BUSI3213 FA13 Final Project

The final project will be a group project. A group will be assigned to anybody who is not in a group at that date. The final assignment will utilize material learned throughout the course, so it is recommended that you get an early start on forming your groups, and meeting weekly for this purpose.

The objective of the final project is to provide students with the opportunity to design an information system, which is intended to address a real-world problem. This will involve finding an organization in the community that is willing to allow your team access to participate in interviews and other fact finding techniques, in order to inform the design of an information system that can be particularly applied to address that problem. The system chosen should not be too big or too small; the emphasis on marking will be on the accuracy of the fact finding and the thoroughness of the end product, NOT the size of the system.

The main deliverable for the project will be in the form of a “systems proposal” The nature of the deliverable should be adjusted accordingly, and as relevant to the project.

If you are continuing on to Advanced Systems Analysis and Design (typically IS Major and CompSci students) this SHOULD be the early work performed to support a system that you will actually be developing and implementing.

Some suggestions for suitable projects are:

  • A point-of-sales (POS) system
  • Inventory System
  • Payroll System
  • Customer Relations Management System
  • Job Tracking System


Deliverable / Description / Example / Mark
System Vision Document / Figure 1-5 / 5%
Organization Chart / Describe the organization, how it is organized by function. To protect the identity of people, refer to them by anonymous names / Figure 2-7 / 5%
List of Requirements / List of requirements of the system. You should identify the requirement, a description, and the type of requirement (according to the FURBS+ classification). / Na / 5%
Network Diagram (Technology Architecture) / Physical representation of the new system / Figure 6-1 / 5%
Interview Protocols / Describe (at least one) of the methods that you have used to gather data via interviews. Submit this along with your results. Also summarize changes that you will make on the interview questions based on what you have learned / Figure 2-10 / 5%
CRUD table / List all entities, CRUDS, and use cases that access each entitiy / Figure 3-8 / 5%
Use Case List (with description AND actors) / List all use cases, and a brief description of each. / Figure 3-10, 3-11 / 5%
Use Case Diagrams (By subsystem) / Should be for each subsystem. / Figure 3-13 / 5%
Use Case Diagrams (by user) / Should be for each actor involved / Figure 3-14 / 5%
Class Diagram / Submit one complete class diagram for the project. / Figure 4-21 / 7%
Entity List / List each entity used in the class diagram. Include a brief description / Na / 5%
Attribute List / List each attribute used in the class diagram. Sort each attribute by its parent class. Include a brief description / Na / 5%
Use Case Descriptions / Describe each of the use case included in your project / Figure 5-3 / 8%
Activity Diagram / Activity diagram for each use case. / Figure 5-4 / 8%
Any other documentation as needed? / Other documentation may be needed, depending on the type of project or type of system. / 5%
Challenges / One page discussion on the potential challenges existing that would impact the success of this system. / 5%
Work Breakdown Structure / How will this system be implemented? Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS), including all tasks needed to implement the system, the order in which the steps will be taken, etc. (make the unrealistic assumption that this work will be completed over 1 iteration). You can make this in Microsoft Project, or other similar software suites. / Figure 9-17 / 5%
First Presentation / Progress report. Describe work completed, and work to be completed. Solicit audience for questions. (10 mins) / 2%
Final Presentation / As above, but the project should be completed at this point. The purpose of this presentation should be to complete final refinements to the project. (20 mins) / 10%