This is business.
  2. “Why I thought of you” – Let them know why you want them in your business. If you can’t think of a reason, then you probably don’t want them in your business.
  3. “I don’t know if this business is a fit for you, but I would love for you to come take a peek and just learn a little more” – This takes the pressure off and honestly, you are the one to determine if it’s a fit or not for this person. Let them decide.

Get a date on the calendar, whether it’s an event or getting together for coffee - whichever comes first!

  1. Meeting with them

Go with an expectant attitude. “What you think about you bring about”

Keep in mind that if they say no, they aren’t rejecting YOU; they are rejecting the opportunity you just presented them.

Five Parts to the Presentation

  1. Ask questions
  • This is where you gather information.
  • Ask open-ended questions like, “So tell me what’s been going on with you? How’s work? How is Steve’s job? Tell me about your family!
  • She will tell me how to sponsor her!
  • This may not just take 2 minutes! This may take 10-15 minutes. Remember to let her talk twice as much as you.
  • Remember this phrase, “I like me best when I’m with you, when can I see you again?” – This is what you want people to feel when you are asking questions to get to know them better.
  • Be an information gatherer!
  1. Tell them why you think they would be great in Arbonne
  • “You have an attractive personality and have an incredible work eithic!”
  • “You have an amazing network for friends that are so supportive of you!”
  • “You are such a go-getter, and that’s the caliber of people we find in Arbonne!”
  • “You remind me of some very successful people in this business!”
  • Build belief in them!
  1. Sell them on YOU and on the support from your team
  • Tell a little bit about your story and maybe your upline’s story
  • Let them know that you are going to the top and that you want them to come with you
  • Let them know that “I will help you now and until you reach the success level your desire.”
  1. Your actual presentation
  • Weave in things she has told you. Does she want more time? Does she want more money? Is she scared of sales?
  • Share a little about Arbonne

34-year-old company, and has always prided itself on “pure, safe and beneficial” products

I love that the products have results which is great because that means these products sell themselves. We have such a great system that shows us how to share these products and the info about them and it is compelling to most people

  • Share about Network Marketing

It’s just a form of distribution. Two forms or distribution – Retail vs Network Marketing. Explain the middle man and how they are cut out.

Both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki recommend networking marketing as a viable option for ordinary people to become millionaires. In fact, Donald Trump recently said, if he were to go back and remake his millions, he would grab ahold of a good network marketing company and go to work.

Can do it alongside whatever you are currently doing. It’s like a par-time job that you can build into a multi-million dollar business while your work your current JOB.

Explain leveraging your time. I love the example that if you were to clean your house by yourself, you would dread it. But imagine that 3 of your friends agreed to clean it with you! You get the efforts of 4 people.

It’s like a mini franchise with a proven system

Read your audience and make sure to include tidbits that might appeal to them (like the trips, the recognition, the part time hours, a story of someone they remind you of).

This should take about 15-20 mins

  1. Close
  • Ask them if they have any questions and I say, “If you have questions, I bet I had the same ones, so fire away so at least you have all the info”.
  • After you have asked their questions ask them, “On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being you never want to hear about Arbonne again to 10 being I’m definitely interested, what’s next, where do you see yourself.”
  • If 0-4: Ask to host and get them started on products. Also ask if you can continue to keep in touch and if they would like to be invited to a Discover Arbonne sometime.
  • If 5-9: Ask to host. “Why don’t we book a couple of presentations so you can see what they’re like and we’ll go from there?” Also ask if they would like to get on a call with your upline to have more questions answered.
  • If 10: Ask them, “So, based on our conversation, do you know 3 or 4 people that would do this with you? Let’s make sure we either get those people to your launch parties, or we can talk to them about your new business. If they jump in, too, I can train both of you at the same time!
  • Book their launches immediately and set up a time to do a Getting Started Training ASAP!
  1. Getting them going

The next steps are to get them going and what I do then is to explain to them:

  • Why we get people to District Manager
  • How we get people to District Manager
  • Jumping into activity
  • Getting their tools

Remember, this is a business so treat it like one and be on purpose when you are helping someone launch their new business. They are relying on you to teach and train them to be the best copycat they can be so are you doing what you want them to duplicate!

Duplication is the name of the game in promoting to the next level in your business! And this is where you can truly see your paycheck climb and truly experience leveraging your time. And all that aside, I will tell you, this is where I get my fuel…because I love to serve someone else in their dreams of changing their life for the better. It is so much more fun when you have a team of positive, hard working, fun individuals on your team. The only way to get that team is to offer the gift to everyone!