Burscough Parish Council Minutes


Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 10th September 2014 at the Grove.

Present: CllrsKennedy, Taylor, Crolla, Ashton, Warrilow, Bell, Bullen.

In attendance: Tess Reddington, Clerk

  1. Apologies were received from Cllr Sutherland (work commitment) and Cllr Mackrell (work commitment)
  2. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interests There were no disclosures of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest.
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting It was resolved that minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 9th July 2014 be approved as a true record.
  4. Residents’ Points of Interest: A resident representing RBL spoke of concern regarding the future of the ringtail memorial.
  5. Police Matters PC Skillanderpresented the Police report on crime figures for August. He advised that there would be a new format for reporting. The Parish Council was directed to the Police Facebook page for more details or to get in touch with PC Skillander direct.
  6. Clerks ReportThe Clerk’s report was tabled.
  7. Finance:
  8. The bank reconciliation for the period to 31st August 2014was approved as an accurate record.
  9. The variance report to 30th September (half year) was noted.
  10. The report of the Finance Working Group was noted.
  11. It was resolved that payments made in August as per report of Finance Working Group be ratified.
  12. The following items, with the exception of £530.87 to WLBC (election expenses) were approved for payment:

Employee 2 / Salary / SO / 275.80
NRE Surveyors / Office Rent / SO / 260.00
LPS / Pension / DD / 334.07
Ray Wilkins / Contract retained hours / SO / 123.20
NRE Surveyors / Phone / 48.86
CPRE / Membership / 36.00
Desk Top / Admin / 103.03
Zurich / Insurance / 886.65
Daniel Cullington1865 / Footpaths / 194.78
Daniel Cullington 1869 / Flower Beds / 100.00
Domino Partnerships Ltd / Room Hire 14/06 / 40.00
Ray Wilkins 255 / bus shelters and mere ave / 552.53
SLCC 114975 / Clerks Manual / 35.50
Lancashire Police / 7500004088 PCSO / 11000.00
G Felton / Newsletter & web site / 18.29
I Melling / Plants & Compost / 31.10
Waring Collins 13083 / Newsletter / 625.20
Employee 5 / Salary / 1,187.18
Employee 5 / Re-imbursements / 73.16
HMRC / Tax & NIC / 382.86
  1. It was agreed to approve an additional item for payment as follows:

Hodgson Tool Hire hire of flail mower x 2 £192

  1. Planning:
  2. The minutes of the Planning and Footpaths Committee held on the 3rd September July 2014 were noted.
  3. Community Infrastructure Levy: It was resolved (for: Cllrs Kennedy Taylor, Crolla, Ashton, Warrilow, Bullen; against: Cllr Bell) to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Footpaths Committee, that “no objection be made to exceptional circumstances being allowed, where they are specific and not open to negotiation, and particularly that they not based on the ability of the developer to pay.
  4. Grove Farm: It was agreed that the developers of Grove Farm should be invited to a meeting of the Planning Committee where the matter could be given adequate time.
  5. Planning Applications referred from Planning and Footpaths Committee, were considered as follows:
  6. 2014/0758/ful: no objections
  7. 2014/078/ful: it was resolved (for: 5; against: 2) that no objection be made.
  8. Appeal, Four Paddocks: It was resolved that the Parish Council express objection to the planning application and that a statement expressing opposition, be provided to Cllr Warrilow to read out at the hearing.
  9. Junction Lane Conservation Area: No comment was made regarding the review of Junction Lane Conservation Area.
  10. Yew Tree Farm: It was resolved that the Parish Council
  11. Re-iterate concerns that there is not sufficient information on transport and drainage to form a view
  12. request details from the Highway Authority regarding any reports on which they have based their advice to WLBC regarding ability of the highways infrastructure to cope with additional traffic resulting from cumulative effects of developments outlined in the local plan,
  13. Request details of traffic flow analysis data and conclusions, and advice given to WLBC on which their judgement was made.
  14. Play Equipment Review: It was resolved that the matter be delegated to the Clerk and Street Scene and Amenity Working Group and that a site meeting be held at 11 am followed by a meeting of the working group.
  15. Signage: It was confirmed that the timeframe for spending the WLBC capital grant was two years (I.e. to end March 2015)
  16. Christmas Shop Window Competition: It was resolved that under Section 137 (Local Government Act, 1972) the Parish Councilprovide a prize for the winning shop window of £100 and refreshments for judges of up to £60.
  17. Footpath Leaflets:The Clerk was asked to contact local footpath groups, and to research use of the interactive footpath map provided by LCC for the website and for the leaflets.
  18. Outside CommitteesThere were no reports from Members on outside committees.
  19. Neighbourhood Planning to consider The report of the Neighbourhood Planning Management Group was accepted.
  20. Brick Pits:The Clerk provided an update regarding the Brick Pits site at Mill Dam Lane.
  21. Section 106 monies – It was noted that there were £15,463 Section 106 monies that could be used for leisure provision in Burscough.
  22. Burscough Allotments – It was resolved that the Parish Council apply to WLBC to register Burscough Allotments as an asset of community value.
  23. Ringtail Memorial The Clerks report was noted.It was resolved that under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Parish Council provide a grant of £500 to Lathom and Burscough Royal British Legion for Remembrance Day Commemorations .
  24. Production Of Newsletter: Cllr Ashton provided a verbal report regarding production of the newsletter.
  25. Correspondence: The following correspondence was noted:
  26. Verterans in Communities: raising awareness and request for support
  27. CPRE: Countryside Voice
  28. Resound Choir: Thank you card
  29. C/Cllr Dereli: Lancashire Fairness Commission
  30. LSTF Visit Project: removal of bicycle stands
  31. Lathom Parish Council: Invitation to Civic Service
  32. Burscough Heritage Group: Thank you letter
  1. Confidential Matters: It was resolved that the following two items be regarded as confidential.
  2. Christmas Lights: It was resolved that the contract for provision of Christmas lights for next three years be awarded to P and R Electrical of Skelmersdale, in line with Clerks report provided.
  3. Pension Provision: It was resolved that due to the increase in employer contribution from 12.5% to 21.5% Burscough Parish Council withdraw from the Lancashire Pension Scheme forthwith and request all funds deposited returned. It was further resolved that all Parish Council funds recovered be held pending agreement on new pension provider, and that the Parish Council continue to contribute 12.5% to staff pensions, and that the Parish Council engage a financial consultant to advise on best scheme to join.
  4. Next Meetings:The date of next meeting of the Parish Council Meeting is 8th October 2014.

Signed as a true record by………………………………………….. Chairman of the Parish Council, Date ……………………………………