March 12, 2013
Supervisor Jones called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 in the Burton Township Hall, Spring Grove, IL.
Roll call present: Supervisor Jones, Clerk Shetsky, Road Commissioner Sutton, Trustees:George Keim, Eileen Miller and Assessor Eugene Mowinski.
Trustee: Angeline Jones felt Ill and had to leave.
Absent: Dennis Riechert
Guests: Silo Ruscheinski
Supervisor Jonesled those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on February 12, 2013 were read. Trustee: Eileen Millermade a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Trustee: George Keim. The accounts payable were presented for payment for the various funds, they were audited, initialed and ordered paid.
Accounts Payable
Township Supervisor:
Assessor Eugene Mowinski$1889.77
Road Comm. Dan Sutton$1,245.84
Supervisor Jones $902.42
Clerk April Shetsky$386.75
Trustee Angeline Jones$78.61
Trustee Dennis Riechert$78.61
Trustee Eileen Miller$78.61
Trustee George Keim$78.61
Verizon (Town Cell Phones)$150.75
ComEd$ 41.86
Dam, Snell & Taveirne$650.00
Mediacom (town phone & internet) $82.57
Village of Spring Grove (Rec. Dept) $2000.00
McHenry Cty. His. Soc. (Donation) $250.00
Aspect Design Inc. (Concept Plan) $200.00
Sam Jones (reimbursement) $176.55
Road & Bridge:
Dave Zimmer (Rent/Utilities)$900.00
ComEd (Street lights)$460.91
Com Ed (Shop) $37.40
NICOR $71.33
Waste Management$84.92
Menards (Shop) $38.18
LTS Truck Crane RP. (Alternator) $6132.60
Adams Enterprise (Bolts) $109.55
Avalon (Fuel) $1,753.34
T.H.C.I. (Dues) $35.00
North American Salt (Road Salt) $3025.83
Dan Sutton (reimbursement) $126.74
Steve Shetsky (net)$805.00
Bryan Miller (net)$1199.00
Bob Hildebrant $1010.00
Supervisors Report:
- The Exception of the cemeteries is in process, our application was received.
- The Historical Society has offered us free admission to their open house.
- Sam received an email from Preston, who is in charge of township supervisors, asking that if we see severe flood damage to homes, can we take pictures and report it.
Road Commissioners Report:
- There was a need for another order of salt.
- Repairs are scheduled for the following roads: Engels, Berry, Edgewater, Nippersink, half of Windsor and the other half of Villa Vista.
- All truck repairs are made as needed, and running good.
Assessors Report:
- Eugene responded toat approximately 12 Home Assessments Inquires.
- Permits issued: 1 replacement windows, 1 oversized accessory building (approx. 3744 sq. ft.), both in Spring Grove.
- Home Sales: 4 Arms length, 3 Bank REO sale, 2 short sales, and 1 Auction Sale.
Clerks Report:
No report at this time.
Trustees Report:
- Trustee George Keim mentioned that our website needs to be updated. April will see that is updated.
- Trustee George Keim is referring a resident, Lloyd Simonson to replace his position as a trustee.
New Business:
- Supervisor Jones presented Plaques to the 2 retiring Trustees: Angeline Jones and George Keim. We invitedSupervisor Silo Ruscheinskiso we could present one to him for his years of service.
- Supervisor Jones also mentioned that the audit was current and will be moving forward, he thanked Trustee George Keim for his part in this.
Old Business:
No report at this time.
Adjournment of Regular Meeting:
A motion wasmade by Trustee: Eileen Miller to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. it was seconded by Trustee: George Keim, voice vote all ayes, motion carried.
April Shetsky
BurtonTownship Clerk