28 October 2014
Welcome to all parents with a child enrolled at Burwood Public School in 2014. This welcome also extends to grandparents, relatives and carers who are actively involved in the daily life of a child at the school.
As with most public schools, there is a 'Parents and Citizens’ (P&C) Association' at this school. The Burwood Public School P&C Association is an active and integral part of the school community. All parents are invited and encouraged to become involved and to support the P&C Association, which in turn supports the school and therefore your child.
The Burwood Public School P&C Association promotes the interests of the school and goodwill within the school community. It runs the school Canteen and the Uniform Shop. (Note that the school uniform is only available through the Uniform Shop). The P&C Association also runs several fundraising and social activities, including the Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls, Treat Days, School Festivals, Discos, Morning Teas, Raffles, etc. The fundraising is to provide additional educational and other resources that may not otherwise be forthcoming through normal government funding. Examples of things achieved through P&C fundraising efforts over the years include interactive whiteboards; classroom and school library books and literacy resources; mobile computer lab hire; music program and band (instruments, additional teaching hours); air conditioning; fencing of the sports court, etc.
Current fundraising activity is focussed on providing funds for additional technology resources in the classrooms.
The P&C Association also addresses and communicates issues of concern and assists in establishing school policies and practices.
The P&C Association meets on the third Tuesday of each month during term, currently at 9am in the School Staff Room. Usually there is a guest speaker or presentation on a topic of interest and relevance.
All parents are welcome to attend. A member of the executive staff (eg. Principal or Deputy Principal) attends and reports to each meeting.
Minutes of P&C Association meetings and other notices are posted on the P&C Association noticeboard in the office foyer (near the photocopier). Also there are membership forms posted on this noticeboard. Membership is just $2. This helps to cover volunteer insurance.
P&C News is also included in the fortnightly school newsletters sent electronically.
The next P&C Association monthly meeting is on TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER at 9am in the School Library. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
The canteen is open every weekday morning for lunch and to the end of recess. Please place lunch orders before the morning assembly at 8.55am.
Volunteers are encouraged to assist the canteen staff on weekday mornings. Please speak to the Canteen Manager, Arathi Elamurugan, at the canteen if you are able to help, even for just an hour once a week. Your contribution as a volunteer in this activity will be greatly appreciated.
The Uniform Shop is normally open on Tuesday afternoons
(2.30-3.15pm) and Thursday mornings (8.45-9.30am).
Uniform orders can also be placed in the RED TIN in the office foyer.
If you would like to assist as a volunteer in the Uniform Shop, please speak to the shop's Manager, Anne Ho.
* Become a P&C Association member
* Help as a volunteer in the Canteen or Uniform Shop
* Help as a volunteer with fundraising activities –Treat Days,
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls, Burwood Public School Festival, etc.
* Help as a support person in your child’s classroom for specific
lessons, or in ways suggested by your child’s teacher
* Help with covering of library books
* Help with your area/s of expertise, eg, translating, computing…
* Help with your networks – links to business, media, government…
If you have any queries, comments, concerns or suggestions related to the P&C Association please do not hesitate to contact as below:
Janelle Heron Mark Burfield
President Secretary
ph. 0413 590 435 ph. 0425 236 617
email: email: